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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. Hi and welcome here. files are there you need a minimal 2 posts to download files from here and also in forum download area!
  2. thank you @iGPU it works also in M-ß3 😉 with kext: without kext: Nvme in this pictures is on a pciEx card and it is seen by default as Apple SSD Controller Or Samsung 960 pro is more compatible with apple? IDK
  3. Grazie @Sundrawda una versione di Big Sur in poi va nativamente
  4. these are patches AMD OSX maintainer would like to insert in a quirk with Shaneee pull request, with these you can bypass a lot of patches enabling that quirk If opencoredevs accept it would be possible to to reduce the list of visible patches in Kernel/patch section
  5. also clover 🙂 but it needs more patches @Ploddlesit is not a special tool 🙂 it is a quirk and I have talked time ago here AMD OSX Patches maintainer have done a pull request to add some patches to this quirks all we have in open core available I have had an opencore debug boot loader with all these patches inserted in it Only one patch is not public otherwise I wouldn't be able to boot in Clover Booloader
  6. Con un po' più' di Patches...ma funziona pure qui
  7. ciao controlla nel tuo config le patches 44 e 45 alcuni ottengono discreti risultati con la 45 quindi se puoi abilita quella e disabilita la 44 @tomnicha lavorato molto per questo problema e puo' essere piu' esaustivo di me
  8. Grosse novità per gli utenti AMD. A breve sarà rilasciata una versione di Opencore che consentirà attraverso un quirk di avere un numero molto ridotto di patches, per Clover per il momento non e' possibile usufruire di questa riduzione, fino al completamento della "clonazione" del sistema kernel patches e quirks Ho avuto la fortuna di provare una versione in anteprima di Opencore 072 DBG e con poco piu' di 1x patches (x >1 ,x <7 ) 😛 e' possibile far partire ed usare proficuamente i sistemi che ho in questo momento! macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Big Sur 11.4 Big Sur 11.5 beta 5 Big Sur 11.5. (20G701) Monterey 12 beta 1 Monterey 12 Beta 2 Monterey 12 Beta 3 Ho fornito i log dei seguenti sistemi e speriamo che venga pubblicato il tutto al piu' presto! Grazie ai devs! 😉 ------ Big news for AMD users. Soon a version of Opencore will be released that will allow through a quirk to have a very small number of patches, for Clover for the moment it is not possible to take advantage of this reduction, until the completion of the "cloning" of the system kernel patches and quirks I was lucky enough to try a preview version of Opencore 072 DBG and with little more than 1x patches (x> 1, x <7) 😛 it is possible to successfully start and use the systems I have right now! macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Big Sur 11.4 Big Sur 11.5 beta 5 Big Sur 11.5. (20G701) Monterey 12 beta 1 Monterey 12 Beta 2 Monterey 12 Beta 3 I have provided the logs of the following systems and we hope that everything will be published soon! Thanks to the devs! 😉
  9. posta il tuo config.plist
  10. Potrebbe essere il problema noto della patch fix PAT ce ne sono un paio in giro dovresti provare se una o l'altra ti danno dei risultati migliori
  11. Without making any kind of controversy, let me tell you to take a look at this plist and if you want, try to adapt it to the bootloader you use and remember also patch 0 has a value (1F) for my 3970x, you must adapt to your cores cpu number. all patches used are public and available patch 0 later had some adjustments, in particular on the masks and on the count brought to 1 these adjustments are not yet published by the author, but are not necessary to make various modern systems work the patch published by algrey on insanely mac, allows you to remove several "XLNC" patches In the usual spirit that has always distinguished us, if you want to try them, if they don't work for you post a debug ... you will not believe it .. but this thread is also read by people who then solve the problems in the bootloaders 🙂 @carlo_67it should work also on your platform 😉 Mario* thanks you for trying the previous solution * UPDATE 17-07-2021:
  12. good morning guys 🙂 Italy won a beautiful football match with England and my second dose of Pfizer vaccine is fortunately also losing intensity tighter small problems it has produced in me. So I'll hopefully clarify it definitively. I understand that it is very frustrating to see "solutions" and to be told I cannot provide them. But, do you also know how much I spent for example to get out the patches for Monterey beta 1 stimulating, at times, perhaps, even in a heavy way, the managers of the same. having said that, in this space I will try to make myself better understood by talking exclusively about what is available at the moment. That is the official patches downloadable from the official AMD OSX Github. The patches are those valid up to Monterey Beta1 I will do a further reduction of the field and will think exclusively on systems ranging from Big Sur 11.4 to big Sur 11.5.beta 5 This discourse can be carried on up to Monterey beta 1 and, having an unreleased patch available also in Monterey beta 2. But let's stay with the facts. The schemes that I will propose are for clover bootloader. Patches used are the same for both bootloaders, obviously with the respective names useful for the two bootloaders that have different nomenclature for their patches entries. With the Opencore bootloader, it is possible to use two patches less, because the developers of Opencore have added a quirk not present in Clover. Let's begin 0) algrey - Force cpuid_cores_per_package This patch was first posted by algrey on insanelymac: https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/338516-opencore-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=2762290 https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/338516-opencore-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=2762342 links have been edited few times I think so data could differ a bit. then it was converted by me for Clover and also explained on our forum in several places: this above is the patch that, most likely, is preventing the release of new patches for everyone. Unfortunately it still doesn't work on macOS HighSierra in tests done in private thanks to algrey. 1) algrey - commpage_populate -remove rdmsr 2) algrey - cpuid_set_cache_info - cpuid 0x8000001D instead 4 3) algrey - cpuid_set_cache_info - don't set cpuid_cores_per_package 4) algrey - cpuid_set_generic_info - remove wrmsr 5) algrey - cpuid_set_generic_info - set flag=1 6) algrey - cpuid_set_info - GenuineIntel to AuthenticAMD 7) algrey - cpuid_set_info - jmp to calculations and set cpuid_cores_per_package - 10.15/10.16 😎 algrey - cpuid_set_info - cores and threads calculations - 10.15/10.16 9) algrey - i386_init - remove rdmsr (x3) 10) tsc_init - remove Penryn check to execute default case 11) algrey - tsc_init - grab DID and VID from MSR 12) NoOne - lapic_init - remove version check and panic - 10.16 13) DhinakG - cpuid_set_cpufamily - force CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYN - 11.3b1 now let's go a little deeper. If I activate patch 0 I can deactivate the yellow patches (this is also valid for osx like Monterey beta 1beta 1 (not in macOSHighSierra). If I used opencore bootloader I can also do without the red patches (10,11), this activating a quirk that is unfortunately not present in clover at the moment. quirk is: ProvideCurrentCpuInfo If you have followed this far, it is now possible for you to better understand what Patch 0 does. Its work is done in the same way also in Beta 1, so if you update the present patches and the new ones available for beta 1 accordingly, activating or not the patches 0 you can reduce the number of patches of the family of those marked here in yellow .. and there are also in the latest release of the patches if you proceed to this type of test, refer to find and replace and not to the names of the patches (they often take different names depending on who writes them in their config), it's a bad habit that I have too). I usually try to download the latest official ones, and grab the ones that have the same find and replace that I use in my current working config.plist in use if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer based on my knowledge on this topic good day everyone
  13. lavoro di @Mifjpne poi tuo? o si intende per tuo lavoro o di @Mifjpncancellare delle patches o mettere # davanti a delle voci? tanto per capire! senza polemica poi magari se metti un debug (come ti era stato richiesto ma hai ritenuto di non farlo come da tuo diritto)di quando il disco ti scrive per due minuti e se lo lasci andare scriverebbe dati nel debug ad infinito Questo grazie a come sono stati messi dei maskfind o suggeriti per le patches che avete poi cancellato... magari si capisce il perche' il disco lampeggia (e scrive dati) scrive all'infinito 🙂
  14. hi and welcome here with latest opencore you have a boot menu option to do it otherwise you can do by hand on nvram section of your config.plist I use for my other needs 67000000 you can use others value to achieve this
  15. I am very sorry that this problem has arisen for you, and most likely I have expressed myself badly from the beginning If you have a reduced patch system that starts without difficulty or problems, just adding the patch: Force cpuid_cores_per_package available on insanelymac and published by algrey, it is possible to try to further reduce them by deleting some related to: cpuid_cores_per_package and: cores and logicals count if you use any of them in your small patch set And try to see if you can get any of that type off I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you, but I cannot publish the work of others without permission it would be a serious disrespect for the work of others. I hope I have partly clarified the fact that it was created perhaps because of my too much enthusiasm to share things with you on the fly! I will not do it again'!
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