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Everything posted by fabiosun
so now you have AMD or Nvidia? config.plist.zip delete all your log put this config then repost bootlog txt
please do not modify anything otherwise I will be crazy to understand I will explain what I want to do I would like that your system uses your MMIO.. so we have to convert it for you and see if in txt they are skipped to 1
config.plist.zip in this you have your Exact MMIO test they are pretty similar pay attention if you change on your BIOS, Uefi or CSM they could change so test always with the same bios settings post always open core txt debug log
I mean if system is on try to change port where you connect your Monitor other DP, other HDMI I have disabled WEG kext and applealc
change port of your gpu and yes post always bootleg.txt thank you
064-EFI_dbg.zip try to boot with this then post your bootleg.txt you can find in EFI folder
working by now, please do not mix stuff keep various EFI separated I will post as soon I can a debug EFI based on this that you posted it will have same problem but it will be useful to have your exact mmio Vega 64 and 5700xt will work well without problem ah by the way in the above condition could you try to boot with another output port of your GPU? (Hdmi or Dp I mean)
ok..post your exact EFI I have disabled your GPU to test I think it is a MMIO problem now lunch time here then I will try to post an EFI based to your latest (if you post here) with debug properties on
config.plist.zip then put here complete efi I would try to post a debug EFI to see if a log could help us and to find exact your mmio you could also try to disable CSM in your bios settings or to enable it if disable
wait..let me try another thing
config.plist.zip try this without touching anything else thank you
ok @infopost your future success here 🙂 🙂
@infomay I suggest to create a proper thread for your rig? (in this area of our forum is fine) if you will do I will transfer there all messages we have put here..to leave this thread more polish and generic thank you 🙂
if you are using mine flag here then put smbios proper data (file MLB SMUUID and so on) no pizzas..but glasses 🙂 and also a new GPU for you joking 🙂 :9
ok, today our forum is a bit laggy..so it is difficult to interact well (it is in a maintenance ) in my EFI put # in front my mmio (MMIO is related to bios and motherboard manufactured ) you have to use yours you can find it in your debug txt on the EFI root try to start as I have said and see
before backup your config delete graphicsenabler=no then you have also to put # in front MMIO (I do not think you have the same of user where you have taken his EFI.. also not use some kext like :
?? without does it start? then you have a mix of stuff... ie many kext to avoid some problem with MacPro7.1 Smbios but you are using an Imacpro1.1 Smbios Also you are using old kext for AMDPower gadget Tools and also APMInjector kext..that is probably un useful and done for other GPU than yours
which EFI have you used? if we miss this we can't say anything more 😛
io uso quello che mi da fiducia... poi ho usato anche quello che non mi da fiducia (Clover) e ho salvato tutti i logs 😛
you have to cover only your serial number on about my Mac..and let see gpu memory or name... it seems your GPU is not active and it seems you are in vesa mode
@infoinside your config.plist there are many things not useful for you as pikers boot arg or slide, or wegbeta I think your problem is usb related..also, I will try with a different disk use a simple usb mouse/keyboard other different in this config is SMBIOs , inside it is using MacPro 7.1 one I think it is not a problem, but no evidence of some improvements using it in our rigs
With clover I have posted in misc you could find a debug log try to see if there you can find useful infos to see where problem is
It seems a problem with your disk try another one to test also a mechanical drive if you have your is first trx40 I have no success to do it booting 😂