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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. Se l’hai messa a punto dì recente potrebbe essere a posto cosi nel caso puoi aggiornare tutti i kext che usi gli errori che avevi erano voci nel plist non supportate per quello chiedevo come e perché erano state messe!
  2. @iGPUsimilar behaviour happened to me the only thing if it fails is better to download again So, MacPro 7.1 and j160 to download (if you do not seeit you can try to clear Nvram) before restart after download change to iMac17.1 and put to Disabled SecureBootModel Other big variable for me was TPM enable/disabled in BIOS It worked with it enabled from MacPro7.1 Smbios download step Tested also other bootloader (clover with no success) but above should be the "gold" method As side note, when I have updated from beta5 to beta 6 I have only had one time mackintosh hd icon this time I have it for two times before it vanished and I have had only good Monterey icon for two last steps to do I have finished the update using 17,1 Smbios and with only one monitor detected with it (hdmi connected)
  3. @Driftwood i didnt understand well how i did it the weird thing is i have had to boot two times from mackintosh hd then mackinyTosh install disk vanished used 17.1 smbios to finish installation but also cleared NVRAM and enabled SIP later i will test with davinci cpu jpb
  4. e' un po' anomalo il titolo e il venditore pero' xfx alla fine se ti arriva dovrebbe andare
  5. Ultimo! 🙂 e nemmeno ho capito come ho fatto....😂
  6. ah io me ne accorgo prima clicchi su mackintosh hd dopo la prima fase dal download restart e non scompare dopo il primo riavvio li già si capisce allora mi fermo per oggi 🙂 mi avevi illuso :9
  7. @antunedduil jolly l'ho già giocato..niente da fare qui ma sono solo alla prima combinazione 🙂
  8. problemi per tutti al momento solo in VM si aggiorna
  9. a me non e' andato ho provato senza riscaricare mettendo j160 ma niente ora provo con tutto j160
  10. io ho fatto da subito come l'altra beta, senza j160 non lo vedevo ora ho messo su disabled vediamo se installa
  11. per vederlo ho dovuto cambiare il securebootmodel...
  12. Beta 7 is out (Monterey) 21A5522h if you do not see it put a securbootmodel value according your used SMBios
  13. config.plist.zip Guarda avevi delle chiavi messe che non risultano essere di clover con questo forse gli errori spariscono la lentezza non so da dove proviene la EFi e come hai editato il config..ma farei un controllo generale PS Quando si posta una EFi, si elimina la cartella APPLE ed eventuali temi che non sono utili e appesantiscono l'upload grazie
  14. if you put GPU in the same slot, maybe nothing will change if you use whatevergreen kext Mac Pro 7.1 smbios and you put a 6900 xt maybe you have to tweak a bit your actual config.plist for the update I read from @Arrakisgigabyte and others manufactured board has some problem with ethernet (i2xx)on board ..I do not know if it is true also in 11.6 or only in Monterey beta I use an Aquantia card so I have not this problem
  15. 1) to rename in opencore menu you should add a txt file in a folder with right name (you have to search exactly how to (I do not remember) 🙂) 2)I f I do not mind you have in your config a SSDT for a thunderbolt card, for MMIO you do not have to check BIOS setting If you change your bios or some value in it like 4G option could change your list The check you will have to do is always in debug log If skip to 1 is there and you have put it in your MMIO whitelist with a yes value you are fine if you have set to yes a MMIO and you see in debug log skip to 0..it means value is changed and you have to take hex value of it from your debug log and recalculate properly in decimal Addingr nvme or fulfill your pci express slot could change your MMIO (also if your BIOS settings are the same) I advice you to read better @igpu explanation for this subject in the link I have posted to you previously Now, do not worry, think I do not change my MMIO whitelist from a year or so and I have changed also 3 bios release of my motherboard 🙂
  16. 56:469 00:001 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xC2600000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:470 00:001 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xC3680000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:471 00:001 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xEF100000 (0x181 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:472 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFA180000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:473 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFA300000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:474 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEA00000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:475 00:001 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEC00000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:476 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEC10000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:477 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFED00000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:478 00:001 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFED40000 (0x5 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:479 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFED80000 (0x10 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:480 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEDC2000 (0xE pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:481 00:001 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEDD4000 (0x2 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:482 00:001 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEE00000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:483 00:001 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFF000000 (0x1000 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 56:484 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x1040000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 56:485 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x3CE0000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 56:486 00:001 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x3D10000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 56:487 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x69C0000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 Now your MMIOs are fine if you do not want to print in a file every boot your log you can change Debug/target value to 3 and you can also use a non debug Opencore version To answer to your question Yes, changing your bios values or updating it could change your MMIO values so you have to check as usually we do (a debug version of opencore) For sure changing 4G bios option could change MMIO area so before building your optimal MMIO whitelist you have to set your bios properly according your needs
  17. I am saying about bios setting because your mmio is changing I will attach a config.plist before booting delete all log and then post only the only one you will find in the same place Config.plist.zip this config is calculated (for MMIO part) referring to your last log If you change things in bios it could also change again posto debug log when you use this config put back your data also 😉 @gosi
  18. 😀 Have you not modified MMIO list... see here these are yours exposed: 12:005 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xC2600000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 12:006 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xC3680000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 12:007 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xEF100000 (0x181 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:008 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFA180000 (0x81 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:009 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFA300000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:010 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEA00000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:010 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEC00000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:011 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEC10000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:012 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFED00000 (0x1 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:013 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFED40000 (0x5 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:014 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFED80000 (0x10 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:015 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEDC2000 (0xE pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:016 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEDD4000 (0x2 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:017 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFEE00000 (0x100 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:017 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0xFF000000 (0x1000 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 1 12:018 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x1040000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 12:019 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x3CE0000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 12:020 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x3D10000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 12:021 00:000 OCABC: MMIO devirt 0x69C0000000 (0x10400 pages, 0x8000000000000001) skip 0 you have to modify first two I do not know if it is related to your sporadic KP but, it is good to solve this If you like post your config.plist and be carefull Some bios changing could produce different MMIO
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