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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. I think AIO is not a solution Personally I have had two of them aio 360 Corsair and Enermax The best one was Enermax liqtecII IceGiant Prosiphon Elite (air) has similar performances but he needs a better study in case Airflow For me Prosiphone is a right compromise Otherwise the only way could be a not cheaper self build CPU water loop Not sure if PBO beast could be dominate well also with a custom water loop OT By the way tomorrow is my anniversary with my 3970x CPU order (2019 December, 3, Amazon after Lisa announcement) 🙂 Never had for more of one year a cpu or a motherboard in my past rigs.... 🙂 🙂
  2. not possible..maybe you miss some file 🙂 or post a video example where fails for you (if you can)
  3. and this file zip is for After Effects: https://mega.nz/file/jtdg0RLZ#gLu8Ey5eBtlm_XLr7AIZ_-KdNozDdvLL2PFhl3skhf8 I have no more installed 2022 version for that version you need proper patched files (if you post it in an external link is possible to patch them) to re sign: sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/Adobe\ After\ Effects\ 2021/Adobe\ After\ Effects\ 2021.app
  4. @Raven90zwhen you solve your Xcode command missing problem for Photoshop 22.5.1 take a look here:
  5. no you miss some component tools and command is not working for you What does missing Xcrun mean? xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun. It means that you need to install XCode command line, open a Terminal and run this command: $ xcode-select --install. Do a backup before 🙂
  6. sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\ 2021/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\ 2021.app from terminal window
  7. @Raven90z if you read above, we have patched it successfully For premierepro : use this: https://mega.nz/file/HgMkURhY#LCP7_lWl6_03WwDqTQBQFTENACrDGu_Db2w7IcxuYNM remember to backup original and not working ones and then if you have SIP enabled re sign them and the app if you have a crash with Codesign error if you like to try start with premiere then we go on with after effects and PS 2021 this in Premiere pro or in After Effects? in After Effects we have patched it in Premiere Pro...which effects do you use for it?
  8. @Raven90z with which app have you problem? If it is Photoshop...which version? if you use 22..5.1, @tomnic has posted in a thread libs you need to patch you have to do: 1) overwrite original lib (if app you are using is the same (IE 22.5.1) 2) resign it if you have sip enabled obviously you have to work without any old patching method. to be more clear all methods we posted (lib posted) are working perfectly If you have some problem with that app you can post a detailed log or when problem happens 🙂 you can zip it and to attack it here or create a new thread
  9. As in Maya 2022 two libs need a simple fix: put patched libtbb.dylib in /Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD 2022/AutoCAD 2022.app/Contents/Frameworks and patched libtbbmalloc.dylib in the same /Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD 2022/AutoCAD 2022.app/Contents/Frameworks You need to overwrite the files already present there. If you have SIP enabled you may need to re-sign them: sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD\ 2022/AutoCAD\ 2022.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtbbmalloc.dylib sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/Autodesk/AutoCAD\ 2022/AutoCAD\ 2022.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtbb.dylib Archive 2.zip
  10. Works great as always 🙂 Just a clarification for users who have SIP enabled. Libraries may need to be re-signed. Just in case use this command: sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /patched library or patched plugin path and file use drag and drop after -
  11. Solution is pretty simple Our problem is many people lurk here without helping with some debug So me and overall @tomnicare trying to debug all Adobe creative features from our own Our main goal is to have our OSX system more vanilla we can, without injecting stuff for all app (that do not need of any patches I mean), and in my case also to have SIP Enabled! 🙂 From a crash log you can find two useful indications: 1) library which fails and its path 2) the reason Then, with a disassembler and an HEX app is possible to locate and change some bytes to have library calls redirected to AMD compliant instructions 🙂 Thanks always @tomnic, with this idea we have a nice improvment to old patching method and not only for Adobe applications, also for many others (discord, Luminar, Maya,Matlab.. and so on)
  12. This thread is a wip project now we have reached our goal to patch only things we need @tomnicwill describe his method when it will be possible for now if you want post an external link with those libs if you need and I will patch it for you (for PS see here: https://www.macos86.it/topic/5299-adobe-photoshop-2251-amd-fix/) if so you have only to use those libs and disable all old methods @zoiko192 by the way here we do not teach to crack a software we try to have it working on AMD Cpu system 😂
  13. to explain better: After Effects CC Libraries to be patched: 1) libiomp5.dylib 2) libmkl_core.1.dylib 3) libmkl_avx512.1.dylib Photoshop: Library / plugin to be patched: 1) libmkl_core.dylib 2) Adaptive Wide angle Premiere Pro: Effects / plugins to be patched: 1) Warp Stabiliser 2) Rolling Shutter 3) Morph Cut
  14. @Raven90zpatching method (one of the most simple to use) is explained in this thread I am using a less invasive one in that video @tomnicis preparing a way to explain it In premiere pro you have only to patch 3 plugin/effects in After Effects a couple of libs
  15. @tomnicio mi baso su quello che l’utente ha scritto poco sopra…
  16. Ha un 11600k se non sbaglio @carlo_67 Qui
  17. guarda che non e' compatibile ma controlla meglio non compatibile con OSX se e' questa Grafica UHD Intel® 750
  18. @Perdu Geforce?? comunque le vendono sopra i 150
  19. You have to test which Ethernet kext is useful for you for sure not all 👍
  20. @Karigor_Bari sorry maybe it is a misunderstood for different language Here is all free and your EFI is not good 😛 you have too much ethernet kexts on there! and you DOESN'T need of all them! But if you are happy..I am happy also for you! peace
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