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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. Hi these as real data from a NVME disk passed completely. Probably you are using for now a vm file..if I remember well your config So cache do those weird results Lags are there because you have an unsupported gpu (if you have had a 1080 ti or similar you will have a normal OSX interface) Remember AMD hack (this method or patched method )has some less performance in some case respect windows in GPU part.
  2. added here: Thank you @Imanol for detailed description ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. thank you @Imanol with your permission I will add in OP with proper credits in a section dedicated to Navi 5700XT
  4. if possible describe what you did to have it working so it can be helpful for others ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you
  5. @jasin755 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet" check the guide iommu stuff and so on ๐Ÿ˜‰ check also /boot/grub/grub.cfg also is very nice your trx40 starts without mce=off... maybe aa different proxmoxVe version? (newer I mean) if identical to previous modify it and run pve refresh command as you can find in the main guide
  6. your gpu passthrough is not correct you have to pass only first one checking all four flag you have in advanced mode second one is hdmi feature and it is passed with first address 4a:00.0 you see proxmox logo on your AMD pc? if so passthrough is working and (after you do this change in vm conf file) if hangs there you can try to press f2 before it hangs and force to boot from correct disk then.. Post your blacklist.conf, vfio.conf, modules file in txt format (if you want) ๐Ÿ™‚ ah by the way to solve host doesn't support bla bla bla message remove if you have +pcid on your boot args
  7. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  8. I use in this way after I have passthrough my GPU I start my vm on my AMD Threadripper in linux environment after login qm start 100 in my case and my Opencore/OSX starts have you seen video on macos86 you tube channel? I do not know what happens when you pass your unsupported GPU in OSX but if it passes maybe you can do the same without acceleration (obviously)
  9. Hi @jasin755 For Proxmox VM cores and thread are the same in my case I put 64 and system starts fine You could also add sockets in VM creation till a max of 4 in my case 4 sockets, 16 cores mean 64 in total I prefer 1 socket solution If you can test also with 48 (as your cpu is) and less memory and see Maybe your rigs allocates more memory or cores for proxmox (weird but possible) also please put your exact vm.conf file in text mode here I would like to see
  10. hi @jasin755 so situation is a little better than you have pm me. now we have a system booting in clover boot menu then it hangs in ++++++++ stage If you are 100% sure you patched your OVMF like nick's site teaches to us the only thing to try is: during clover boot menu press spacebar then select disable Nvidia (nv_disable=1) and see if something different happens
  11. it seems you have no patched OVMF deb file also you have to protect it for future upgrade of it
  12. Welcome here ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. Others little optimisation for my rig Proxmox disk connected to USB 3.2 (2x2 typeC)
  14. welcome here ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. @Renato however: then type: edit config.plist and configure as you want it is not necessary for the goal of this guide..but here you can see "How to" ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. Hi Renato have you ever booted on your rig with Proxmox? If so you have to modify it as usual method with a plisteditor or a tool to do it easily. Modify it in this way update in real time your uploaded ISO in proxmox To start it is enough to use VM Assistant clover iso. So your task should be to boot with default iso you achieve with VM Assistant app Then modify it inside OSX environment as usual If you never booted in OSX and you reach Clover boot menu, you can open shell window from it and try to modify your config.plist by hand. First of all understanding where it is located (maybe fs0:) My fsX drive address is probably different of your and I advice to install simply and then add stuff you need (shell config modifying is more complex and It is not a scope of this guide)
  17. I think in this Covid 19 time many people have to be in their home to respect some restrictions all we have to hope in a happy end In my case I have spent my time to this task..The 3970x AMD guide. I have started using my NVME Sabrent disk as container of all VMs (VN files) and also for Proxmox installation. Yesterday I have decided to do it better Using a different disk for Proxmox and basic iso upload and passing completely to Vm my Nvme Sabrent to have a "vanilla" OSX High Sierra on it So, I have formatted it and read again my guide to proceed in this task. I have discovered many things , ie many parts of this guide could be skipped but I have decided to leave in place because maybe in different situations it could be useful to approach it in this way. I noticed that I can boot easily without blocking and blacklisting many stuff..but it is advised in many "regular" guide to follow previous guideline so do as you think is better for your system.๐Ÿ˜‚ So now I have a 840 pro ssd disk (256 Gb) for proxmox and clover/opencore iso Sabrent NVme 1 Tb drive for a vanilla OSX installation. why? I do not believe this system could work better in a near future of this, if Apple does not insert in its kernel a proper AMD support..but if they will do I will have OSX as a real Mac has and I will update it to the next generation AMD OSX macOS ๐Ÿ™‚ now some datas: 02:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller: Phison Electronics Corporation E12 NVMe Controller (rev 01)
  18. no morgoteresa..no ti prego ๐Ÿ˜› scherzi a parte al minuto 6 io vedo la venditrice...e poi subito dopo dei test su Davinci Resolve in windows Per rispondere al quesito.. Se non e' un problema hardware e' un problema o di "manico" o di driver E per entrambi la soluzione richiede o lo studio o il perfezionamento dei drivers da parte del produttore
  19. @Renato hi ๐Ÿ˜‰ if you followed the guide or downloaded a proper clover iso searching in the net..if you examine it you will see it has a very basic config.plist SMBIOS part is blank and you have to fill with proper data according to your system To boot well is not mandatory to have some Apple services configured well it is necessary to have a working chance!
  20. editing=montaggio puoi fare dei "piccoli" lavori di editing in After Effects ma essendo un programma piรน' portato al compositing / effetti non e' consigliabile fare con lui grossi lavori di editing, pena una stragrande richiesta di risorse richieste dallo stesso per fare compiti di editing come possibile in FinalCut o Premiere Pro o Davinci resolve con molte meno risorse ed in "real time". Per la scheda puoi orientarti sul nuovo verso una rx 580 o se vuoi le ultime magari su una sorella minore della serie 5700 xt (vedi i prodotti intorno ai 200 euro, magari con 8Gb di memoria) Un buon alimentatore di marca gold da 550 in su regge bene le componenti. Il case secondo i tuoi gusti. Il lavorare bene, spesso dipende da cosa si intende per bene..spesso io non lavoro bene con l'hardware che vedi in firma...che al momento e' quasi il massimo che puoi trovare in giro. Cmq, i componenti che hai scelto sono ben equilibrati rispetto al tuo budget e probabilmente tirerai fuori il massimo da loro ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. In this part we will deepen the passage of some peripherals integrated on motherboard such as the AQC107 NBase-T/IEEE 802.3bz Ethernet card and the two Intel Corporation I211 Gigabit network cards. The first one is directly supported by macOS HighSierra onwards. Instead for the Intel i211 a kext downloadable in the download section of our site will be used. Also download the dcpimanager application to verify that the ID of your network card is included in the same kext Our initial friends as usual is Web interface shell. Open it and type: lspci in the following part I will put only a useful selection for this part of the guide so I have to find network card useful data: root@pve:~# lspci ............................ 44:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I211 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 03) 45:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation I211 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 03) ............................ 49:00.0 Ethernet controller: Aquantia Corp. AQC107 NBase-T/IEEE 802.3bz Ethernet Controller [AQtion] (rev 02) ............................ root@pve:~# Now we can edit our VM config file and insert on it passthrough data: hostpci6 49:00 #Aquantia hostpci7 44:00 #I211 (first one) hostpci7 45:00 #I211 (second one) Save your config as usual (ctrl x--->y--->send) Before rebooting your System and relaunching modified VM, download i211 ethernet kext from here: Insert it in your kext folder and, if you use OpenCore boot loader you have to declare it in config .plist Close your VM and restart it again. You should see in your system report all your Ethernet card available in your system.
  22. @SuperPan editing video After Effects? intendevi premiere Pro (sempre di adobe)? Con il budget che ti rimane hai diverse possibilitร , dipende molto anche cosa ti aspetti poi dal tuo sistema
  23. @Renato i do not understand: "(being tired plays with your mind ๐Ÿ™‚ )" for your icloud access problem instead..you have to fill your config with some data in SMBios.plist partโ€ฆ. so have you formatted now your previous unseen OSX disk? ๐Ÿ™‚
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