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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. e qui e' l'altro errore cmq scusami non e' un disastro il tuo config 😉
  2. @Giorgio1996 config-sample.plist.zip questo e' il sample che danno con clover 5138 se noti e' leggermente diverso controlla la parte quirks ed usa un plist editor non clover configurator concentra la tua attenzione in particolare sul quirk che tu hai e che in realtà nel sample non esiste: ProvideConsoleGopEnable (che e' di Opencore e non ancora implementato in Clover) e se vedi nella lista degli errori lo trovi stesso dicasi per le altre linee no schema sono di solito difformità del config a livello di "grammatica" controllare il valore injectkext (string/boolean) ma se ti parte e funziona c'e' poco da fare per sistemare esempio metti un # davanti il nome di quel quirk ed i primi due errori andranno via
  3. @Giulio Di Natale piu' che unico problema e' leggermente multiplo problema Che hardware ha il tuo amico?
  4. Ciao @Giorgio1996 mi sembra quasi impossibile che ti parta..ma alla fortuna non bisogna dare contro vedendo il tuo config hai diverse cose che non vanno Cerca nel forum clover quirks e sistemali per la tua piattaforma tutti questi su YES..non si possono proprio vedere Considera che sempre in questa sezione del tuo config manca un sacco di roba se usi clover configurator per aprire e modificare il file, potrebbe essere stato lui a causarti il problema questa allegata e' la sezione quirk che dovresti avere anche tu..chiaramente YES e No diversi in quanto io sono su altra piattaforma
  5. @Arrakis some people with x570 system (on AMD discord) are using this kext to have their ethernet working again: https://sourceforge.net/projects/osx86drivers/files/Kext/Snow_or_Above/ AppleIGP kext in my case i have a different sub device id and it is not working.. maybe you can try
  6. Ciao @Arrakis I am trying kexts and apps I can see utilisation of gpu (%) with HWMonitorSMC2 I can see Die Temp with HWMonitorSMC (only till Big Sur ) For now no RPM on FAN We have to find right mix to have all working (trying fakeSMC.kext and radeon plugin fabio@Mac-Pro ~ % kextstat | grep -v com.apple Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded No variant specified, falling back to release Index Refs Address Size Wired Name (Version) UUID <Linked Against> 19 1 0 0x18000 0x18000 org.netkas.FakeSMC (3.5.3) 503675DF-E091-38F2-AE0C-5A1F93D84E15 <15 9 7 6 3> 20 0 0 0x10000 0x10000 org.slice.RadeonMonitor (1.3.5) E2EAA0B3-8A35-387B-A86C-6E75659CFD8F <19 16 9 6 3> 53 3 0 0x2e000 0x2e000 as.vit9696.Lilu (1.5.5) 7B68D081-1C6B-3597-9455-F1803E31B48A <9 7 6 3 2 1> 54 0 0 0x181000 0x181000 as.vit9696.AppleALC (1.6.3) 571451FE-241B-3205-B100-C1E0E86F983A <53 16 9 7 6 3 2 1> 55 0 0 0xc000 0xc000 as.vit9696.RestrictEvents (1.0.3) CB8A2AD8-3AE2-3DF5-8398-BEB24C012480 <53 9 7 6 3 2 1> 56 0 0 0x20000 0x20000 wtf.spinach.AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement (0.7) 10AE6854-47D8-3FE6-B1D3-66937EF615EF <53 16 12 9 7 6 3 2 1> fabio@Mac-Pro ~ %
  7. VIDEO CARD 1: Model: Radeon RX 6900 XT Vendor ID: 02 10 00 00 (ATI/AMD) Device ID: bf 73 00 00 Revision ID: c0 00 00 00 Subsystem Vendor ID: 02 10 00 00 Subsystem ID: 3a 0e 00 00 class-code: 00 00 03 00 IOName: display pcidebug: 35:0:0 compatible: pci1002,e3apci1002,73bfpciclass,030000 acpi-path: unknown hda-gfx: onboard-1 pci-aspm-default: 0x0 IOPCIMSIMode true Additional Properties: AAPL,aux-power-connected: 01 00 00 00 ATY,RefCLK: a0 86 01 00 ATY,Rom#: 113-D4120100-100 ATY,PageFlipEnable: 01 00 00 00 ATY,FamilyName: 52 61 64 65 6f 6e 20 52 58 00 ATY,MaxStreams: 6 ATY,vram_base: 00 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 ATY,remap-size: 1075838976 ATY,DeviceName: 36 39 30 30 20 58 54 00 ATY,memsize: 17163091968 Metal properties: Recommended Max Working Set Size: 0xFF000000 Max Threads Per Thread group: width 1024, height 1024, depth 1024 Depth 24 Stencil 8 Pixel Format: true Max Thread group Memory Length: 65536 Programmable Sample Positions: true Read-Write Texture: 2 Removable: false Headless: false Is Low Power: false Performance Statistics: surfaceBufferReadOutBytes: 0 HWChannel VCN0Dec | Commands Completed: 0 freeSurfaceBackingWaitTime: 0 HWChannel Compute0 | Commands Submitted: 0 HWChannel VCN1Dec | Commands Completed: 0 gartMapInBytesPerSample: 0 HWChannel SDMA3 | Commands Completed: 0 gartMapOutBytesPerSample: 0 dataBytesPerSample: 0 orphanedReusableSysMemoryCount: 0 HWChannel SDMA1_PAGE | Commands Submitted: 0 oolTexturePageInBytes: 0 HWChannel SDMA0 | Commands Completed: 0 finish2DWaitTime: 0 context2DCount: 4 swapComplete2DWaitTime: 0 inUseSysMemoryBytes: 49340416 surfaceWriteLockIdleWaitTime: 0 HWChannel VCN1Enc | Commands Submitted: 0 HWChannel GFX | Commands Submitted: 0 HWChannel VCN0Enc | Commands Completed: 0 Fan Speed(RPM): 0 texturePageOutBytes: 0 gartCacheBytes: 33554432 orphanedNonReusableVidMemoryBytes: 0 swapBytesPerSample: 0 oolTextureCreationCount: 0 surfaceSetShapeIdleWaitTime: 0 volatileSurfaceCount: 0 hardwareSubmitWaitTime: 0 gartSizeBytes: 92341796864 HWChannel SDMA1 | Commands Submitted: 0 orphanedNonReusableSysMemoryCount: 0 Temperature(C): 0 Core Clock(MHz): 0 HWChannel SDMA2 | Commands Completed: 0 clientGLWaitTime: 0 HWChannel KIQ | Commands Submitted: 0 orphanedReusableSysMemoryBytes: 0 HWChannel Compute1 | Commands Completed: 0 orphanedReusableSysMemoryHitRate: 0 HWChannel GFX | Commands Completed: 0 surfaceCopyOutWaitTime: 0 stdTexturePageInBytes: 0 ioSurfacePageOutBytes: 0 HWChannel VCN1Dec | Commands Submitted: 0 agpTextureCreationBytes: 0 bufferFlipCount: 0 iosurfaceTextureCreationBytes: 0 HWChannel VCN1EncLLQ | Commands Completed: 0 freeToAllocGPUAddressWaitTime: 0 finishCLWaitTime: 0 stdTextureCreationBytes: 0 HWChannel SDMA2_PAGE | Commands Completed: 0 agprefTextureCreationBytes: 0 HWChannel VCN0EncLLQ | Commands Submitted: 0 orphanedReusableVidMemoryCount: 1257 finishAll2DWaitTime: 0 textureReadOutBytes: 0 orphanedReusableVidMemoryHitRate: 95 vramEvictionWaitTime: 0 HWChannel VCN1EncLLQ | Commands Submitted: 0 swapCompleteGLWaitTime: 0 orphanedNonReusableSysMemoryBytes: 0 finishGLWaitTime: 0 stdTextureCreationCount: 0 contextCLCount: 0 ioSurfacePageInBytes: 0 Total Power(W): 0 surfaceTextureCreationCount: 0 HWChannel SDMA3_PAGE | Commands Completed: 0 agprefTextureCreationCount: 0 dataBufferCount: 0 iosurfaceTextureCreationCount: 0 surfaceCount: 44 clientSharedAllocatedBytes: 1101824 HWChannel SDMA3_PAGE | Commands Submitted: 0 surfaceCopyInWaitTime: 0 contextVideoCount: 0 HWChannel KIQ | Commands Completed: 0 HWChannel SDMA0 | Commands Submitted: 0 HWChannel VCN1Enc | Commands Completed: 0 HWChannel Compute0 | Commands Completed: 0 contextGLCount: 3 HWChannel SDMA1 | Commands Completed: 0 surfaceBufferPageInBytes: 0 hardwareWaitTime: 0 HWChannel VCN0Dec | Commands Submitted: 0 oolTextureCreationBytes: 0 HWChannel SDMA0_PAGE | Commands Submitted: 0 HWChannel SDMA2_PAGE | Commands Submitted: 0 surfaceBufferPageOutBytes: 0 inUseVidMemoryBytes: 747151360 vramFreeBytes: 13583810560 HWChannel SDMA2 | Commands Submitted: 0 HWChannel SDMA0_PAGE | Commands Completed: 0 gartFreeBytes: 92292456448 finishVideoWaitTime: 0 HWChannel SDMA3 | Commands Submitted: 0 HWChannel Compute1 | Commands Submitted: 0 Fan Speed(%): 0 HWChannel Compute2 | Commands Submitted: 0 GPU Activity(%): 0 orphanedNonReusableVidMemoryCount: 0 HWChannel VCN0Enc | Commands Submitted: 0 surfaceReadLockIdleWaitTime: 0 recoveryCount: 0 agpTextureCreationCount: 0 textureCount: 2176 freeDataBufferWaitTime: 0 ioSurfaceReadOutBytes: 0 textureVolunteerUnloadBytes: 0 bufferSwapCount: 0 gartUsedBytes: 49340416 freeSurfaceSwapBufferWaitTime: 0 Memory Clock(MHz): 0 HWChannel Compute2 | Commands Completed: 0 HWChannel VCN0EncLLQ | Commands Completed: 0 Device Utilization %: 0 HWChannel SDMA1_PAGE | Commands Completed: 0 swapCompleteVideoWaitTime: 0 surfaceBufferTextureCreationCount: 0 orphanedReusableVidMemoryBytes: 2832130048 VRAM,totalMB: 16368
  8. ciao Augusto credo siano DDR3 e kit da 32gb forse costicchiano di marca due kit di questi: https://www.amazon.it/Patriot-Viper-Black-PV316G160C9K-PC3-12800/dp/B008LTJJJ0/
  9. for a project we have in our mind to do we need more ACPI for different motherboard (AMD Motherboard) For now we have: MSI TRX40 Pro (fabiosun) ASRock X570 Steel Legend (tomnic) ASRock Fatal1ty X370 Gaming X (carlo_67) ASUS_ROG_STRIX_X570-E (Shaneee) ASUS_ROG_Strix_X570-F_Gaming (Audiogod) MSI_X570_Unify (thread Icanaro) AsRock X570 Taichi, BIOS 4.60 (baronerosso) If you want to contribute with your ACPI, post in this thread ACPI and motherboard name Thank you
  10. ciao quante volte ti ha fatto riavviare? almeno tre volte per completare la procedura e ti dovrebbe di default al riavvio selezionare mackintosh HD per continuare la procedura
  11. e questo e' il sistema di aerazione che ho configurato nel mio case Il tutto e' molto silenzioso e gestito con delle curve rpm /temps da bios
  12. @Arrakisin that thread they talk about BigSur And they say it works in it only put that kext and declaring it in your Kext config plist section (Kernel/add) and to do an example..this below: <dict> <key>Arch</key> <string>x86_64</string> <key>BundlePath</key> <string>AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement.kext</string> <key>Comment</key> <string>AMD Power Gadget</string> <key>Enabled</key> <true/> <key>ExecutablePath</key> <string>Contents/MacOS/AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement</string> <key>MaxKernel</key> <string></string> <key>MinKernel</key> <string></string> <key>PlistPath</key> <string>Contents/Info.plist</string> </dict> is equal to: so for you, and overall in Monterey it is not useful because is the same method you used in Big Sur (and if I understand well now in MR is not working) PS I use another kext but logic is the same @valmeidaI think is an "user" error 🙂 But I have no more ideas to try by now
  13. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/109718-problems-with-big-sur-macinabox-vm-and-intel-i210-network-card-after-upgrading-to-114/?do=findComment&comment=1009015 here is explained well copy kext in kext folder and declare it (plist in text mode attached in his message) I do not think is useful, but it is simple to try
  14. I have followed link you posted... plist is a "simple" kext declaration (and kext declaration is different from patch declaration) and if you put it in kernel section you have those errors as you have posted in your picture A different thing could be if in plist they proposed on unRaid forum you have others parameters like find or mask or replace... in that way you could use a "kernel patch" as we do for aquantia but it is not useful if I read well instructions 😉 if you read well in plist Kernel/add and this is usual Kext location
  15. @Arrakis you have declared your kext in a bad place I think (under kernel/Patch)) you have to add it in usual section (Kernel/add) follow this: in kext plist is present this ID:
  16. Welcome, if you have a Reference 6800 xt card, 6900 xt reference is about 10% faster
  17. @valmeida I would do like this: Without mixing two systems in different partitions on one disk I would clone the working Big Sur disk and then update this disk as a normal update (using the seed developer)
  18. mi pare strano pero' ecco le "vecchie" patches AMD_Vanilla-opencore.zip
  19. Ciao, hai messo anche tutti i kext che usi nelle versioni più recenti?
  20. try to re download the installer and if you can you could also clone your Big Sur drive and try to update it (enrolling on apple developer seed)
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