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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. I have updated to latest oc debug latest drivers and kext (061) I have a reboot after OS X choice ok i put back my working EFI now everytime i choose OS X it boots in recovery mode i obviously select OS X to boot and not recovery mode luckily proxmox OS X starts fine i have tried t clean nvram but always the same
  2. in not trx40 system (x99 or x299 I have had) often is useful to have GFX0 in Ioreg instead display0,or to have audio dp /hdmi working, or to patch apple device policy ids you use Mac Pro 6.1 smbios I agree could create also some problem in my case it helps also with Nvidia and Catalina and Big Sur to have dual display working (only with patched Nvidia web driver) without it only cdmi port is working well and maybe a DP OT on AMD discord people have said to me we are using an old I211 kext..1.06 against the available one 1.3 on product site
  3. imho, to start to understand stuff if user is not a skilled one...should be better to start without any SSDT..and then add proper one for function useful for each motherboard.. rename or filling PCI tab is never been a task for me..but I could understand people like it Often is more simple to use device properties in open core boot loader to add device or also some functionality as internal drive (orange disk icon) i have to disagree about WEG use ( I do not use it because web driver helps to activate well all my GPU output ports) in many case it could be useful to map in a proper way GPU output port, sometimes without it you have a no working display port , and mapping it in other way could be difficult
  4. io farei come ti ho detto ma se metti quei flag e va, significa (forse) che nel bios non ti funziona la disabilitazione dell'integrata della cpu
  5. I can confirm performances are pretty the same in bare metal except for some OpenCl or GL benchmarks or games in some games performances are very worst to be honest I see a bit of lags in HighSierra (bare metal) but I can't say if it is due to ssd disk I use (500 mb /s) against my OSX on Nvme in proxmox (2500 Mb/s) patching the apps is pretty simple..maybe in davinci benchmark a couple of frame/fps of difference..also here could be ssd disk to do the difference PRO: Chance to use all PCIE card without fighting with bridges Only a system to configure It is good to have another way to test..disk are so cheaper all the world does in this way 🙂 CONS: Patches dependent GPU performances in some case initial working Phase, so no many infos available! @Driftwood I use pretty same config I use only DevirtualzeMMIO on in bare metal and all set of AMD Vanilla Patches
  6. sembra che funziona che significa? hai accelerazione grafica? da hackinfo il driver sembra non caricato ma se ti funziona meglio cosi'
  7. fai prima questo apri una finestra terminale e digita csrutil status
  8. Hi @dynamezwelcome here
  9. only for the sake of testing I have installed successfully Catalina using an USB full installer and same EFi Instead, Big Sur hangs here: I have not removed my Thunderbolt card I am not using any ssdt in ACPI, only DevirtualizeMMIO in booter boot loader quirks Other stuff identical to the Proxmox config.plist (obviously with different kernel patches)
  10. non ti carica 3 kext di nvidia hai dei flag nel config sul bootarg che non credo siano adatti per il tuo sistema e ti dovresti far spiegare perché' li hanno messi io proverei con questo config: config.plist.zip se non va riavvii disinstalla il driver Nvidia e riavvi abilita SIP in recovery riavvii installi il driver Nvidia adatto al tuo OSX e fai attenzione se durante l'installazione ti chiede di sbloccare un kext fa impostazioni / privacy (tipo mi permetti di usare una estensione nvidia e' la domanda) dici si eventualmente prima di riavviare dai un kextcache -i / se non va rifare i punti di cui sopra ovviamente questa deve essere disabilitata per il momento da BIOS piastra madre
  11. Audio del monitor è legato al funzionamento del driver nvidia... no qui non si usa aiutare cosi fai come detto e poi se non va ancora posta la efi ed un hackinfo ma senza poi cambiare la situazione sennò perdiamo tempo tutti
  12. gli esperti che dicono? 😛 scherzi a parte con che sistema sei ora (opencore, clover) io se li hai installati correttamente e se il sistema e' pulito ricreerei i permessi e pulirei NVRAM do per scontato che siano abilitati nel config oltre al resto di cui sopra
  13. @valmeida our sata controllers are seen well in osx if you have big sata disk greater than 4tb they could be appear (sometime) after a bit , if you see in disk utility app they are there but osx loose some time to mount them in my case it happens with two 10tb exfat formatted drive i do not know if your asus extreme ii use differents kind of sata controller maybe you can check but i do not think so
  14. In vm i have a perfect system and i have not problem in bare metal with cinebench 15 i have an instant reboot when i try cpu benchmark sometimes it works and produces a result of about 7800 point often it reboots if it works in catalina for you, can you try to test this for 2/3 times ? ty
  15. hi @iGPU mod you posted for Davinci works, tested yesterday Now I have solved my fresh installation problems (bad EFI structure for my fault) I have a problem with Cinebench 15 running cpu benchmark produces often an instant reboot ah..also Adobe need patching but then works pretty fine (nt tested intensively)
  16. @tsongzmaybe I miss your point but you can upload different efi uploading it via web interface and then declaring it in vm config in this way you can choose efi to boot pressing f2 during Proxmox logo on display but maybe I miss completely your doubt
  17. No Jaidy a minimal functionality to have correct resolutions and 2 monitor connected...this is valid also in Big Sur..but no acceleration is possible
  18. installed Catalina but it is not that I need so reverting to a clean copy of HS as side note I can't do a direct install of a new OS in bare metal I have to use Proxmox have you tried?
  19. @RuneMonkey1985 a minimal count of about 1 or 2 posts 😉 then you can download every app you need
  20. ok i figured out my problem same refi same bios settings Catalina is working perfect also with my patched Nvidia web driver So I have to try a different way (maybe) in High Sierra
  21. IGPU same conclusion I did before Some openGL (old stuff) work worst About stability I have to proceed in a more systematic way cpu benchmark with Cinebench have a big probability to reboot my system for now this morning also acquantia ethernet does not connect well...but yesterday I have done many tests so I can't be more specific It seems also I can't load a simple ssdt in my rig I am locked to high Sierra (my main interest is in it) so I can have also additional problem Tested nullcpupowermanagement kext, dummy quirk and different sets of kernel patches, but this instability it is not solved as side note with AMD Power Gadget I see a power draw of about 80 watt in idle..about 370 in full Cinebench 20 stress Idle seems a bit high tested also in different PBO state results is the same
  22. Bios corruption could be your problem @meina222 try to re flash your bios I think it could solve your actual freeze main task should be to find exact things that inhibit us to shutdown or in my case to understand why in my rig now I have gpu acceleration with my same previous efi nvram could be related to this quirks but for now we have to study with classic process of errors and tries
  23. @tsongz i will try as you said thank you for now problem is stability.. benchmark is sure is oretty good in many tests i did i am now trying others kernel patches and a tsynch kext togheter dummy quirks in OC maybe i will resume also nullcpupowermanagement kext
  24. This is not good imho maybe it is related to shutdown problem we have, in old chipset it could reset bios and produce weird corruption problem as in old chipset older than our i noticed in my case my reboots happen only when i use cinebench i think bare metal is a way to try, but by now it is not advisable for a production environment proxmox is safer but in baremetal we have all the chances to use any device we have without bridges problem
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