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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. @Kennyhack in your config.plist you have right conversion for MMIO but some are disabled (only latest for must be disabled) attached config.plist enable it and reorganise your kext config.plist declaration if you like backup yours and try config.plist.zip
  2. Sorry @cleverhome i am not confident with dsdt and I think we do not need of it i do not know also what you achieve with it declared so I can’t say more in My system I have no those errors you show above in profile and pci tabs maybe it is better to ask help to the guy who prepared for you this EFi
  3. @cleverhomeI can't recognize this EFI and I think it is not a our product 🙂 I see a DSDT.aml? Why? Then you do not have enabled reset system in your config and also config.plist has some error check in bottom part if you see a button
  4. updated with no problems I haven't done any test on ethernet GPU is working fine with device properties declared in config.plist
  5. @Kennyhackwelcome here your MMIO list is not applied properly check this image of your log you have to convert properly first six areas with correct number correction to achieve there skip1 also then why voodoo kext? Our chipset does not need any kext for internal audio you shouldn't have the need of kernel patch number 15 (you can disable it)
  6. @Jaidytry to use @Nyaomiscript you can find in guide section of this forum area Use this with original not patched lib
  7. dipende se usi la scheda integrata.o meno io nel caso la disabiliterei e userei macPro 7.1 forse 12.3 stava ancora indicizzando i dischi
  8. ho avuto la 3090 founder.... molto meglio una 6900 xt fino al 4k con software professionali (video) in photoshop non ti accorgi di differenze nemmeno se lavori sulle carte topografiche dell'universo 😛
  9. che driver stai usando nella cartella driver di clover? io uso questi qui e non serve niente di specifico per NVME
  10. ciao per i dischi non ho mai avuto questo problema nemmeno nella beta ora uso questa versione , ma non ho provato a togliere la chiave che indichi in pratica si possono eliminare le porte 1,2,3 che vengono dichiarate ugualmente nello ioreg senza metterle nel plist 6900 2.plist.zip
  11. Have you disabled both ethernet card in bios also in my rig with ethernet card enabled I have a freeze in login stage or after few seconds after login
  12. no non lo so mai fatto il backup e fortunatamente i casini che creavo nelle prove li risolvevo sempre da interfaccia web o da shell e' da un po' che non uso la virtualizzazione ma le cose base non dovrebbero essere cambiate
  13. @cleverhome EFI.zip this is my EFI with clover 5145 adapted for you with your MMIO and your patches for CPU Disable in bios both ethernet and wifi and put your SSDT (used in Opencore boot loader ) in ACPI/patched folder
  14. ciao grazie 1) non da noi m si fa dall'interno della interfaccia web (se parli di configurazione di Proxmpx e VM create 2) si se e' compatibile con il driver OSX standard (se e' Kepler come mi pare) 3) si nella guida c'e' e puoi seguire la parte dove si passano i device puoi passare tante cose e renderle "natie" in Proxmox per la macchina ospite
  15. post your working config plist in big sur with Opencore and only acpi folder if you use some ssdt
  16. My advice is to be happy with Big Sur and enjoy with it your beautiful motherboard clover is a pain 😂 and it does not help to solve driver problems with Monterey OS
  17. @cleverhome Fenvi t919 does not need of any of those kext So I do not understand well manufactures help by the way in their docx they have pictures shown Catalina About point 1 and 2 I permit me to say no! it is not the way About point 3..no also there, your motherboard is the best one available If it was been available in my country in December 2019 I would have bought it instead of mine 🙂 you can find my clover EFI in TRX40 general discussion in first post But I do not advice also here to follow that way Sorry!
  18. @valmeida attached files will give you 080 debug open core boot loader with aquantia card forced (to try you have also to enable SVM or IOMMU in your bios leave all other parts unaltered it is also enabled the chance to have debug txt saved in your EFI folder Archive.zip
  19. @cleverhomeI do not have your motherboard (and for me that motherboard is the best one for trx40 system) I can't even try how to solve your problem, and, I do not think is a "user" bad configuration problem It is a Monterey problem Monterey OS has introduced many problem for Hackintosh (ethernet problem, GPU problem, NVME detection (and this is not possible to verify by me because I do not have this problem) Some Monterey problems can be solved other no My advice is to stay with big sur and to wait something change in new Monterey beta (I do not think this will happen) Or a more painful solution is to find a different motherboard which could fit your interest in OSX
  20. ciao non capisco bene ..hai tre banchi da 16? il tuo sistema dovrebbe essere dual channel quindi la configurazione ottimale e' con due banchi di memoria identici montati negli slot come ti indica eventualmente il tuo manuale
  21. the Hitcher credo sia uno dei film che mi abbia "scosso" di piu' come sensazioni forti
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