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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. credo di no sia se sono software che hardware
  2. config-1.plist.zip backup il tuo e prova questo con Monterey.. 4g On CSM off nel caso stesso config e disabilita anche WEG stesse condizioni di prima se non va ancora disabilita il 4G e metti nei bootarg npci=0x2000 non so a che ti serve il boot arg revcpu...ammetto la mia ignoranza su quel bootarg 🙂 do per scontato che tu abbia tutti i kext aggiornati (parlo di lilu, virtualsmc,appleALC e whatevergreen)
  3. che scheda grafica hai? e se ti e' possibile posta anche una foto del blocco
  4. Le prime tre patches del kernel che usi sono tarate per cpu 8 cores + 8 threads se non sbaglio la tua e' una 6 +6? cmq nel caso posta solo la EFI che usi per partire con BigSur
  5. I agree with a lot of what you write, on the last part I just ask myself more questions: 1) what has changed in the app and in the kext to be now necessary to activate that quirk (which is quite important regarding power management)? 2) an old question of mine was the correlation between that quirk, the bios versions (MSR) and the patches we have to use..but I couldn't find an answer However, on this platform the story is still to be written and in part we have all contributed to making some parts clearer. I also have another question / curiosity Why does the activation of the dummypower management quirk seem unnecessary here? I try to explain better, under what conditions the use or not of a kernel patches that seems "unnecessary" to start the system or a quirk like the one mentioned could create a problem, but maybe by activating a simple autologin you can make malfunctioning a system that was basically stable?
  6. Mmmh you know my way to think about not mandatory stuff.. I am trying automatic load of amd power gadget and I have no problem i have to check if I have enabled dummy power management usually I have not enabled it so I think no For x570 is mandatory and also for @Ploddles and @Arrakisi think but if I have understood well arrakis has some hangs with new app.. I will try tomorrow menu disappearing bug but I think I have not that problem🤞 @iGPU by the way this week I will receive icegiant elite cooler.. I hope it will better or similar of my actual AIO
  7. se puoi fare un consolidate del progetto lo provo qui da me 🙂 cmq il render di After effects non e' ch stressi molto la GPU..purtroppo Non e' chiaro di quanta memoria sia disponibile su quel PC..ma di solito questi problemi sono combinazioni tra memoria con problemi e poca dissipazione della cpu... Escludo la grafica se non e' un usato dei miners.
  8. @CraftCoder-08 Alcune GPU come la RX 580 , ma anche alcune piu' moderne attivano le ventole solo da certe temperature di solito sopra i 55°..ma questo varia da modello a produttore Il problema che ha tuo padre non e' correlato a questo "fermo" ventole in quanto e' una "feature" Non so che tipo di render fa, ma in generale potrebbe essere lo stress che si crea sulla CPU Poi hai scritto che la RX 580 l'ha trovata...non vorrei fosse di quelle usate per minare e magari ha qualche altro tipo di problema..ma le ventole ferme sono una caratteristica di molte schede moderne
  9. @iGPU I have enabled it to test..I rebooted but app does not start in automatic , and to have it running I have to launch via usual icon ..so another bug here I can't see in location you said any AMDSPinach plist so maybe other problem here.. I am testing in Monterey b4 EDIT: SIP Enabled here EDIT2: with sip disabled it starts automatically Let see if it hangs EDIT3: Does not hang here and I can see option to disable automatic app running
  10. No way @Ploddles I reverted to an old bios and it is a bit better but always fails... then...I have used my wife PC to first installation step 🙂 I think it is a combination of new gpu and bios to this very weird behaviour I have less problem to install any OSX in this pc rig...
  11. se hai kext diversi da usare per monterey si li puoi mettere nella cartella 12
  12. thank you for your advice I did also with only my "old" 960pro Nvme disk on first nvme slot (near my cpu) The best result is in UEFI configuration. Windows flag A blu empty screen PC off (after 30s) The best result in CSM (on) It let me to chose disk to install (960 pro nvme) format it the it can't install on it with an alphanumeric string error print out I will try again but it is very weird
  13. si sembra lento che codec utilizzi?
  14. non uso Final Cut, ma il tuo sistema e' ottimo come caratteristiche per quel software
  15. Se posti la EFI qui se rifai qualche casino 😛 magari si sistema prima 🙂 Comunque bel sistema 🙂
  16. @Arrakis @iGPU luckily I don't have this problem with the new @trulyspinach app. Instead, these days I discovered a serious problem that I did not know I had In the past, installing windows from scratch was quite complex on this machine It was mandatory to disconnect all satas to be successful In UEFI, then even worse I wiped my Windows 10 disk to try ... Moral of the story ... I no longer have Windows and cannot install it in any way. :)
  17. oppure: https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/windows/deployment/mbr-to-gpt
  18. @fabio8vhai un clover abbastanza vecchio, puoi provare a mettere su yes a rotazione alcuni di queste voci che regolano i KP per vecchie piattaforme io partirei da kernelPM poi AppleRTC e Kernel Lapic puoi anche attivarli tutti insieme e poi nel caso non si riavvi come ti accade ora, disattivarli uno ad uno.
  19. @Ploddlesin your config latest kernel patch is not needed for trx40 chipset: And usually also in system that needs it (X370,x470,x570 and lower) , it produces worst GPU benchmark.. maybe you can try to skip it
  20. ciao @Nicoanche con quattro se li hai e se configuri bene il tuo sistema 🙂 io, tempo fa, con una rx 580 ho collegato tre monitor ed un proiettore
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