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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. In general non posso dirlo ma con 5145/6 funziona con ImacPro1.1 e 19.2 (di quelli che ho provato) Se parti con MacPro7.1 si svalida la Nvram A te puo' partire il sistema con MacPro7.1? in generale dico anche con OC nel caso potresti provare se poi non ti scoccia resettare il Cmos! 🙂
  2. anche la 5144 utilizzando i kext nuovi (driver vecchi ) e quirk AvoidruntimeDefrag ON (MacPro7.1) Le nuove release le sconsiglio in quanto se si fanno errori mentre si provano le varie soluzioni, e si impalla, si svalida la Nvram...e son Dolores 🙂
  3. https://www.macos86.it/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=40594 added in OP a working EFI with macOS Ventura 13.0 (B1 and B2) Thanks @jsl2000and @carlo_67for some hints! I do not advise to use Clover in latest its release (5145/5146) it could corrupt your working NVRAM till you reset Cmos
  4. Clover R5144 (drivers and .efi) lilu and VirtualSMC latest kext (no lilubetaall or other boot arg) It is advisable to use old clover because latest 5145 and 5146 could destroy your Nvram usability..be careful (reset CMOS or other methods to recover and restore a working Nvram) AvoidRuntimeDefrag is ON EFI https://www.macos86.it/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=40594 thanks @jsl2000and @carlo_67for some hints!
  5. https://github.com/macos86/AMD_Vanilla/tree/clover
  6. key of success here was leaf7 patch added and all matchOS kernel from 12.x to 12.x,13.x Not use MacPro7.1 SMBios imacpro1,1 and 19,2 as you are using boot fine (clover 5144,45,46) Latest lilu and VirtualSMC (and WEG if you use it)
  7. @jsl2000 if you see @carlo_67uses r5144.... 🙂
  8. here works also in r5145 (new kext and AvoidDefragRuntime OFF) with latest 5146 quirk could be ON but I have no confidence to use it because they have to copy all the useful part of Opencore imho! 😉
  9. hi @jsl2000studying your working config I have understood it is a SMBIOS problem using 19.2 works also with older clover version... I think they have to copy/implement better SMBIOS part (or secure boot protection part for any kind of SMBIOS) Thank you for your config!
  10. and as side note, when a recent commit of Clover fails here (R5145/R5146) when I try to boot again with a my working OpenCore EFi I have this: To solve it I have to reset my Cmos and loading my working bios parameters
  11. @jsl2000could you post your working clover commit? nevermind found it I see you have added to my plist Shaneee patch useful for your chipset However happy this work again for you here is more complex 🙂
  12. jsl2000.plist.zip @jsl2000 these are the patches converted for your CPU (added in it leaf7 patch mandatory for Ventura) In my case these patches work well till Monterey , In macOS Ventura I have a kp after a bit o verbose lines The AMD community doesn't care about clover and personally today I no longer want to use it as the bootloader has lost the characteristics it had in the past (Changing the patches during the boot menu has helped me a lot in the past to reduce the patches that were needed) Today it no longer works, as it is no longer possible to disable quirks or add them (always from the options of the boot menu Using the old versions (like 5137) doesn't help us and they don't work for us even adding the old patches that have been replaced by the ProvideCpuCurrentInfo quirk I find it useless to talk to programmers as one is at the seaside on the beach 🙂 the other argues with the only one who could help him to make Clover work better ... becoming a perfect clone of OpenCore! 🙂 🙂 (Download Fritz)
  13. @jsl2000i have converted it and I will check your config as soon as I leave my bed😂 however clover 5146 and 5145 don’t work with Ventura ( and my Amd)
  14. @carlo_67dal centro di controllo (sono arrivato secondo)
  15. Senza titolo is connected to USB c back in my motherboard it is a SSD 240 Gb..it seems I can't see it in Hackintool if I am not wrong or I need of an Oftalmic Specialist! 🙂
  16. l'interfaccia della app im altezza e' circa 720px
  17. sull'installazione pulita non si installa al momento sarà il gatekeeper da aprire si era lui appena sbloccato ha aperto le preferences per dare in consensi
  18. manca lo slider dove si potevano impostare i minuti a questa opzione
  19. Comunque anche la beta 2 si installa in un attimo ci mette di più a fare la chiavetta createinstalmedia e Windows non si installa 😂
  20. L’hanno spezzata in piu parti ora sono lontano dal pc
  21. Io me ne sono accorto solo ora che ho fatto la cosa pulita ma su beta 1 ho fatto la stessa cosa ma non accadeva
  22. Hai provato a mettere quelle che usi di solito?
  23. Io ho due dischi con OS X uno l’ho formattato ma ventura mi ha chiesto il login che uso e ho formattato bene
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