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Everything posted by Arrakis

  1. I have the same problem as @iGPUwith the new version SMCAMDPProcessor.kext making my system unstable and moreover I no longer have the temperature near the CPU in iStat Menus (I use this application because I have GPU temperatures and other constants ...) I reverted to the previous version. The ExposeSensitiveData value is indeed 8 to recognize my motherboard.
  2. Successful installion of Monterey from BigSur 11.5.1. Update is scrolling without problems. I did the installation from the EFi posted above here with two changes in the kexts (AirportItlwm-Mont.kext, BlueToolFixup.kext) and delete of the IntelBluetoothInjector.kext WiFI and Bluetooth operational. But I have the same problem as when I went from 11.3.1 to 11.4 No more ethernet connection. The I210 ethernet modules are more recognized while the kexts are included in the OS so in theory recognized natively. Edited : My config.plist Arrakis Monterey Open Core 0.7.2.zip
  3. @fabiosun Here is my new Efi under OpenCore 0.7.2 with the patches for Monterey simplified to 11. To put in the OP. Works perfectly under BigSur 11.5.1 I haven't done the Monterey installation test yet. TRX 40 GIGABYTE DESIGNARE OPENCORE 0.7.2 zip.zip
  4. The Arrakis config - step4 starts Big Sur but restarts but less often The Arrakis config - step3 Starts Monterey Beta 3 installer and begins installation but hangs ... with the message "An error occurred while preparing for installation….."
  5. The config-arrakis-2 step starts Big Sur but I get the same error as the onfig-arrakis-1 step config for the Monterey installation. The config-arrakis-3 step starts Big Sur but very unstable restarts or freezes. On the other hand, starts the installer Monterey Beta 3 and begins the installation but freezes at various stages. (I tried several times without changing anything)
  6. Starts well Big Sur 11.4 and 11.5 but for the installation of Monterey B3 it stops there. I call back on the off chance with all of the patches, I can install Monterey B1.
  7. Thank you very much Fabiosun, the efi above here was used to clean Install Big Sur 5 and it boots on 11.4 and 11.5 so you can take it as a reference.
  8. Still not possible to boot on Big Sur 11.4 or 11.5. When I try to install Monterey Beta 3 from a stick. I get an endless sequence (See Capture). During my test day I already had this and I had disabled all kexts concerning Airport, bluetooth, wifi without result.
  9. I changed the value of MaxKernel and already change the EFI on my post above. I noticed what you modified in the patch. How I could not understand ..... your explanation however precise.😒 I tested. with your modified config.plist and I can't boot Big Sur 4. The change stops after selecting the system. Attached is the debug file. opencore-2021-07-22-171457.txt.zip
  10. @AllubzHere is my EFI OpenCore 0.7.1 and with the CPU topology patch that Fabiosun talks about Try it with this version of OpenCore to see if the problem persists. @fabiosun You can put it in OP if you want. Edit : This is the right one. OpenCore 0.7.1 for Big Sur 11.4 & 11.5 EFI ARRAKIS OPENCORE0.7.1.zip
  11. I managed to install the Monterey B1 version from an EFI OpenCore 0.7.1. Then I tried to boot with Shanne's PR EFI OpenCore 0.7.2 without success. Even try all eGPU suggestions once again. Here I spent my day trying multiple studies of combinations to no avail. I am stopping there for the moment. I'm not even talking about attempts to upgrade Monterey B3 which each time breaks the installation of beta B1 and back to square one.😒
  12. @fabiosunno, i don't prefer to test with clover i don't know anything about it. I prefer to stay on opencore because at least I am on familiar ground. even though I don't have your knowledge levels.😀
  13. I started under 11.4 with the efi modified according to your remarks. I launched the installation on a volume from the disk image which is in the application folder of BigSur 11.4 so a clean instal. Same result, the first part is installed correctly but on the second start always the same error. my modified config.plist following your remarks and the debug file. config.plist Arrakis modified following Egpu.zipopencore-2021-07-18-171901.txt.zip
  14. @fabiosunit's the same, here are the last lines loading the system and the debug file opencore-2021-07-18-161248.txt.zip
  15. @fabiosunI can't get the screenshot because the behavior is different. I can log into the session then after 1 min reboot .... and so on. The screenshot is when I switch the efi back to the other with dummypowermanagement enabled. I don't know if this can help?
  16. @fabiosun As you can see, I have the exact same quirks as yours. This means that it is starting to have uniformity between motherboards. (MSI TRX40 Creator, Gigabyte TRX40 Aorus Xtreme, MSI Trx40 Pro 10G, Gigabyte TRX40 Designare) I have to keep the DummyPowerManagement activated otherwise I get this error (Screen capture) I'm still on your version of Open Core 0.7.2. I will try to remake a Monterey B3 instal today if I have time. @PloddlesDo you also have to activate Dummy Power Management?
  17. @iGPU Now I understand why AirDrop never worked for me. I am using the internal AX200 Thanks for the very clear explanation
  18. @Ploddlesyour problem with Big Sur 11.4 reminds me strangely of going from 11.3 to 11.4. The problem was related to the misallocated ethernet ports. I got to a stable system when I managed to disable ethernet connections in system preferences. (On the other hand, no problems with the wifi module) The time that a solution is found to repair the ports thanks to @Allubz. It was already the SmallTreeIntel82576 is broken from Big Sur 11.4
  19. I do a clean install, it's my habit on major versions. You put me in doubt about SMBIOS, I'm fine with MacPro7,1 I will put all the patches back in the current efi except the algrey - Force cpuid_cores_per_package. If it's not good I downgrade the OpenCore version
  20. I have disabled the following kexts as possible. Permanently disabled: SMCAMDPProcessor.kext, AirportItlwm.kext, AMDRyzenCPUPowerManagement.kext. Permanently activated the classics: Lilu.kext, VirtualSMC.kext, AppleALC.kext, NVMeFix.kext, WhateverGreen.kext I have done the tests with FakePCIID.kext, FakePCIID_Intel_I225-V.kext, (the set enable / disable) IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext, IntelBluetoothInjector.kext (the set enable / disable) The installation still does not want to be completed. Still no final installation.
  21. @fabiosun For the SMCAMDProcessor.kext. I am using the iStatMenus app and noticed that if it is not enabled there is no temperature indication near the processor. (This temperature corresponds to the temperature in the AMD Power Gadget app). I will activate the kexts at the minimum and try again the finalization of the installation.
  22. @fabiosunYou are doing an enormous amount of work, of which I do not understand much. I am completely dumped but I see the result and I test. I have retrieved your EFI Shannee from the OP and modified according to my configuration. I can boot on BigSur 11.4, 11.5. I can run the installation of Monterey Beta 3 but get an error after the first start (screenshot). Attached is the log file and my config.plist Edit : I just noticed that I left the patches for Aquantia but that's not the problem I guess. Arrakis config.plist.zip opencore-2021-07-17-135805.txt.zip
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