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25:877 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xCB100000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 25:918 00:040 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xD7180000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 25:940 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xE3180000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 25:980 00:039 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xE3300000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 26:004 00:023 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xEF100000 (0x181 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:027 00:023 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEA00000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:052 00:024 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEC00000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:075 00:023 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEC10000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:098 00:023 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFED00000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:120 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFED40000 (0x5 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:143 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFED80000 (0x10 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:165 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEDC2000 (0xE pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:188 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEDD4000 (0x2 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:210 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEE00000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 26:234 00:024 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFF000000 (0x1000 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 26:258 00:023 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x2040000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 26:281 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x3830000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 26:303 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x5020000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 26:325 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x6810000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 Above are MMIO listed in your opencore debug.txt post few message above you have to check in your config decimal value for ones set to "skip 0" and modify it next boot you will see there skip 1 You have to do for all excluding latest 4 below: 26:258 00:023 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x2040000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 26:281 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x3830000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 26:303 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x5020000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 26:325 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x6810000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 it is possible to skip 1 also these 4 (not all togheter) but you have to find the right combination of it for your system All my assertions above are valid if you have the same bios condition and the same slot and NVME configurations were not changed MMIO are bios and others stuff dependant I would like to advice to adjust these: 25:877 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xCB100000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 25:918 00:040 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xD7180000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 25:980 00:039 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xE3300000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 26:210 00:022 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEE00000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 They could be useful for you to solve sleep/reboot/shutdown problems (if you use or have it 🙂 ) the goal should be to reassign Devirtualize MMIO to OSX, but for trx40 is not possible to release all for it...
@Cosmin Batica the main important advice is to check also kernel patches you are using one of them it is not useful at all for trx40 fix pat this for all amd users is a pain and it reduces gpu performances in many situations but other chipset needs of it trx40 no
You did a good job for mmio you have to see with debug bootloader all yours mmio list then you have to convert and activate (means to skip to 1} usually only the latest four could be leave to 0 in my case I can skip also one of them to 1 but not relevant improvement test of sleep/wake works well for you audiogod has a 570 chipset and in this case alcid layout could be useful for us no our internal audio works also without using Apple alc.kext it is an usb audio the above kext is useful for hdmi/dp audio only for us
ciao I have downloaded it from AMD OSX if you are happy...but MMIO are few and I think you can give to your system others... then alcid=1?? why? 🙂
instead , regarding last problems you have I read on AMD OSX forum. Audio for trx40 has a problem from the start we try to rule this beast it use internal USB audio driver (not applealc or alcid boot args are useful for us) to solve it the only way is to boot without audio jack inserted otherwise no Realtek usb2.0 audio is detected (you can find in our forum where I talk about it) a little trick is to connect output jack to external case jack (not on motherboard backplate) for this you have to connect on motherboard internal hd audio to your case to complete this information, from latest Big Sur OSX release some time on first boot audio could be noisy or imperfect a reboot solves this additional and new problem as additional info , with a cheaper usb external audio no problem at all maybe related 2.0 audio usb and its usb bridge is not supported properly now
@Cosmin Baticahappy for your success if you can post your config.plist without your smbios datas it could be helpful for others with your same motherboard! thank you
Yes i have no more ideas for now tomorrow I will try to simplify better this Efi
add kext in kext folder and use this config (same EFI) @Cosmin Batica Archive.zip
config.plist.zip my fault change config with this one
config.plist.zip if previous EFI hangs change only config.plist with this one above
EFI.zip replace with this completely the previous one if you can if it hangs post a video because with photo you did I can't see where kp starts sorry @Cosmin Batica
they are fine Have you tested my latest EFI? it was prepared for another user with an ASUS motherboard
by the way, if you have this bios (1402) resize bar function must be OFF ROG STRIX TRX40-E GAMING BIOS 1402 - Support Resize Bar function - Improve DRAM performance and stability - Improve USB device compatibility
@Cosmin Batica we can go on here if you and others people interested to help you like :
- 3,971 replies
- amd vanilla patches
- amd kernel patches
- (and 3 more)
@Cosmin Batica by the way with EFI that hangs in your picture you can see in debug.txt which MMIO you have to modify for your motherboard we could take care of this problem if we pass your hang.. take the time also to put your bios setting screenshot if you can because we have to start in a "perfect" condition
@Cosmin Baticaopen a thread with a titled like your new motherboard in international desktop area I will try ti help there for now try to use this EFI and see if something different happens EFI_.zip
Ciao e benvenuto!
use my debug EFI then post txt files you can find inside it after a boot (also not working boot) post also a Photo where your system hangs with that EFI
by the way, @Cosmin Batica if you are trying to install 11.3.x you could have additional problems (not only for your improper EFI I mean 🙂 ) it is a problem with unsupported 6900 xt Many users have to install with other GPU, then update to 11.4 and then reinsert 6900 xt (only supported from 11.4 beta and onward)
@Cosmin Baticaour motherboard are far far away to be defined similar...but as I said before you can find my (and other users EFI) on this thread (first message of this thread) if you choose mine, ,it is a debug version useful for you to see your MMIO in opencoredebug txt file you can find after a first boot in your EFI partition https://www.macos86.it/topic/3307-trx40-bare-metal-vanilla-patches-yes-it-worksbutis-proxmox-better/?do=findComment&comment=82322 https://www.macos86.it/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=32140
I am saying if in your rig you use only big sur as OSX those ones are the only patches you can use then I am also saying that in your patches list you are using a patch (fix pat ) not useful for us and I can say also is not good for performance of your GPU) I would suggest to download one of the EFI you can find in OP and try to start to adjust one of them for your system if you see in patches kernel section you will find min and max kernel option, many patches are there for High Sierra or Mojave or Catalina and you can avoid to have them in your config (to have it more clear) if you use Big Sur then I have said that a new patch it is mandatory to use from previous Big Sur release like .11.2 to newest one.. in my patches plist you can find all you need (for kernel patches and if you use 11.3 or greater (now I am using 11.4 and 11.5 beta 1 with those patches list) ps (you can also delete aquantia patches if your motherboard does not use that ethernet card)
@Cosmin Batica hi, I was almost offended that you didn't tag me 🙂 i saw your config.plist you don't use MMIO in your whitelist and you are using kernel patches that are not useful for the TRX40 system one of all the fix pat then you definitely need to update a patch that is different from 10.11.3 onwards I am attaching kernel patches I use to boot from Big Sur 10.11.3 to 10.11.5 beta 1 if you want to take a look for now if you want to copy only the kernel patches from there then you have to use as I suggested before an Opencore debug version to calculate all the new mmio of your motherboard (these stuffs could be different from mine or other users also with a pretty same config) patches.plist.zip Edit: uncheck also restricevents.kext (for now) and whatevergreen kext WEG is not needed for your 6900 xt and some time it causes black screen with imacpro1.1 and macPro7.1 Smbios) Also your boot arg could be different leave only -v for now (alcid=1 not useful at all fo us)
ho postato il tuo thread in un'area piu' appropriata. Budget a disposizione ed utilizzo di questa macchina? La eventuale tua risposta sarebbe una buona base per dare un'indicazione a chi ti aiuterà a trovare i componenti giusti
ciao @Cosmin Batica post your config.plist or try to see in @valmeidathread quirks he is using you have also to build a proper MMIO list for your new system If so check in useful links @igpu detailed guide to build one for your system