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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. Sorry igpu I mean a comparative benchmark in Big Sur bare metal and proxmox i see you did in Mojave’s for proxmox but I am on my mobile and I could be wrong if so sorry tomorrow I will check again
  2. Hi @meina222 I think @iGPU is in touch with people studying this from many times ago as he said in other post here however post your result when you have Some progress building your ssdt thank you
  3. My goal is to see result in Big Sur bare metal and also in proxmox I am also testing in high Sierra with less patches but algrey do not advice to do so but for the sake of testing I am doing the same but no particular benefit using less patches in my case
  4. @ckrueger99 thanks if you see we have a thread about Titan ridge I have also put some pictures to explain how I have achieved 3,3v with most used eprom programmer I have no skill in this subject and I have tested volt in both setup
  5. I have tested many firmware for me the best one is the first you tried to achieve best speed you have to build a ssdt i can’t help there monitor should work I think i see all ports available only flashing with patched firmware but maybe I am wrong on this @meina222 ot if you can could you try cb15 I have posted on bare metal thread in vm and I bare metal? only gpu test thank you
  6. Guys, can you try your radeons on Big Sur or on the system you have both in bare metal and on Proxmox by posting the result? below a We transfer with CB15 if you don't have it I'm only interested in the GPU benchmarks(AMD to understand) thank you https://we.tl/t-7kAdUC6NBC @Driftwoodthis works also for @Pavo(I think he has not good results for a radeon VII and I would like to check also with you)
  7. I did not in that way i measured 3.3v only putting stuff as I said in previous message to you if you can’t find after my breakfast I will search or write again for it @meina222
  8. welcome here many of us have had success 😉
  9. io direi anche solo avvicinarsi l'unica variabile che puo' essere fumogena e' l'utilizzo di RTX ma anche senza il numero di cuda cores presenti e' strabiliante Sempre se non li abbiano cambiati....che in passato e' già successo vedremo
  10. @meina222 i have no tb ssdt on baremetal because i have to modify the one used in vm i think only @iGPU is studying in this field
  11. It amazes me that a card of those literally runs around as power to the top of the range of the New MacPro 2019 .. And a professional user in the post effects production or SFX business takes this into account ...
  12. OT What do you think of Nvidia's new graphics cards? It is a big pity that there is no support for Nvdia in OSX
  13. @meina222only for the sake of testing you could disable cccx or similar name you should have in advanced CPU BIOS settings leaving ON SMT part... But in this case performance should be worst for you However nice catch 🙂
  14. GFX0 HDAU search in ioreg this with/without ssdt with/without weg I do not know other stuff yo are using in your config so I can't be more accurate
  15. @meina222 if you have understood the elements used in your ssdt, to check you can verify them in your ioreg
  16. Ciao Dani Mac e benvenuto e chi non vorrebbe di quelli presenti nel forum?😂
  17. @iGPU yes it works i use 00000000 then enter in recovery and clear sip and nvram from there this could be need of additional quirk like avoidruntime defrag if you do not use it but all this is the weaker part in our effort to have a perfect or almost perfect system and all of you are more lucky than me because you do not use a Nvidia gpu
  18. That quirk is a sort of nullcpupowermanagement.kext used in the past for cpu not supported by osx today i will verify our kernel patches because i think some differences is there
  19. @meina222i like your programmer way to explain and to try to solve problem also @iGPU way is similar and i think you have given a bit to improve this thread thank you now a simple way to explain and sorry to all if sometimes i seems to be rude..it is only my english... more 1 we have in our debug better is because all that area are in OSX avaibility when an ‘area’ is on 0 in debug and OSX try to write there or use it for its tasks..system hangs about @Driftwood problem i have always said i am testing high sierra, mojave, catalina and for this when you reach your gold situation no problem at all gold situation means nvram ok sip ok bios ok config ok if one of this fails problem happens and to solve you have to be more drastic And you have to reset sip, in recovery and in config..to achieve and optimal condition this is our big and common problem.
  20. @meina222 idk if they are excellent questions or not but it should be the questions all users should do to theirself before starting to play with those areas about your point 5) no all AMD platform need of devirtualizemmio stuff and often if you use in a system that does not neet it, system hangs
  21. I think now you have understood what I am saying from a bit also for the sake of testing all of this should be apply also on different OSX to be proved solid rock combinations 😊
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