Forum Rules
It is strictly forbidden:
1) Publicly contest the decisions made by a staff member ... in case of divergences, use the PM function to contact those you deem appropriate.
2) Publish links or pirated material. (P2P, torrent, etc. ..)
3) Promote sites, products or services (spamming)
4) Make money offers of any kind
5) Posting meaningless messages
6) Use vulgar username and / or avatar
7) Tonymacx tools are not supported ... so no "beasts" .... nor "Uni.. or Multi"
8 ) Ask for help having installed using distributions; you will not have the minimum support so you will need to be able to use official installers!
Guidelines for posting in the forum
1. Remember that you are in a public forum so education and respect towards others must be in first place.
2. Topics must be opened in the right section, giving a title that reflects the reason why it was opened, and its content.
3. Posts must be related to the content of the topic itself.
4. Although we are not a forum about Italian grammar, we are against threads or posts written quickly, badly or with excessive use of abbreviations, we reserve the ability to edit posts and threads, without any warning.
5. To keep the forum usable also towards those who have slow connections, it is good practice to use Spoiler in case of very long contents.
6. If you post kext or other, it is good to specify the source, this for respect of the work of others and also for the fact that knowing the source, tomorrow, a user knows where to find the most updated Kext.
7. Remember also the rules of "netiquette." For example, writing everything in capital letters, even a single word, or even just the title, is equivalent to screaming and is considered extreme rudeness.
The staff thank you for being part of this community ... and happy to improve it with you ... ;-)
Good Hack!!!