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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. Deb files are not relevant for nvme I think
  2. c'e' da dire che i suddetti siti che espongono guide (anche ben fatte) spesso sono..come dire...stitici nel dare i credits corretti alle persone..e spesso bisogna "ripassarli" con una "ricordella!" 🙂
  3. pve-blacklist has stuff inside you should have in blacklist.conf file..not there for your gpu passthrough problem take a look here I added an experience of an user with 5700XT
  4. put in your signature your hardware then explain where proxmox is installed and put also your VM config, grub.cfg and others configuration file you have modified You can (to start) use proxmox file without patching anything then, when you understand better you can try more advanced features Stay simple to understand your rig is the best advice I can give 🙂 Your GPU, as some other AMD could have a problem (reset bug9 and could also be necessary to add GPU bios to the vm.. I do not have this problem because in Proxmox my Nvidia card works fine only passing it in usual way
  5. @TheDaemonBarberwhy are you saying passthrough is not working? two line (locked at two initial lines) or a verbose pointing to a proxmox shell is the same..and I advice to be able to reach always Proxmox shell..in this way you can avoid in a future to have the need of using a spare pc or tablet to do minimal corrections if you need Take a look to my files you can understand better.. This is my working AMD if you want to block with only two lines..try to block also nouveau...but I repeat do not need of this blocking in modern system Archive.zip Today best AIO and best air cooler for tr4 are equivalent in my opinion... the best solution would be to build a custom one, I prefer to stay on air because I do not want have a sort of anxiety on liquid on my system This summer I will decide..but for now my Dark rock pro TR4 does a pretty good job
  6. se I kext sono aggiornati puoi provare..non so solo come si comporta la tua video con Catalina
  7. if you have only an ethernet cable connect seems to be impossible to have both internet navigation and web interface access .. I did some tries but deleting vmxnet in config and passing Aquantia (which is the same I have installed proxmox) Aquantia take IP address of "web interface" so it is not possible to reach Proxmox Host if I manually insert a different IP I can navigate on the web but always web interface is not reachable (or vice versa) I stay with vmxnet which is bridged with my acquantia I have a little experience in this field so my "finding" could not be so accurate
  8. Also SVV stuff in bios should be mandatory to boot Proxmox VM and some stuff in IOMMU (it is in auto and it is good)
  9. non conosco la completa situazione attuale ma se non metti te OpenCore nella EFI presente sul disco fisso (se presente) continui a partire dalla tua usb Pe audio dovrebbe bastare AppleALC ed un layout..ma non so dirti di piu'
  10. Come non sai come 🙂 hai messo il bios UEFI, poi hai messo il firmware refi per la tua scheda video..in questo modo si attivano le modalità corrette per la tua combinazione di config/bios/firmware
  11. ciao, perche' ti ho messo la versione debug.. puoi mettere quella normale quando ti impratichisci
  12. and this link can be useful to understand how I proceeded when I understood the situation better. However, it is important to follow the main guide to learn some (or presumed) bases for me 🙂
  13. In this video you can see in framed window what happen if you blacklist stuff in big window you can see my actual situation (bad graphics in small windows is now solved using OpenCore bootloaderas I discovered time ago 🙂 ) for the guide you can follow link you find in OP of this thread
  14. @Rocket88 you do not need to have another pc to boot VM in proxmox for trx40 and also x570 user is possible to do in different way we are usual to see in traditional proxmox guide. if you see a my early video you can see i use both method. Automatic vm boot and manual boot launching from my amd rig qm start 100 you have to play with stuff you block in blacklist.conf file. i think also all of you could achieve the same we do not need many things we find in canonic way to set proxmox. you have to try by yourself to believe.😁 About 99 code error it is a not good thing and i havent ever had it in my rig maybe it is related to Amd gpu, or to internal wifi bluetooth i have not
  15. @netgearla tua competenza in VM sarebbe preziosa... A tempo perso perche' non allestisci una macchina con Proxmox? 🙂 ne rimarrai piacevolmente sorpreso 😂
  16. no, how to you upload EFI on Proxmox? EFI.ziptry attached efi if you want 😉
  17. io non so che parametri servono per la tua scheda
  18. @TheDaemonBarberexplain please 🙂 are you passing entire disk where are you booting?OSX and EFI I mean?
  19. devi aggiustare i parametri relativi alla tua ti credo ma non so come aiutarti qui credo che tu abbia invece con clover problemi con il gestore di memoria se ti trovi meglio con clover prova a cambiarlo
  20. Config.plist.zip questo e' un config più' rifinito se ti da segnali di partenza poi si prova a rifinire
  21. Archive.zip prova a vedere se parti con questo non e' clover ma opencore
  22. poi gli errori che hai postato sono diversi.. il secondo sembra legato al memorymanager
  23. non vedo l'opzione 4g o similare (il resto e' più' o meno ok) nel post originale hai cfg lock disabled (e cosi' previeni un errore all'inizio di msr)
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