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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. If any of you have time and desire to read I have explained here what I understood about my USB controllers and how they are managed by Proxmox. I hope for an answer that will enlighten us in understanding some small parts that are missing to have a more capillary control over the Proxmox / OSX coupling https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/trx40-amd-usb-controllers-question.70504/
  2. fabiosun


    If you have a trx40 system is better to use opencore for many aspects is more friendly 😉
  3. @cj750 welcome here I will happy you also partecipate with your point of view. It is interesting to see also newbie (in this task) experience..because maybe we are doing the same errors 🙂 If you have time put your rig in signature so we can see better motherboard and cpu you use 🙂 Thank you
  4. @iGPU i cant say where your problem is but i am pretty confident is about proxmox if you see also on proxmox forum the staff answer are often not clear..like “you are on bleeding new hardware untested and so on “ apart of this i think proxmox is the best linux distro for our goal and maybe more simple to master in many aspect. As advise for all and also for me is to pass less things possible related to usb..because main problem are there in relation with osx driver and qemu pve.cfg. i loose so many time to have a working audio in highsierra when in windows it was working well and the solutions was in front of my eyes...driver. catalina solved this problem and i am using the same linux and vm config previously used. and also catalina is using audio driver in a worst way than windows..but now it works. So this is a fact not in our hands. i can now using my system professionally with highsierra using dp audio but i have to accept some limitation (usb 3 device are not seen if i pass controllers or single device) but system is solid rock and fast as windows in cpu/gpu jobs Osx for me has a sense only with highsierra and catalina for now it is a no solution for me.. also in catalina i could no accept amd gpu reset bug! but in general our needs could differ
  5. @iGPUare your memory tested? I think also you have verified this failure in a different os environment than proxmox/OS X
  6. All problem we have (except gpu amd reset bug) are related to proxmox—->OS X usb driver version then stuff like WiFi or Bt could also be related to our weird problem in conjunction with passed usb controllers later I will try to explain more in detail and I would grateful if some of you could do some tries to confirm this @Jaidy to start you have to connect to cabled ethernet it seems your WiFi card is not seen by default proxmox driver you can also find a driver for it but in this way you are adding additional difficulty to your starting proxmox/Linux learning curve
  7. @pavo and other user seem to have solved audio problem with this parameter to add in grub : pcie_aspm=off In my case it is not necessary but just in case you can try to use only 10.15.5 solved for me this problem @Rox67er audio problem is surely related to usb or as usb audio drivers works in OS X with our audio double bridged
  8. If I understand well it seems more probable it is related to amd Gpu reset bug?
  9. hai provato aq lanciare qualche bench grafico? di solito alcune schede moderne iniziano a farle girare vicino a 60 gradi
  10. @Rox67er no benefit to pass SMBus. I have tried to pass all controllers I can during my test about 99 error, have you tried to reflash your bios and clear CMOS before configure it as you need?
  11. seeing your VM conf I could imagine which some problem could happen to your system because you allocate (maybe) to much memory for VM if you have in total 128Gb..in my case in my previous attempts I have had put about 122000..and vm not was stable in that case I am not using also huge page stuff.. is it useful for you? and so when/where do you see benefit?
  12. Catalina OS seems to push a bit more about performance..obviusly same EFI to boot
  13. Hi first of all thank you to you and all people are keeping updating this thread with their experiences I appreciate it so much About 7-5 error when you boot proxmox, you should have to update your proxmox.I opened a thread on Proxmox support site time ago. Now with latest proxmox kernel that errors could not appears anymore Instead a bunch ACPI error could always happen For both (7-5 errors and acpi errors) a man of proxmox stuff said it is not a problem at all. I have not specifically competence to understand if It is true..so I have to accept as it is link to thread I said before
  14. updated to latest security fix for now I have to patch Nvidia web to have acceleration as usual..waiting for Nvidia new updated driver
  15. if I have understood your problem.. when you stay in proxmox ip/ethernet step, you can see all ethernet device installed (and that proxmox sees) in your system try to choose wifi one if there. I have no wifi so I can't say more about this
  16. @iGPUyou are not the one to have problem with Gigabyte/3970x... so maybe I have to stay with mine for now 🙂 for me all is perfect (except internal audio in High Sierra) I can do my job inside it as I do in windows...no more no less I hope you solve soon as you can your problem (trx40 creator for me is not a choice because I have 8 internal sata devices connected)
  17. @Rox67er have you solved understand your 99 code Error? searching on the net could be a simple bios corruption or a big problem with cpu pin socket about vfio.conf my motherboard has no wifi/no bt i can pass all controller if i use Flr, and i have all usb on my rig active now i am not using anymore flr kernel patches because I have the same functionality without passing audio controller/ 2 usb controller also important to say is that osx driver is the main actor imho. high sierra does not recognize any usb3 controller but osx catalina i installed from 10.15.5 beta to the release have nice improvement for usb i loose many time for this problem but problem was inside high sierra. For me is important to have it working in high sierra cause my gpu is not supported from newer osx i would also suggest you to install on a vm disk file also windows 10 64 bit you can install in a flash it and from there you can verify if your problem is a linux configuration problem or if it is a Os problem.
  18. I think (I repeat my self) you do not need many stuff you have in your config.. but this boot args are wrong 😛 And I am remarking it (as we were friends from long time (to be less serious or "master" because if people use that args then VM does not start When you have time correct it (please) Then, I am very happy when you (and others) post their results..but for learning some more detailed explanation is necessary... ie why for you pcie=1 and rombar stuff is mandatory and others things... do not thing also here we have not a job... 🙂 🙂 But the desire to have this Chip working and to share it (for free) to all hackintosh community for me was a pleasure and an honour 🙂 🙂 Now I am thinking to buy a Gigabyte Designare.because my main goal will be to have thunderbolt working (and let think..I do not need for my job) 🙂
  19. @Driftwood your VM config files seems weird..and I think you copy and pasted bad here this quoted lines instigated me to ban you from here because I can't understand well (joking for banning) "Hope this helps anyone. Pavo has been instrumental in getting this working and he clearly knows what he is doing, so rather than spend days sorting this (i understand more what he tells me all the time) I think advice from an expert is advise-able if you haven't got the time atm - got jobs on." I know Pavo is good for you (you repeat here so often) and he is helping you in private..but this seems a bit unrespectful for me and for other users which could benefit also of "your" finding 😉 Also I can confirm that most of stuff you put in your config is unesuful...but if it is working for you I am happy By the way could be useful (and not for me) to explain what this args does for you 😛 -machine q35,kernel_irqchip=on because you do not need of it and cranking audio is another problem (if you read on Proxmox forum you can understand better) but maybe it is a my problem again no offence for me (and I hope for you) To be clear I repeat that my goal is to grow here my knowledge also with your help... if I had done this in private..maybe you, Pavo and others still would waiting at Morgonaut site with her telenovelas on fastest hack ever.. 🙂 🙂 Have a nice day
  20. App updated (1.0.7) to support 10.15.5 download (full and reinstall mode)
  21. 10.15.5 combo update: https://updates.cdn-apple.com/2020/macos/061-78576-20200520-5dfa5569-76e4-4b87-b11c-9e53eb7651a4/macOSUpdCombo10.15.5.dmg
  22. OT. stessa EFI hanno tolto di loro il precedente unknown...
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