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[For Hackers] An utility to search a masked string Maybe an useful utility made by @slice
@dreamwhitenon te lo so spiegare con matematica, ma per installare photoshop ed alcune patches per AMD puo' essere utile la sip Specifico patches per Photoshop! 😉
@Ploddlesnew patches are good for 11.4.x, 11.5 b5 .12 b1 with unreleased single b2 patches all the patches are working also in b2 also with clover
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ciao, non c'e' un motivo..sto provando cose con clover! comunque in generale non ho problemi con qualsiasi valore di quelli noti
fatto lavorare le nuove Patches anche su beta 5... tutto ok! 🙂 anche le "vecchie" vanno" nessun problema
@iGPUgreat catch,, I think should be good 1F like we do...we miss @meina222he could test this and maybe it could be very useful without lock cores on bios..if 1F works as I think
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it seems you have had succes If not contact an admin thank you
Hi @sileshnyou have a minimal of one or two message before it is unlocked automatically welcome here
Always thanks @algrey, thanks especially to the mother of all patches, already posted by algrey on IM and here in our thread Very useful to further reduce the number of kernel patches to be used with AMD CPUs two old patches needed if compared with OpenCore bootloader, and some little problem caused by a very Clover Bootloader old bug, but..here we go!
we are adults and vaccinated .. almost I think it is also useful to understand how to get results 🙂 Nobody has to try if they don't know what they're doing 🙂 patch 0 it is named now: Force set cpuid_cores_per_package
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@jsl2000you have to wait devs made them public... it is only a patch 🙂 Algrey did a very nice find..I think the best one from years
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Attached patches for 11.4,11.5b4 and 12 b1 One patch is needed to install and boot Monterey Beta 2 and for now it is not public. thanks to Algrey for patch 0 which allows to bypass many of previous and mandatory patches patch 0 that algrey posted on Insanely Mac is made for my processor in this example it is very easy to recreate it for other types of cpu: PatchProvideCurrentCpuInfo set cpuid_cores_per_package f:4489EAC1 EA1A r:BA1F0000 0090 PAY ATTENTION Value 1F means 31, 3970 x has 32 cores so as stated by @algrey on IM 32 -1=31=1F IE for a 8 cores CPU : 8-1=7=07 for 3950x or 5950x 16: 16-1=15=0F and so on Patch # 1 will be released when the editors of the patches will decide to make it public! Thanks again @algrey for his usual availability and skill in this plist latest two are for Aquantia Ethernet UPDATE 17-07-2021:
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Good news for AMD users thanks to @algrey, and as already anticipated by @Shaneee it will be possible for everyone to start with a very small set of patches: on my system now only 10 are needed to start BigSur 11.4, 11.5 beta 4, Monterey 12 b1 ..... and listen listen beta 2 😂 patch 0 that algrey posted on Insanely Mac is made for my processor in this example it is very easy to recreate it for other types of cpu (search on this forum new patch, below is the old one😞 PatchProvideCurrentCpuInfo set cpuid_cores_per_package f:4489EAC1 EA1A r:BA1F0000 0090 PAY ATTENTION Value 1F means 31, 3970 x has 32 cores so as stated by @algrey on IM 32 -1=31=1F IE for a 8 cores CPU : 8-1=7=07 for 3950x or 5950x 16: 16-1=15=0F and so on Patch # 1 will be released when the editors of the patches will decide to make them public! Thanks again @algrey for his usual availability and skill
@Ploddleswait for now... 🙂 🙂
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Una bella notizia per gli utenti AMD grazie ad @algrey, e come già anticipato da @Shaneeea breve sarà possibile per tutti partire con un set ridottissimo di patches: sul mio sistema ne servono ora solo 10 per far partire BigSur 11.4, 11.5 beta 4, Monterey 12 b1.....e udite udite beta 2 😂 la patch 0 che algrey ha pubblicato su Insanely Mac e' fatta per il mio processore e' molto semplice ricrearla per altri tipi di cpu: PatchProvideCurrentCpuInfo set cpuid_cores_per_package f:4489EAC1 EA1A r:BA1F0000 0090 attenzione il valore 1F significa 31, il 3970 x ha 32 cores quindi come da sue indicazioni 32 -1=31=1F A titolo di esempio per una CPU con 8 cores: 8-1=7=07 per una da 16: 16-1=15=0F e via dicendo La patch n.1 verrà fornita quando i curatori delle patches decideranno di renderle pubbliche Ringrazio di nuovo @algrey per la sua consueta disponibilità e bravura
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Patch 20 is not anymore on official AMD OSX patches Github list and 14 one should be enough also for you.
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In this section we will continue by providing the minimum set of patches useful for starting systems from Big Sur 11.4 to Monterey 12 b1. We will not do all the history as in the post above but we will get to the core only starting from the patches downloadable from the AMD GitHub - OSX. Official AMD OSX Patches as of 06-07-2021 (only valid for Big Sur and CPUs defined with 17H-19H) So to get to the minimum set of patches used now successfully on sTRX4 systems: Official AMD OSX Patches as of 06-07-2021 (only valid for Big Sur and CPUs defined with 17H-19H) Quirks sTRX4:
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In this thread we will try to give an indication obtained together with several users on the kernel patches that AMD CPU users can safely use to boot their PCs with the Apple operating system. We will analyze the patches provided by AMD - OSX Github, we will not go backwards because the previous situation is not clear enough to me to talk about it in a more precise and correct way, maybe if some of you want to add a "historical memory" on topic is welcome! We will then start from the patches that can be downloaded from this link: https://github.com/AMD-OSX/AMD_Vanilla download the specific day 07-06-2021 to avoid any changes made on the same patches and therefore not create confusion. For convenience they are attached to the thread. I am attaching them as sometimes they are changed each both as find / replace and as denomination in the official comment, sometimes for no apparent reason. So, our patch base will be the official one. It will start from 46 working patches from High Sierra to get up to Monterey beta 1 (Obviously passing through Mojave, Catalina BigSur). o start we focused on the latest systems such as BigSur and Monterey beta 1 but, personally, I started skimming the patches from HighSierra and then refining the skimming in Big Sur, reaching a total number of 14 patches for the Kernel and one for the kext, then became 13 (thanks to @carlo_67 leaf removed) and then to the final number of 11 patches (thanks to @iGPU). These 11 patches allow full use of Big Sur without any kind of noticeable problem. I specific and I make this concept more evident, not being transparent and explained in detail the meaning of many patches, it could, in a remote hypothetical case, that a deleted patch maybe serves, for example, with a particular function of OSX or a special combination of operations carried out and programs used In the spoiler we will put all the names of the patches officially used and declared in the patches plist of AMD-OSX GitHub, for the uninitiated, the basic entries and comments in the plist are the point where in XNU some parts of the kernel are searched and then replaced through the find / replace technique (and above all a specific competence on the subject. to decompile the kernel this is the command: otool -tV /Users/fabio/Desktop/kernel_12 > ~//kernel.txt The explanation of how to find patch locations is not a topic covered in this thread, but the comment and the decompiled kernel are a good clue and start. Official AMD OSX Patches as of 06-07-2021 (valid for all OSX up to Monterey beta 1 and for CPUs defined with 17H-19H) Now we will take the same patches posted in the spoiler above and we will select only the useful ones to start any version of Big Sur, helping us with the wording present in the comments of the same patches. Official AMD OSX Patches as of 06-07-2021 (only valid for Big Sur and CPUs defined with 17H-19H) We arrive at a total of 25 patches that inserted in the appropriate section of the config.plist will start all the versions of Big Sur from 11.0 to 11.5 beta 4 present today Now, it is clear that up to now there hasn't been all this great work, but let's say that for a user who only uses BigSur it would be a good cleanup of their config.plist As a side note I remember that TRX40 users do not need 44/45 patches (PAT fixes) also thanks to the tests carried out by the user @Pavo months ago. Now the interesting part for the moment confirmed by all TRX40 users except some who need the CPU Topology patch, but it could also be no longer necessary using a combination of quirks, I ask @Arrakis and @Ploddlesto intervene in this regard also on the subject whether or not to use the DummyPowermanagement quirk. On MSI motherboards is not needed, on Gigabytes and on the x570 platform it would seem so. In the following spoiler the patches that until a few days ago were useful to me and to many users also X570 to work with OSX Big Sur: Official AMD OSX Patches - first reduction (only valid for Big Sur and CPUs defined with 17H-19H): Quirks: So a nice huge cut of necessary patches! We went from 25 patches to 15! With a test carried out by @carlo_67it was possible to further refine this list by removing the patch: algrey - _cpuid_set_generic_info - Disable check to allow leaf7 - 10.13/10.14/10.15/11.0/12.0 to get 14 patches for the kernel and for the BigSur boot Official AMD OSX Patches - second reduction (valid only for Big Sur and CPUs defined with 17H-19H) Quirks: Now, I remember that the reduced set of patches has been described and discussed several times even with users with Gigabyte motherboards such as @Arrakis con who understood at the time that there was a need to keep the patch in the list: XLNC - Disable _x86_validate_topology - 10.13/10.14/10.15/11.0/12.0 now XLNC but at the time I believe it was called Algrey. link below: set of patches was constantly being published, and still is, in my EFi in the main thread dedicated to the TRX40 platform: Having said that thanks to the work of @iGPU it was possible to remove two further patches: 37 algrey - Remove Penryn check to execute default case - 10.13/10.15/11.0/12.0 38 algrey - Get DID and VID from MSR - 10.13/10.14/10.15/11.0/12.0 So from 25 patches we went to the 12 shown in the spoiler below: AMD OSX Patches ufficiali terza riduzione (valide solo per Big Sur e per le CPU definite con 17H-19H) Quirks: Not bad right? We will shortly publish the quirks necessary to have the necessary and (perhaps) sufficient conditions for everyone to use the reductions proposed in this article Obviously we thank all the editors of the official AMD-OSX Github and even more obviously we will appreciate their intervention to clarify the need for further officially recommended patches. AMD_Vanilla-opencore.zip We can discuss on General/international forum area about it, also to contribute to improve this and for other ideas Thank you
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@jsl2000 thanks for your confirmation for this reason I requested a debug that can be activated from the Boot section of your config I don't know if it is clear that we are trying to minimize the number of patches useful for starting in all OSX supported by patches For example to start with Big Sur and Monterey beta 1 we can only use 11 with Opencore, at the moment 13 with Clover .. thanks for posting your results. if you read in the Italian forum, you will find a user with a similar platform to yours who posted his quirks to start with a minimal set of patches 🙂 by the way did you by chance have another user registered on this forum called jsl2020? in case do you know that by forum's rule it should be eliminated Thank you
thank you @Shaneeefor the effort you have made to give us this news On macOS86, trx40 users have long since given official patches a big reduction, personally from HighSierra. In the last period we have focused on newer systems like BigSur and Monterey as soon as you have released the beta 1 patches. In this period we are focusing in particular on the natural evolution of more AMD friendly opencore than in the past and on the interaction that patches have with some quirks In particular ,we realized that we can go from 13 to 11 patches used to start from Big Sur to Monterey beta 1 by activating or not a quirk .. Unfortunately we could not find any public documentation even on your official github to better understand this topic, which is already quite difficult, especially for people like me who only came to AMD CPUs with the advent of TRX40. A few steps have been taken and we are very happy that even noble official guides for the Hackintosh community have taken a lot of information from our official thread .. sometimes just "swapping" without understanding .. but better than nothing 🙂 By the way, you can obviously express yourself in your language and I thank you for any clarification you want to give Have a nice day ---- grazie @shanee per lo sforzo che hai fatto per darci queste notizie Su macOS86,it, gli utenti trx40 da tempo hanno dato alle patches ufficiali una grossa riduzione, personalmente da HighSierra. Nell'ulimo periodo ci siamo concentrati dai sistemi piu' recenti come BigSur e Monterey appena hai rilasciato le patches per la beta 1. In questo periodo ci stiamo concentrando in particolare sulla naturale evoluzione di opencore piu' AMD friendly che in passato e sulla interazione che le patches hanno con dei quirks In particolare ci siamo accorti che possiamo passare da 13 a 11 patches utilizzate per far partire da big sur a monterey beta 1 attivando o meno un quirk.. purtroppo non siamo riusciti a trovaree documentazione pubblica nemmeno sul tuo github ufficiale per capire meglio questo argomento, che già e' abbastanza ostico, in particolare per persone come me che sono arrivate a CPU AMD solo con l'avvento di TRX40. Qualche passo e' stato fatto e siamo molto contenti che anche blasonate guide ufficiali per la comunità Hackintosh abbiamo preso dal nostro thread ufficiale molte informazioni..a volte solo "scopiazzando" senza capire bene..ma meglio di niente 🙂 A proposito, puoi esprimerti ovviamente nella tua lingua e ti ringrazio per qualsiasi delucidazione in merito tu voglia dare Ti auguro una buona giornata
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@Ploddles if you use dummy power management quirk let it enabled and use minimal patches set Gigabyte in the past seems to have need it Our goal should be also to understand the relationship between patches and quirks imho
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Yes it is that kext but in different case is not stable for us
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