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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. Ok now it is good as it should be thank you for testing again
  2. @iGPU thank you for testing have you unlocked FPS in project settings? it seems capped at 24 FPS you have to put a value different from default project FPS value like 200 FPS instead default ( it is 24 by default) You can also test with 6 Trn nodes and with 66 noise node as you did before
  3. the interesting thing is that we also have the same problem in the windows virtual machine. While in the same audio always works without any problem, usb recognition has the same problems as the OSX version that's why I had asked you colleagues (of chipset) to map all the USB ports by inserting into the same usb2 and 3 peripherals accordingly, to figure out together how to deal with the problem with the ProxMox support guys 🙂
  4. those controllers are 3.1 and maybe 3.2 the right ones Catalina sees one of them as USB2 if you insert on them also USB3 devices In high Sierra all ports are seen as USB2 (internal, external, back and so on) I think it is driver related and also a proxmox cfg file used for compatibility with old ports type
  5. si disco fisico reale.. io l'ho messo su uno da 2.5'' di un portatile in esata
  6. faceva pure a me..io ne ho dato uno reale formattato dal disk utility e me lo ha preso poi pero' non boot dopo la prima fase
  7. fabiosun

    WWDC 2020

    no no lo so pure io..ai soldi... 😛
  8. @Driftwoodif I have understood well you have discovered now a things I have said some time ago to confirm: Your external cabinet USB, where are they connected? to these connector as picture below? thank you
  9. fabiosun

    WWDC 2020

    e la presentazione virtuale del buon Craig acchiappa solo i polli più' affezionati... cmq..detto questo..a me va bene ancora High Sierra 🙂
  10. fabiosun

    WWDC 2020

    a me più' del nome interessano i miglioramenti ed ammodernamenti...qui si diventa sempre più' simili ad un telefonino aggiungendo caratteristiche al sistema sempre presenti da sempre utilizzando app di terze parti brutto dirlo..ma apple non innova piu' da secoli...
  11. ciao @Ombradevi scaricare le tue acpi con clover o opencore a seconda del bootloader che usi in clover premi F4 e aspetti un po' durante la scelta nel boot menu (sempre se questa procedura e' utile pure per z97) Se utili dopo che avvii troverai in ACPI la cartella origin con il file ssdt che ti serve da modificare
  12. chissà perche' lo sta scaricando il mondo hackintosh (io già fatto) quando sappiamo che al momento non va.... 🙂
  13. fabiosun

    WWDC 2020

    a me no..e comunque per me apple ha perso appeal da diversi anni..poi come "sfizio" ci può stare..ma ne posso fare a meno se chiudono il reparto "hack" 🙂 io non ci credo..ma vedremo tra 4/5 anni i risultati di questa politica che tende ad iOS....
  14. @Driftwoodif you not pass 46:00 in my case or 48:00 in your you can pass audio as device in proxmox web interface but, if you have problem this way does not solve it about audio pulse audio is a different thing and surely is not supported by our loved OS X system
  15. fabiosun

    WWDC 2020

    macOS Big Sur on the air 🙂
  16. you will be surprised.. if you do want a "definitive" job in this task..try to put on each usb an usb pen 3 and an usb 2 pen..and see how system detects it (if)
  17. @iGPUthey have an Asrock but your thoughts are fine also for them
  18. 48:00 usb controller in my case is named 46:00 , it manages rear usb and internal usb connector used usually for front cabinet usb panel (2 internal usb 3.x connectors and maybe also the 3.2 one), not sure about 2 internal usb2 connectors also it enables a part of our tricky audio. it seems correct that could also be linked to WiFi problem present for audio drop or bad behaviour i have no WiFi/bt card/device so my zero problem in 10.15.5 is explained high Sierra and maybe latest Catalina could have additional problems with too old usb drivers (high Sierra) or too new (10.15.6 beta x)
  19. @iGPU in archLinux you have no problem with audio you mean with also an OS X vm loaded with it? It could be interesting if in an intel vm with OS X is present the same problem i see many people suffering audio problem also in vanilla amd forum Someone solve it forcing all pcie slot to 3.0..
  20. Yes agreed it is a VM USB / OSX USB driver Beta 10.15.6 introduce newly a little problem with audio as I have had with 10.15.4 release 10.15.5 was perfect for both (internal Realtek audio or external USB pen) In a proxmox windows VM audio is perfect..for this I am confident it is OSX related problem
  21. @iGPUfor me audio problem was solved by Catalina ..I have not used it intensively in it because I have no acceleration with GFX in it (no web driver) if you are in Mojave OSX maybe you can solve with 10.15.5.. Someone solves with an USB hub independent of tsc variation of pc chipset..but it could be a serious problem I use davinci in High Sierra with HDEF audio, and there no problem at all USB audio is a problem for now
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