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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. Hi @Arrakisi have error only if i click here: no problem during booting or while using OSX This week i will receive from AMD a shiny and new RX 6900 Xt... And i Will back more actively in OSX scene I hope it has resolved also some problems it has with Davinci in windows Environment OS If so i will sell my 3090 FE Otherwise i will sell 6900 xt
  2. Nella sezione Kernel del config.plist che hai postato hai la voce patch la ultima mi pare la 33 e' algrey fix pat patch ce ne sono di nuove che se dovessero andare bene sul tuo sistema danno una buona spinta alla tua scheda grafica
  3. stai usando anche una vecchia patch del fix pat..puoi provare a mettere una delle ultime e vedere se ti aumenta il frame rate in cinebench.. non darei molto peso all'altro..per me la scheda sta andand come deve
  4. sto dando un'occhiata al volo al tuo config nvda_drv_vrl=1 -v keepsyms=1 -no_compat_check npci=0x2000 debug=0x100 alcid=1 agdpmod=pikera perche' usi quei due boot arg?
  5. da qui sembra esserci... ora sono su PC comunque verifica se hai la ultima fix patch, che da un boost con le prestazioni grafiche
  6. Ciao PadrePinnacle , benvenuto puoi provare anche un cinebench 15 e nel caso posta il tuo config.plist se vuoi
  7. again thanks @valmeida we tested also in beta 2 No significative improvement in Candle Benchmark for now
  8. ciao sono entrambe possibili e tieniti stretta la 580 che ha almeno raddoppiato il suo valore 🙂
  9. quelle che ti funzionavano le trovi sul thread io ripartirei da qui quellla EFI funziona ma hai rimesso dei quirk che (a tuo dire ) non servivano quando ti ho aiutato io ripartirei da li se ricordi avevamo tolto tanti quirks per il pm e cose varie pero' se ti funziona e sei soddisfatto rimani come stai
  10. Ciao @Lidiano Come hai fatto questa EFI? Ci vedo un sacco di cose che in teoria non ti servono..e prima non ti servivano soprattutto nei quirks.. pero' se funziona tutto come prima per te va bene 🙂 anche la EFI precedente che si bloccava a livello di quirks e' diversa da quella che si era fatta funzionare insieme
  11. @Arrakistry to export a DCP (film of about 1h.24m with a colored and fusion SVX timeline on it) with also a GPU like 3090 or 6900xt (it adds hot air also in your case) 80 ° is not so much but also depend on your additional pc part About restricevents.kext i do not use it if you tell me what you want to try i will do
  12. beta 2 alive & kicking! Automatic Bandwidth Configuration flagged produces this I think it is Intel coding related
  13. Now is how it should be noctua is good but not enough in my opinion have you PBO enabled? I hope so😊
  14. beta 2 build 20F5055c @valmeidabe prepared to test again 🙂 Now you know how to do it 🙂 🙂 @Arrakisonly 250 watt during those high temperatures?
  15. @iGPUwhen you have time could you test also cinebench 23 for understand better this new cooler? thank you
  16. ciao se ami usare anche le ultime versione dei software Ad oggi su AMD (cpu) non e' possibile utilizzare photoshop 2021
  17. Thanks @valmeida 's great patience, we were able to do some tests via remote access to his machine the good news is that some refresh issues in windows have also been fixed the bad news is that for the moment the metal driver is not as performing as it should At the moment the results are about 21/24 frames with 6 nodes 17 with 66 nodes I also tried working with 8k red videos and the processing runs smoothly in windows as in OSX In windows we have results compatible with the other tests made in the past by me , @meina222and @Ploddles For now, in OSX the Candle Benchmark results are comparable with a vega 64 previously owned by me It is very weird because others aspect in editing and coloring are identical in windows to give more datas and infos about my simple testing: I have used three footage in 8k resolution on a multi layer timeline (RED camera footage) Playback was set @ 25 frame/s system is playing @ right and constant speed i have set in project settings we hope in future driver enhancement in OSX
  18. @Renatoi was asking because in your debug there no MMIO exposed no skip 0 or 1 I mean Many users with Gigabyte Designare rev 1.0 suffer of some quirks...but in my opinion it is one of the best and complete motherboard in TRX40 scenario
  19. if you want to test backup yours config before if it works for you, you have only to change serial number of your dimm (i have changed Manufacturer and frequency for you) maybe you can also disable MCE report kext i think valmeida config.zip
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