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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. No more idea @valmeida it should be a corrupted installation pkg but I can’t say this for sure
  2. fabiosun

    Windows 11

    Dopo aver avuto successo e aiutato diversi utenti a farlo andare ha funzionato anche senza virtualizzazione da allora uso il sistema che usi tu senza virtualizzazione
  3. fabiosun

    Windows 11

    si si ho aggiornato ma ancora non entro in windows su OSX tutto ok
  4. fabiosun

    Windows 11

    @tuxyci abbiamo pure mezzo litigato per questa cosa 🙂 parlavi di Morgonaut 🙂 cerca nel forum internazionale la guida su Proxmox.. ora non lo uso piu' perche' funziona anche in bare metal, ma all'epoca ho pubblicato una guida per far funzionare TRX40 in virtuale al massimo delle prestazioni passando tutte le periferiche o quasi 🙂 se vai qui e' il canale YouTube del forum e trovi i video fatti durante il periodo della virtualizzazione
  5. Ciao, guarda la tua macchina supporta sistemi piu' avanzati, ma se non impari un po' di basi sarà dura in quanto parti da un sistema molto vecchio (OSX) e non abbiamo nessun dato di come e' stato installato Per quello ti dicevo di provare a seguire e rifare una USB di installazione seguendo questa guida Nel caso puoi prendere un economico disco e una Pennetta usb per provare ad installare li
  6. fabiosun

    Windows 11

  7. Il consiglio che posso darti e' di leggere un po' sul forum soprattutto la guida di Gengik84 come crearsi una EFi su USB bootabile non avendo esperienza al 99% rimani senza Hackintosh 🙂 Perdona la franchezza
  8. potrebbe essere anche un altro bootloader visto che e0 ancora su mavericks quando accendi il pc parte in automatico OSX o vedi un menu dove poter scegliere?
  9. hi @valmeida normal update or app assistant as it seems? post only your config.plist In your BIOS have you TPM enable or disabled? edit: It could be also a bad downloaded update if it is usual your working EFI
  10. aprendo il tuo Lian e facendo delle foto se non hai windows installato
  11. for this instead I mean you have to add Dummypowermanagement quirk in that config.plist (should be mandatory for you also in opencore booloader)
  12. @jsl2000you mean you have used these attached patches and add on it CPU topology patch and Shaneee fix pat (because I have not inserted it)
  13. good luck for maldon help on this task 🙂 😛 Iy is a weird problem and maybe you have to simplify your "variable" and stay simple as you can both on bios setting and kext used.. if I remember in the past your Sleep/wake was working solid in any conditions... maybe some bios settings are not working well a good measure could be also to try in other OS like windows or linux if there sleep is working as you want
  14. for problem on old (and bad one for patches imho) config.plist...try to enable Dummypowermanagement quirk I attached also here my working kernel patches for BS 11.6.1 and MR beta 10 clover patches.plist.zip maybe you have to add here only topology patch and Fix pat you use
  15. @jsl2000clover dev is trying to port new feature to install correctly new Montereys beta, I will wait they finish their work for now is a bit confused in my opinion I am using latest clover as my second bootloader and I have no problem on BS 11.6.1 and on MR beta 10 (installed with Opencore I mean for beta 10) Your working config is a bit...very confusing me you beat record of used patches there 🙂 You mix new patches with old patches..I have to read it better to understand Have you a working clover config for 1700x for all OSX you need? without freeze I mean
  16. @23d1have you calculated your exact MMIO whitelist or are you using @driftwood one?
  17. @23d1 no extra idea..it is weird here is pretty simple PBO disabled or auto max tdp under 280 w PBO enabled (smart overclocking and max tdp about 375 watt till temperatures is moderate) we should compare Bios option and behavior with other Asrock creator user like @Driftwood 🙂 )
  18. @23d1 1-SSDT-PLUG.aml.zip try to declare this SSDT in your ACPI/add section (copy it in ACPI folder) and see if something happens Config is fine , i think is a problem related to your bios (version/settings) In window your CPU scale well (min/max frequency and TDP i mean)
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