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Posts posted by Driftwood

  1. 31 minutes ago, iGPU said:

    With regards to the USB audio dropout problem, it is about the same as with Proxmox. However, I was able to noticeably reduce, if not eliminate, the dropout by turning off BT and WiFi. (I tried this once before in Proxmox and did not notice an improvement; but I'll revisit it again.)


    You've been where I have been. I didn't want to turn on 'that' particular USB controller - the one on my 48:00.1 (not doing 48:00.3) which is probably the same as your 47:00.1 & 3 to get BT working as it requires the power from this controller to work. But without it switched on its glitch free as far as firewire goes. With it on, yes BT works (you don't need it on for wifi) but then it introduces the errors with USB NAS dropouts, the stutter of BT if you switch off wifi, and the occasional audio glitching on my firewire card/fireface 800.


    Ive made a point of this as a moan to ASRock to see if they have any more info out of AMD or other board manus as this problem seems across the board. Especially for those who need .3 switched on for HDAudio.


    Ive looked at similar glitches on Linux unix boxes, and Windows. Its definitely a problem with this particular USB controller. The others are fine!


    If theres no fix coming soon I think Im going to stop passing 48:00.1 and forget about BT and the USB ports it offers.


    UPDATE: Just going to see if @Rox67er Add USB Device method is any better without passing the controller on 48:00.1 


  2. Stupid me I forgot from old hack that BT needs USB so Ive passed 48:00.1 again (which I didn't need those USBs but lets see how it shapes up with my audio under the latest fw beta).

    FYI: My addresses have shifted up one from 47:00.1 to 48:00.1 for anyone following the history of this build. 


    Anyways BT finally working. Thanks @Rox67er and @iGPU for the pointers. No kexts required. Blacklisted bcma, btbcm, and btusb for those who are following.






    blacklist.conf nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
    # This file contains a list of drivers we want to disable from the kernel so we can h$
    blacklist amdgpu
    blacklist snd_hda_intel
    blacklist xhci_hcd
    blacklist r8169
    blacklist atlantic
    blacklist xhci_hcd
    blacklist nvme
    blacklist bcma
    blacklist btbcm
    blacklist btusb 


    Bluetooth working:


    • Ok 1
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  3. 11 minutes ago, Rox67er said:

    Bluetooth is connected on USB so make sure you either forward the USB device or completely pass the USB controller to your VM (it is connected on 47:00.1 USB controller)


    This is the missing piece of the jigsaw perhaps as Im not passing this controller.

  4. 8 hours ago, iGPU said:

    On the other hand, as I posted on this thread, if you ONLY need BT, then the stock BT/Wifi card (no swap needed) works just fine if you  use the 2 kexts I uploaded earlier on this thread

    My wifi works out the box... Just need to black list the BT I reckon plus maybe some of the kexts... Lets try this out.

  5. 12 hours ago, iGPU said:



    BrcmFirmwareData---------|---needed for swapped BT/Wifi card (some users don't need these; I have no BT if they're not present)




    SO I just got the same Broadcom BCM4360 PCIe M2 WIFI/BT as @Rox67er and its installed and after a bit of a play with moving IOMMUs Ive got wifi on the vm working which I dont really need but hey! its the BT I need. How have you guys got the Bluetooth working? Is it necessary for all those kexts for the Broadcom? Wireless works out of the box and I was expecting BT to...


    Any pointers would be of help, thanks fellas.





  6. On 6/18/2020 at 7:20 AM, fabiosun said:

    is a well known patch named Flr patch and you can find it on reddit from january of this year

    I wasnt interested in the USB controller with the audio on as Im not using it. So Im not sure if Pavo patched my kernel for that as I never asked but maybe he did. I will check. The only thing I was originally interested in getting working correctly was the Realtek 8125 for the host use.


    Im only using the two USBs as found in my spreadsheet and diagrams shown earlier.


    Also, its been found that with the latest BIOS beta firmware we dont need flr patch. As I quote from that site: USB passthrough works fine on AGESA Patch B without needing this patch.

  7. 21 hours ago, iGPU said:

    (And  Newegg sent me the exact same Firewire card I'd already tried from Amazon. Newegg's ad showed the older style card, but that's not what they shipped; so it went back.)

    Like I linked some pages back 'Laptops Direct UK' seem to have the single chip fw card:



  8. 15 minutes ago, Rox67er said:

    your VFIO I see you are passing the 05:00.3 and 25:00.3 USB as well? Are you using a patched kernel for this


    No. But Pavo patched the 8125 driver for me. We're going to work on a guide to include all this stuff over the next few days.

  9. 19 minutes ago, iGPU said:

    I  don't know if it holds true for these VM builds, but on typical, bare-metal Hackintosh builds, USB problems have been associated with faulty Power Supplies

    @iGPU  What PSU u running? Did the firewire materialise yet? Are you up and running perfect?

  10. 53 minutes ago, Rox67er said:

    Been having some short nights sleep over this USB issue

    @Rox67er Which USB ports are you trying to pass? I only use the ones supplied in my configs.


    I also use XHCI in BIOS ALL variations 'Enabled' as they are notorious for going missing in 'Auto'.


  11. 13 hours ago, cj750 said:

    yes please.. that would help allot


    If you look at my diagrams on previous pages everything should make sense but take a look at this xls spreadsheet which shows you my latest VFIO.conf  and 100.conf - * in the first column, 2nd column is just notes for you!

    Put your lonewolf spinners on port 5, 6, 7 or 8. On port 1 (or 2, 3 or 4) you will have your proxmox drive - remember you're NOT going to pass that. We are only passing ports 5-8 on the address 48:00.0


    Work out your address for the GPUs again and replace my Radeon VII entries with yours.


    I have two Phison (MP600) m2 drives like you. My third M2 is a Samsdung as you can see. If you have a third M2 it will probably be on a similar address as the Samusung.


    Remember if you change ANYTHING in the modprobe.d section its important to  initramfs, update grub refresh and shutdown switch off restart as in this order on command line - hit return after each line;-


    update-initramfs -u -k all


    pve-efiboot-tool refresh

    shutdown -h now



    Then, Switch off computer at back, count to 5, switch back on, restart. 


    Any BIOS settings have been discussed either by me or @Rox67er in the previous few pages. You can boot with Load UEFI defaults* to install Proxmox and then after logging in to proxmox create a new VM and then edit it to the settings I have shown in Spreadsheet using nano or vim.


    *Change to the new BIOS settings after creating the VM for the first time on reboot.


    Attached is the spreadsheet for you to download.


    Please note to change memory for your VM.conf (mine is running 256GB DIMMs less 16GB in my 100.conf giving 240GB or memory: 245760 for Mac OS)  to however much memory you have (which I think you have 128GB?) to say minus 8GB (your mem total minus 8096). This means you're leaving 8GB for the Proxmox host to safely run under.


    trx40 creator with mp600 m2s.xlsx.zip

  12. 27 minutes ago, cj750 said:

    I can get to the debug screen on the prom usb boot disk. But everything iv read online to start the recovery. It say it cant find the files. Im still looking for commands or guide to help recover these files. I ready dont want to rebuild from scratch. I did make a backup ,

    Sounds like the get apt update failed badly and you have corruption in the partition. Looking around theres long ways of getting round it like https://askubuntu.com/questions/834053/how-recover-from-a-bad-update-and-no-sbin-init but tbh a reinstall is easier. Recreating the VM is easy and you already have MacOS installed on the M2 so it shouldnt take long.

  13. 48 minutes ago, cj750 said:



    OK well in had some more time to work on this. I was booting fine to proxmox few days ago. I come back today. Start my system up and i does not load anything. It like my network card is dead. The light on my hub goes dim when promos loads. I cant even ping the last Ip i had to access it from another computer. Has anyone had this issue before? But the lights come on when i power cycle the computer. But goes off when proxmox starts. After doing a little more troubleshooting i see im getting kernel panic. Here a picture of what i am seeing.



    Check to see if your bios settings have changed. You downloaded the new beta  firmware I take?  You may have to sort out the same error I had with Ethernet,  and load the real driver (realtek 8125) assigned and active to enp70s0  and using the vmbr0 Linux bridge so that the status in port/slaves (see Network tab of pve) is at address (gateway = your network home gateway)


    Then is the Mac VM ther Aquantia will be wicked up by DHCP and assign its own address.



  14. Thanks @fabiosun for the inspiration and godfather of this project. Without seeing your video & guide I would never have got here. Thanks to all here for helping - it's a great group.

    And a BIG mention to @Pavo for sorting all my configs, saving me on numerous occasions! His git guide gets better every week. 


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  15. 39 minutes ago, cj750 said:

    How many CPU are you using in your VM? Didnt know if you stayed with 32 ofd the 64 because of the audio pops

    Back to 64. Seems much better now since the BIOS changes and fw update (the popping is rare).

  16. 4 hours ago, fabiosun said:

    If I don't disturb too much, could you check the % of use of the two GPUs during the test? With 6 TRN nodes we go the same with my unique TitanXp



    @fabiosun Here's Activity Monitor reports on Davinci tests. I guess you are looking good on your Titan?



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  17. 2 hours ago, fabiosun said:

    see also in Davinci preferences if you have choose metal or openCL option and both

    @fabiosun So on 6 TRN Im getting at 200 fps playback 26-27 on the fps on repeat playback?

    On 66 blur nodes at 200 playback Im gettting 33-34?


    Is this good or shit? I have got a few other apps open like this web browser though.


    Im noticing rendering Apple Pro Res Raw in FCPX is insanely quick.


    Here's a quick video showing test - of course I have a few background apps going off so it is better than this!



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