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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Catalina internal Realtek 2.0 audio problem....solved ๐Ÿ™‚ I have reached my internal peace...no more talking for me about audio (but if you find a way to use internal audio Catalina stuff In high Sierra I will happy to try)
  2. Below al controller I can pass in my MSI TRX40 Pro 10G: Marked in light yellow are controllers I can pass using FLR patches (id 148c) All the others mainboard controllers are passed well from first Proxmox release I have installed (6.1) my next goal is audio..ehm joking ๐Ÿ™‚ is to understand if all other USB passed are useful or not.. now I will duplicate this vm and disable all usb except 46:00.1 and 46:00.3..my feeling is that all usb will be there again with other usb...
  3. fabiosun

    Consiglio ssd

    Sei rimasto indietro Marco L'ha cambiata ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. @Driftwood I don't understand well..but you can ask to all people you desire..I am happy for this (Pavo or other who have experience and no preclusion in this proxmox way) Your ethernet problem is a mystery for me..I am not understanding well it..but I am sure that 8125 is not supported in OSX and maybe you need a new Mieze kext to have it fully working there. I think audio is OSX problem, but some workaround are out there (firewire audio as you say, or a well done usb audio with DAC capacity as @iGPU have. But, when I started this "journey" my goal was to have all working has my previous x299 hack ๐Ÿ™‚ Internal Audio is no go..and I have to declare here my loss ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ I can only affirm that in OSX Sierra it is a driver problem and I can have a see (bad) internal audio only passing audio has single device and no as entire controller in this way: usb2: host=0c76:161f If I pass entire controller it is not working at all if I have a green speaker connected on backplate audio output. if I start without audio jack connected I have this but only one working perfect is LG (dp audio Nvidia driver related) USB Pnp Audio Device works bad the same in HS..work well in Catalina I have researched a lot on this because is the only thing I miss It is a coreaudiod related problem and also real Macs could have this problems (by the way, Realtek and usb Audio do not need of any AppleALC or voodooHDA kexts
  5. fabiosun

    Consiglio ssd

    poi li puoi mettere anche su pciex ma di base su mb hai due slot m2
  6. fabiosun

    Consiglio ssd

    si lo ha ne puoi mettere 2 uno in orizzontale ed uno in verticale
  7. fabiosun

    Consiglio ssd

    Io utilizzo di solito Samsung pro (dall'840 pro in su) vanno bene anche i kingston (sono piรน' economici) O I sandisk Se hai una piastra che supporta gli NVME ( e come mi pare dai vecchi thread la dovresti avere) Un disco NVME o piรน' e' il top per macchine che hanno prestazioni..come quella che sai preparando tu
  8. @netgearil mio caso e' leggermente diverso in quanto quando non mi parte qualcosa ho dubbi se sia la particolaritร  del mio sistema con le novitร  introdotte..o solo un mio errore solitamente e' sempre un mio errore..ma rispetto a situazioni piรน' normali ho sempre un dubbio in piรน' ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. poco sopra dico che non lo ricordo ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. si facevo anche io cosi' partendo dal sample.plist pulito della nuova versione con la 0.59 non ci sono riuscito e dopo un paio di tentativi ho messo il config vecchio su tutto OC nuovo ha funzionato poi @iCanaromi ha fatto conoscere quel sito per comparare al volo e ho apportato le modifiche necessarie
  11. ah si diversi. ma a me la 059 avviava anche con il precedente 058 config ๐Ÿ™‚ ps @iCanaro ha anche postato un link dove fare velocemente un compare tra i var iconfig di versioni diverse non me lo ritrovo la volo..ma quando finisce di configurare Proxmox te lo scrive lui ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. io la uso regolarmente e non ho nessun problema risolve anche il fatto che ora e' possibile decidere il disco di avvio con l'interfaccia ad icone
  13. again..audio obsession for me ๐Ÿ™‚ (in High Sierra ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) https://www.usb-audio.com/support/
  14. @Driftwood i cant see here how @Pavosolved your problem i think you are the user he said to help on amd discord channel with realtek and audio problem. i would like to have this kind of discussion in public because maybe it is usefull also for others. Just my 2 cents in this subject๐Ÿ˜ i do not well understand your ethernet problem, in my case also aquantia card take by default an ipv6 address and i can modify it in installation step configuration according my router configuration..but maybe yours problem is different. Instead solution of scrambling iommu group is pretty simple. our trx40 motherboard had a bunch of bridges with pcie, nvme and so on some slots are shared and changing card position or eliminating / adding a nvme disk could have many of the effects you describe above as personal consideration : best trx40 mb is Gigabyte designare. It has best layout i have ever seen for its slots and a full features including a big thunderbolt value maybe fullfill all nvme slot in it could cause some problems in a proxmox/osx environment but it is the only motherboard i would like to have different of mine Trx40 asrock creator is also fine, in my case not so good because i have 8 sata disk in my rig and it seems it miss 2 sata ports.
  15. again..on audio problem ๐Ÿ™‚ installed Catalina 10.15.5 beta 4 USB audio is perfect ALC internal audio is not present at all if I connect my speakers on green output jack if I do not connect and reboot I see Realtek USB 2.0 audio device inbound, but connecting some speakers has no effects In High Sierra no results at all I would like to specify that I can obtain these passing all stuff I can (all usb, audio and so on) in Catalina Same configg in high Sierra no audio to see audio in high Sierra I have to pass as USB device from web interface but audio is problematic... So Catalina has better usb audio /port drivers than highSierra not tested so much in 10.15.4 release..but there I have had similar HS problem ah, as side note in HS I can't see usb 3 device (if I connect also a simple usb pen (3.0) instead usb 2.0 device are well recognised I attach my Catalina 10.15.4 ioreg where I have mapped all my USB ports testing usb2/3 devices for usb audio and internal audio (when this works ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) no need of any additional kext (no AppleAlc, no voodooHDA) fabioโ€™s iMac Pro ioreg cata.ioreg.zip
  16. Ah I have mapped in ioreg all USB ports after passing all usb entire controllers interesting thing is that high Sierra does not see usb3 devices catalina instead yes i think also usb related problems are due to OS X versions
  17. Hi @iGPU 25:00.3 usb 25:00.4 audio 04:00.3 usb controllers has 149c o 148c as Id ? if so you can pass it using a proper patched kerneL in my case are named 23:00.3 and 4 and 04:00.3 all were unpassable without FLR patch For WiFi/bt I canโ€™t say because I havenโ€™t them
  18. in my opinion is an OSX problem (windows VM Is perfect in this), maybe in connection with CPU tsc or frequency..because audio is there..but different problems Then it seems that some audio USB with DAC have no problem Researchingyou can see it is also a problem with usb audio in real Mac..
  19. per I patiti dei millemila sistemi da dover lanciare con una unica EFI Opencore e dell'interfaccia grafica esterna...e dove il disco predefinito in impostazioni/osx non fa il suo dovere.. non so da che release (io ho provato sulla beta ultima 059 scaricata con OC EFI Maker) ma ora funziona la definizione del sistema che si vuol far partire di default parametri necessari nel proprio config.plist: Security: AllowSetDefault: Yes Boot: PickerMode: External Driver opencanopy chiaramente attivato riavviando ci si posiziona sulla icona si preme ctrl enter ed il gioco e' fatto se non vi dovesse funzionare configurate il config per partire in modalitร  testo (Builtin) e dal boot menu testuale fissate il vostro preferito disco di boot (ctrl + enter) poi rimettete l'interfaccia grafica
  20. I disagree (in friendship) ๐Ÿ™‚ ok a separated disk for any OSX..but then I boot from OC or clover to execute one of them and in my VM test I have also a Catalina OSX on a qemu file. I would like to understand better problems many of you have to pass your controllers From your lspci -nnk I see it is possible to pass all controllers in the same way I do (some of them using FLR patch). Other thing I am very interested is if for you it is mandatory to put stuff on vfio.conf or in blacklist.conf..because it shouldn't (on TRX40) And, if it is mandatory I see only a main difference from our rigs..GFX card by the way @Driftwoodpassing your Blackmagic card you did my day better ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you
  21. @AllubzV and @all interested to solve audio problem try to pass all your main USB controller and boot with audio jack disconnected (in my case hostpci: 46:00)..audio instead should be 23:00.4 (and do not pass it) No need to patch FLR
  22. about this I am also using both internal USB3 connector using my 4 usb3 external Core X9 case ports I would suggest to check in ioreg how your system sees those ports also back plate ports..some time it does some weird things..I think it is for some VM compatibility USB check see also this file in your proxmox: /usr/share/qemu-server/pve-q35-4.0.cfg here you can find many declaration about old USB ports..if you do not pass entire usb controller you should see in web interface/hardware/usb port or device disks or stuff you connect to your rig. In my opinion those lines could create some problems in our modern (and unsupported AMD) rig
  23. come da richiesta Topic chiuso Alla prossima ๐Ÿ˜‰
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