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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. for me your config is good i will not use any ssdt during this test but it is a personal opinion I will play with always 4G enable and different option for CSM/Uefi but Gigabyte is a bit complex in its bios than MSI
  2. you should be the first one in TRX40 universe 🙂 I hope it could possible..but all the mmio whitelist job is done because it is not possible to boot with all MMIO for OS X
  3. no no useful data inside or data I can understand sorry Gigabyte seems for now the worst brand for OS X and trx40 and it is not AGESA related today I have tested all bios I have for my motherboard and with my same efi I have the same exact behaviour Obviously if I use MMIO white listening I have to change data conversion from different BIOS value
  4. Since it is a border line topic, we have to understand each other well. Premise that I do not want you to test if the system works well for you, I sometimes propose to do tests to improve our experience based on what I try first on my pc which is different from yours but which often behaves the same for everyone. Having made this long introduction / disclaimer, each of us must convert our MMIO values from hexadecimal values to decimal values accepted by the bootloader Mine are different from yours, yours may be different if you have activated the 4G function in the bios or not, so do not use others MMIO list What I ask you to try if sleep / wake does not work on your system is the scheme I propose the one based on the combination 0/1 present in the debug log I repeat to myself my MMIO values are different from yours, but the combination scheme is reproducible for everyone so the advice is: calculate your MMIOs by converting them to decimal and insert them all in the appropriate section of the config without activating them (skip 0) then activate them following the pattern indicated by me if you want to try. This allows me to sleep / reboot / shutdown without any problem with all OSX version I have tested (High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina). in Mojave and Catalina the webdrivers are not present to have the Sleep / wake functionality I have to force their installation Users with AMD GPUs do not have this problem All these OSX start with the same Bios setting and the same EFI..and this is always a my goal (I could be interpreted as a fixation / paranoia ... for me it must be so, only One EFI to rule all OS I want to start 🙂) This is when my pc is in order with Nvidia's webdrivers that's all
  5. About sleep, now I can't be more useful because I can not enable again my Nvidia web drivers in both OS X I have on now and for a perfect sleep it helps to have a working GPU in system in this I think @Driftwoodcould do some test execution grep command @meina222 suggested above
  6. related to this, in HS and Catalina this app set also fan speed in real time it is a great app..maybe it uses to much cpu cycle..but I think it was the best app I have seen in its category (free also)
  7. @Driftwood your @Pavo big sur config in what differs from @iGPU one prposed also to Pavo some messages above?
  8. Here it is about 3 am so my english could be less accurate 😊 about audio discussing i have asked to test something i know from time is a problem for our trx40 system now i miss only an asus user to say it is a common problem for all i explain if you have a jack connected on green output of mb backplate (could be also gold as color and if possible to test with speakes or headphone), starting pc and entering in osx produces a missing realtek2.0 usb audio device and a not working audio this audio is not related to applealc.kext and it is working usually without it i have to read all @iGPUmessage above when it is morning and i will connect better my brain 😂 to see his studies in this subject this problem could be solved in this way no jack connected on it and connected only after Osx login or to have it connected not on backplate but in derivated case audio outpup ( for this it is mandatory to have internal audio connected to case’s audio cable i have posted a picture of my motherboard connector in this thread
  9. a) never said that every mb could be different and I have ‘said’ also at dortania guide maintainer to change trx40 advice in this subject i am saying and I can confirm also for your motherboard that using the schema I tested about MMIO skip 0/1 you can have a working sleep,shutdown, restart b) sorry this is not clear for me the list is in every debug log and it could differ from bios and user the page skipped or not for each MMIO is similar and I act on this in my schema to be clear if a user take a your or a mine working config for us using mmio without modifying mmio value conversion is a....dork 🙂 3) for Big Sur you need old kext for that app find an aluveie message on shanee’s forum for correct version working in BS About ssdt i agree on device properties and ssdt if they add functionality to our hack i do not agree in ssdt use in this alpha stage of functionality of our bare metal hack..
  10. Bootloaders like OpenCore will link each kext in the order they present in config file, so make sure AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement.kext comes before SMCAMDProcessor.kext as it serves as a dependency. from amd cpu power gadget gthub..@jaidy https://github.com/trulyspinach/SMCAMDProcessor
  11. About kext order for amd cpu power gadget you have to declare two needed kext in correct order see in App’s github for it in my bios 4g can be enabled or disabled so you have to read your manual and test by yourself @Jaidy
  12. @Jaidy about your kext problem have you put them in config in right order? in Big Sur does not work well latest version about encoding 39 value I do not understand your question
  13. @Ploddlesif you want try this with your working config and bios settings do this delete npci=0x2000 and set 4g enabled end nothing else turn off pc and try if it boots often 4g enable could avoid the use of npci boot arg I prefer bios option than boot args additions if possible
  14. @Jaidy trx40 has a sort of usb bridged audio to work it use usb Apple way Applealc linked also with Weg could help to map well ie hdmi/dp audio and mapping your gpu in ioreg as GFX0 instead of display0
  15. @Ploddles tests are not for me but for the knowledge 😂 I know from proxmox we had that problem To say a feature like sleep is working the working should be more solid 😉
  16. Black screen on login? if so have you tried with other ports on gpu? but I think is not your case however weg is not involved in your sleep problem I think
  17. about Bios settings I am using the same I posted in a thread about bios settings (I use the same I use a Proxmox.. wait I will find and post here the link MSI board (mine) has a very simple bios settings
  18. not checked all your kernel patches (vanilla AMD Patches) and overall I am on Catalina so something could change Patches are very experimental like our new working system If you search there are not official statement because now it is working when in December we have had problems Patches are pretty the same..and maybe the previous assertion that patches were borked was not correct and new open core EFI drivers solved a previous miss but no official statement for this
  19. @Driftwood Ploddles has a different motherboard Our SATA controller are pretty the same In some gigabyte and in EXTREME II of asus they have two controllers as our but one of them is an ASMedia which is not supported by OS X and it needs extra kext to add
  20. @meina222sleep is often a pain..but here after MMIO job was simple to have it working often a bad sleep/wake is related to USB and mapping it on apple limit could help For AMD i do not think is useful..but I can be wrong Dummy Power management flag is there in your config flag, why? it is a sort of null power management kext..and you should not use it I think many AMD users want to emulate intel CPU power management ..for me this is wrong... AMD is different and it has a great BIOS power management tool..I would trust on it not faking intel stuff 🙂 But also here is just an opinion 🙂
  21. @meina222the main difference I see is there: then in kext I am not using WEG but it is not related and i ACPI i am using a SSDT for NVRAM..maybe similar to yours also I have write flash on NO but I would try only with XCHIport limit set to NO
  22. @Rocket88 for 2) have you tested the latest kext for rtl8125? for3) it works if you do the above advised things (above in this thread I mean) also you have to revisit (imho) some of your bios settings..I mean CSM and 4g part and also npci part in config... 4g off and the use of npci=0x2000 are often related
  23. Now i am out my pc room when i come back i will compare your others parameters in config with mine designare ex was however my x299 board and on it i was not able to have a correct sleep/wake cycle..and i remember the problem was Usb related to start with a minimal modified system is a good thing for me, then with ssdt we can improve all other part we need
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