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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. Tue, 22 Sep 2020 10:00:00 PDT macOS Big Sur 11 beta 8 (20A5374i) https://developer.apple.com/news/releases/?id=09222020a
  2. wait @Driftwood he has firewire card and audio working in his rig about gpu fast results...they are fine..but in my case they produce a bad audio in High sierra
  3. if you try from terminal sudo mount -uw / it works or you have a permission errors? Firewire driver add some kext in L/E or S/L/E? any modify o SIP should be done in recovery mode I use E7030000 for disable and all 0 for enable (in config.plist after enabling or disabling via recovery) maybe it could be also useful for you disabling gatekeeper sudo spctl --master-disable
  4. Which OS X? Check also your SIP value and if your system volume is read/write put also when you can your system in your profile/signature i think @driftwood use FireWire card with success in his rig so maybe he could help
  5. tra un mese e circa 11 giorni prevedo la risposta 😛
  6. @iGPU this part : 4. Now type: /System/Library/Filesystems/apfs.fs/Contents/Resources/apfs_systemsnapshot -v /Volumes/BigSur -r "" (<--- again, use your disk name; the final characters are 2 double-quote marks) You'll get a response such as "Attempting tagging of snapshot on volume: /Volumes/BigSur produces not such file directory (I have used obviously my disk name) however, I can delete with others steps my snapshot and then rebooting I can also execute sudo mount -uw But also with this, Nvidia driver is not able to write on volume because it is read only with Catalina and previous beta I didn't have this problem I must also admit that probably when I previously managed to install the driver, very probably I was not from a clean installation like in this case
  7. other option is not applicable for Nvidia pkg driver installation i have deleted snapshot with first method now sudo mount -uw / works and Ido not have permission denied error but always this error tomorrow I will see if others snapshot are there...
  8. @iGPU have you understood well snapshot stuff? /dev/disk8 (synthesized): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: APFS Container Scheme - +249.8 GB disk8 Physical Store disk5s2 1: APFS Volume ⁨macOS_B-M - Data⁩ 3.9 GB disk8s1 2: APFS Volume ⁨Preboot⁩ 431.1 MB disk8s2 3: APFS Volume ⁨Recovery⁩ 761.5 MB disk8s3 4: APFS Volume ⁨macOS_B-M⁩ 15.1 GB disk8s4 5: APFS Snapshot ⁨com.apple.os.update-...⁩ 15.1 GB disk8s4s1 6: APFS Volume ⁨VM⁩ 1.1 MB disk8s6 this is my disk... I cant enable well to run sudo mount -uw / have you some advice, I see your post but it seems not work here (or better I am not able to do it 🙂 )
  9. SIP in most of case (for you is not useful) In my case togheter snapshot deleting allows me to instal a patched Nvidia driver and avoid this error:
  10. also asked on AMD discord.. are you able to change SIP status from enable to disable as in previous beta we did easily? and..I see a wifi icon I have not in my system a wifi.. it is a problem I have had with first or second beta...
  11. I can boot with my efi, Pavo efi , Meina config (with imacpro Smbbios) with previous Big Sur beta (maybe this one is beta 5) With latesti it simply reboots I am trying to download again..but maybe I am between apple and Nvidia war 🙂 🙂
  12. I have Nvidia, so I have additional problem (system unsupported with Mac Pro 7.1 smbios) my statement before was to say using all set of patches allow to boot all system if you use more than one..in every system only the right patches are loaded (ie in Big Sur , patches with max kernel lower than 20 are not loaded now I am trying a different thing..but only to be clear very happy it is working for you 🙂
  13. and this is the KP start..sorry for bad picture quality..I see some ACPI...but I can't be more precise
  14. Ok if you see (with the due differences caused to the time zone of each of us)..many of us are working with algrey.. or rather we are testing what he proposes to do,also in DM.. in my case also booting with an his 10.13.6 compiled new kernel (not related to BS problem) for the moment without success We all hope to have it soon and to understand the current problem
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