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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. I know you are not interested in those usb (by the way, audio for our motherboards is a bit different from others system like x570 chipset) I was quoting you because @Rox67erdid a precise question about two usb controllers..and both of them need FLR patch (1022:148c id) I am also very surprised from your Opencore EFI, two aspects should be clarified for others users (ie ALS ssdt useful for what in your rig and other stuff like 7.1 SMBIOS misconfiguration ram popup problem if you are not using any kext o stuff to avoid this well known problem) interesting the AGESA part of your message..if true, it is another little step to patch less things possible and have a perfect proxmox/OSX system! I have to try also with mine 1.0.04 agesa MSI firmware @iGPUwhen you loose GUI shell interface I think is also possible to boot with a minimal working shell during blu Proxmox menu choice if you do not ave automatise all the booting process Also I would like to say that AppleALC.kext is not necessary for USB audio, also for integrated one (Realtek 2.0 audio) or a cheaper USB audio pen In my case Apllealc is useful for hdmi/dp audio toghter Nvidia web driver correct installation process
  2. devi fare uno zip..la foto tu la vedi bene?
  3. no @Robik70 non hai capito bene 🙂 scarica il programma che trovi in download come richiesto..lo lanci e poi clicchi su save as txt e alleghi il file che hai salvato in questo modo
  4. Searching on the web for mine highsierra audio problem i have found many users using usb audio on mac with the same problems or pretty similars one i am convinced that problem is not related to Vm also because in a proxmox windows vm i have not problems at all. if you want and you have time explain which problems do you have and if they are playable also for me using same software or procedure if these problems happen randomly...it could be a difficult task.
  5. Could you explain how 8125 ethernet driver is related to those usb controllers that @Rox67eris asking for in above his message? i think if you are following also pavo’s github or private advice you are using some kernel patched deb...with 148c id this thing helps to pass above usb controller it is a well known patch named Flr patch and you can find it on reddit from january of this year, or better..there you can find the one useful for x570 chipset, then i have asked to Pavo to compile for me the ones useful for us trx40 users and he very kindly compiled the patch as i requested to him. waiting your guide in a few days to understand better😉
  6. una volta che la fai te la porti dietro per sempre..quindi farla non fa male 🙂
  7. non sono un esperto ma da questo IOREG mi pare se ne veda solo una di USB3 probabilmente devi mappare o usare la patch del port limit e poi mappare comunque per essere a norma 🙂
  8. @mihai take a look from here you have to translate it with google
  9. In my test I use also a catalina and a windows vm on vm file disks to stay safe about their system upgrade I have both of about 48/32 gb each.. for me this is useful to understand and solve problems
  10. I use a SSD 240 Gb It is not so important to have big size if you do not use virtual machine in disk file format Also speed is not important..in my initial study in this project I have used a spare 2.5'' laptop disk of about 7 years ago 🙂 as fast advice I would like to say if you have a working OSX to clone in this AMD rig from other hack or real Mac, you can try to build only a proper EFI for it a boot with it... It is possible 🙂
  11. First big decision is to choose where to install Proxmox Controller used for this disk could be problematic to pass Personally I have installed it on a SSD Samsung pro 840 pro connected to an USB 3.2 type C (as media in my mb backplate) In this way I can pass pretty easily all my SATA, NVME,USB controllers and use disks I have without problem Proxmox is better to leave it separate from other disk/os I would suggest to read well my guide and also user experiences and to familiarise with some problems people have had encountered in this configuration to be more clear..in my system I have OSX High Sierra on a Sabrent NVME disk, OS Windows 10 64 bit on a Samsung 960 pro Nvme disk (both disk passed completely and independent by Proxmox or VM stuff then I have passed my Sata controllers completely (2 10 tb disks, 2 6 tb disks , 1 dvd/BD recorder and a spare disk I use connected with and external sata device) I have also Catalina installed on a "VM file disk" but I do not use it so much because my gfx is not supported Waiting for your initial finding/test 🙂
  12. @GDS Could clarify better your motherboard model? Is an Asus? because Aorus master should be gigabyte 🙂 🙂 I am asking to see if you have also an USB (asmedia controller) If so to pass all controller the easy way could be to use a disk attached to that USB controller
  13. hi @GDSwelcome here I remember a bit our discussions years ago! 🙂 You are the first one participating here with an Asus motherboard and most difficult task with a dual GFX chipset rig to configure I think you will happy of your results if you will be able to solve little problem you could have 🙂 All softwares you use should work at its best in Proxmox/OSX..I have some doubt about dual gpu (different gpu) but it is a good challenge )
  14. Hi Welcome here You have two way: vanilla way Proxmox way 🙂
  15. According to your results it is as it should be. So if it is stable you have reached your goal😊 now it is only a job for proxmox Linux kernel Programmers to improve some things as usb or audio incongruences we may have in some circumstances..and maybe Apple OS X software engineers😂
  16. Devi vedere se la tua piastra offre strumenti software per overclock forse da li in windows puoi rimetterle alla frequenza loro
  17. Se metti alla frequenza che vuoi prova ad alzare i cas type cmq ha senso quello che dici e ti accade per il problema che potrebbe esserci di sincronia tra Cpu e audio pero meglio di niente..ora ci lavori..e le memorie non apportano se non in alcuni benchmark e giochi tutti questi benefici
  18. @Driftwood thank you for your benchmark it seems also for you that in 6 TRN node condition both gpu are not used at their max power results are very good in my case i have lower results compared to yours about 18 fps for 66 noise node and about 28 in 6 TRN node it seems in my case i have more cpu cores used during testing..maybe highsierra related.
  19. Anche se non usi xmp e metti solo la frequenza a mano e lasci le altre cose come stanno..parlo dei vari cas type
  20. ecco questo forse potrebbe dare una speranza bisognerebbe capire il perche' visto che e' un software OSX
  21. @Driftwood If I don't disturb too much, could you check the % of use of the two GPUs during the test? With 6 TRN nodes we go the same with my unique TitanXp Thanks
  22. e chiaramente hai messo il software di controllo che ti forniscono: Focusrite Control 3.6.0 - Mac (macOS 10.12 or newer)
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