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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. l'idea sarebbe di fare la procedura insieme utilizzando una usb2.0 e poi una usb3 per vedere i risultati in ioreg (usb in uso associate alla procedura)
  2. si , immagino ma solo lui può' chiarire nel caso pure senza aggiornare può' disinstallare quelli che ha messo e poi usare lo script per installare da zero (e parcare in automatico) gli ultimi driver per high sierra che non sono supportati.. anche se il consiglio che hai dato di aggiornare l'ultimo security update e poi utilizzare gli ultimi driver..mi sembrerebbe il più' appropriato
  3. @PrynceMoon come hai installato i web driver se dici non ci sono per la tua versione 17G66?
  4. I am giving up on bare metal because for now I can’t install nvidia web driver in a correct way i use high Sierra as you know and in proxmox I have not problem i have solved SIP problem which help to load one kext for nvidia others 3 kext s are not loading. to have a correct sip behavior I have enabled AvoidRuntimeDefrag quirk with this I can enable and disable sip totally from high Sierra recovery without nvidia driver loaded I can’t test all the things I have in my mind to do i have an idea that proxmox is far better than bare metal, but thunderbolt study is better in bare metal because it depends only from our efforts and not from Linux missing bridges devices... if I recover my mental energies 😂 I will try to understand well nvram problem latest observation and studies by @igpu are now correct in my opinion On discord thread hackintosh Slav says to isolate mmio which could avoid proper nvram working idk if it is related or not...
  5. with my previous installation done yes now I have deleted that disk and try to reinstall I can't see macOS installer icon in boot menu (after first installation part went fine)
  6. try to read from here these were all the steps I did (with the help of vit9696 and downloadfritz (criptic help to be honest : ) to have their statement about vanilla AMD Patches on march: https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/338516-opencore-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=2710959 you can find some useful step to debug MMIO stuff useful for our actual problem/goal? I do not know 🙂
  7. When you have time try to boot in recovery and from terminal try csrutil status and see the output also try to change sip status and see this could be a big problem if you have to install some kext for not supported device by OS X
  8. Mmmmh interesting..but slide value maybe differs from different pc configuration how do you have calculated this value for your pc? have you have done memmap calculation procedure?
  9. Uhm... my system shutdown normally only in reboot I can see (maybe) a kp but I am not sure because it has no consequences at all Whitelisting is useful togheter the research of a proper slide value for owned system it is possible to calculate your exact memmap and the use a slide value not tested for now because in my bare metal main problem is sip
  10. @iGPUon insanelymac forum, opencore discussion there is a my discussion about whitelisting with download fritz opencore developer it also explained how to i can’t find by now the discussion but was done on January about in that time he stated then patches were borked today I can say maybe he was wrong
  11. Gigabyte users have to compare their bios settings and maybe agesa version in it msi and asrock seem to be less tricky to configure
  12. @all are you sure nvram is working and maintained in your trx40 system? in guide section there is a way to verify it very curious about it
  13. In Proxmox should be impossible for now also in slot 2 I think it is not possible to passthrough all PCIE Bridges of TR In Bare metal I think you could have success!
  14. DSB2 in a working x299 platform shows also hs01 and 02 ot is there a cheaper thunderbolt 3 device to buy to do more precise testing?
  15. I have 16 slot......on my special MSI edition 🙂
  16. ok, tested but no usb is seen if connected I am using this: and also an external disk (not thunderbolt) fabio’s iMac Pro ssdt and kext by IGPU.zip
  17. kext seems not to load Last login: Thu Aug 13 08:35:01 on console fabios-iMac-Pro:~ fabio$ kextstat | grep -v com.apple Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) UUID <Linked Against> 36 2 0xffffff7f83318000 0x2a000 0x2a000 as.vit9696.Lilu (1.4.6) E1988EED-9336-3A82-A361-9F31FDE22EDE <7 5 4 3 2 1> 37 0 0xffffff7f8335b000 0x145000 0x145000 as.vit9696.AppleALC (1.5.1) F3D6D4E7-6EEF-37E9-B814-027E16746B95 <36 12 7 5 4 3 2 1> 50 0 0xffffff7f83342000 0x19000 0x19000 as.vit9696.VirtualSMC (1.1.5) D8B947B4-805E-357E-AD37-F96AB13AB87B <36 11 7 5 4 3 2 1> 64 0 0xffffff7f834a9000 0x1a000 0x1a000 com.smalltree.driver.SmallTreeIntel82576 (1.0.6) F6C5E33A-97AA-37A0-8794-64FAA19FC153 <15 12 5 4 3 1> 101 0 0xffffff7f817e9000 0x3000 0x3000 com.nvidia.NVDAStartupWeb (10.3.3) 4F3B6943-C73B-378C-9EA7-D36569B4B6D3 <12 4 3> fabios-iMac-Pro:~ fabio$
  18. another downside is the "bridged device" impassable problem..but also in my opinion Proxmox is better and it could resist also to future upgrade
  19. I have used this: https://www.amazon.com/KeeYees-SOIC8-EEPROM-CH341A-Programmer/dp/B07SHSL9X9/ with this it is possible to have 3,3v and you do not have to desolder stuff (for me without tools and experience would be impossible to do) inserting red oval pin in red square position on programmer you can measure 3,2/3,3 v instead, inserting it in green square position you have an higher voltage measure of about 5,5 v (and this maybe is not good) then following the instructions posted (@igpu) you have to install software to flash and you can do all easily..I have flashed multiple time without any problems
  20. thank you, I have to test in HighSierra, in Catalina web driver working is a workaround to have two display I have on
  21. @meina222 I will elaborate better Titan ridge flashing from an unexperienced user point of view
  22. @iGPUcould you post your bare metal IOREG with Alpine Ridge? thank you I think I have to populate this: like this I mean:
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