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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2021 in all areas

  1. beta 2 build 20G5033c liscia come l'olio OC. 0,69 Grazie ragazzi
    4 points
  2. Ciao, per creare la USB basta che clicchi sul link di @Fasullo mentre per usare e configurare OpenCore https://macos86.gitbook.io/guida-opencore/
    2 points
  3. Little update: even without reboot you can undo the effects of code injection using this command in terminal: launchctl unsetenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
    2 points
  4. thank you @Rox67erand @Jaidy for confirming this ๐Ÿ™‚ it was my system I think..I did many try with Adobe to help @tomnicwork as betatester on newer adobe suite and maybe I have messed my system today it is working well all both with iMac Pro Smbios and with MacPro7.1 by the way users with Ryzen chip using latest adobe suite take a look here:
    2 points
  5. Version 002


    1 point
  6. FINAL UPDATE: Now you just need to patch the offending executables, no more libfakeintel, no more plists to preload... just direct patching where needed. Post the requested files of the requested app and a patched executable will be released: replace and recodesign it, done! QUICK UPDATE: Put the libfakeintel.dylib in your Application folder, put environment.plist in your $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents, overwrite libiomp5.dylib in Contents/Frameworks into AE CC 2020/2021 application with the one provided and we have the best working solution available for all actual adobe's products. Premiere Pro works with this method until CC 2020 version 14.3.1. AE CC 2021 18.4 works by replacing even libmkl_intel_thread.1.dylib with the one provided. UPDATE: Premiere Pro CC 2021 15.4 works by manually patching AEFilterStabilizer and AEFilterMorphCut binaries inside the respective bundles, as dylib injection doesn't seem to work inside macOS bundles. Details in my last post. Need to generalize it for versions between 14.4 - 15.4 and up. Hi everybody! Trying to solve the remaining issues of running macOS with AMD cpus when certain apps expect strict intel code (Adobe Suite, Discord, Matlab and some older DaVinci Resolve versions) I randomly came reading this article: https://danieldk.eu/Posts/2020-08-31-MKL-Zen.html This works perfectly in Linux in order to run optimized x86_64 Intel code but with AMD cpus... but can we port this to macOS I asked myself? We could solve the compatibility issues I've talked about earlier. I'm a real rookie in programming but I managed to get some interesting results anyway!!! At first I installed brew, a real bridge between Linux and macOS, just issue this command in terminal: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" Then I installed GCC using brew and this mini-guide: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/8336714 Then I compiled as a dylib (dynamic library) for macOS this little trivial C program with gcc: int mkl_serv_intel_cpu_true() { return 1; } I used this command, fakeintel.c is the file in which I typed and saved the above code: gcc -dynamiclib /Users/tomnic/Desktop/fakeintel.c -o libfakeintel.dylib ...so I got the libfakeintel.dylib I attach. To get the code injecting effect in macOS you need to use the environmental variable DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES, same effects of the Linux counterpart LD_PRELOAD (http://web.archive.org/web/20121108142727/https://blogs.oracle.com/DatabaseEmporium/entry/where_is_ld_preload_under). We can inject automatically this library with each unix executable using this command: launchctl setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES /Users/tomnic/Desktop/libfakeintel.dylib As you can infer, I put the injected library on my desktop, change your path according to your needs ๐Ÿ˜‰ Experimenting with Adobe After Effects with camera tracking function (older tricks no longer work) I got these results: 1. Without injecting libfakeintel.dylib analysis stops at 0%, then AE stops; 2. With libfakeintel.dylib injected tracking starts and completes at 100% but then AE crashes with this error: <1641966> <Tracciatore videocamera 3D Profile Data> <5> Analysis Started (Tutorial - Tracking.mov) selector.max_count: 500.000000 selector.spacing: 29.000000 selector.half_winx: 15.000000 selector.half_winy: 15.000000 selector.border: 12.000000 selector.threshold: 0.010000 selector.min_eig: 1.000000 selector.max_eig: 6000.000000 selector.presmoothing: 1.000000 selector.presmooth_factor: 0.100000 selector.eig_ratio_threshold: 15.000000 selector.down_sample_factor: 1.000000 tracker.max_iterations: 25.000000 tracker.tolerance_translation: 0.100000 tracker.tolerance_affine: 0.050000 tracker.pyramidal_levels: 5.000000 tracker.half_win_x: 15.000000 tracker.half_win_y: 15.000000 tracker.color_correction_translation: 0.000000 tracker.color_correction_affine: 2.000000 tracker.affine_verification: 1.000000 tracker.tolerance_color_lambda: 0.050000 tracker.tolerance_color_delta: 1.000000 tracker.tolerance_min_correlation: 0.700000 tracker.tolerance_primary_color_threshold: 5.000000 tracker.kill_tracks_shorter_than: 5.000000 <1641966> <StateBinaryConverter> <5> solveCompleteB = 0 <1642537> <StateBinaryConverter> <5> solveCompleteB = 0 <1641966> <AnalyzerServer> <5> Create Temp Project: /var/folders/qw/wdfjy1tx0z3569g9v0gygxw80000gn/T/tmpAEProject-569fa6b4-c9fb-43f2-a2a4-5ea9f85fde5b.aep <1641966> <AnalyzerServer> <5> Start 7fa4a8b1-fb7a-4570-b4f7-fc33bfce2803 <1641966> <Tracciatore videocamera 3D Profile Data> <5> Analysis Time (seconds) : 5,22 (Tutorial - Tracking.mov) <1641966> <AnalyzerServer> <5> End 7fa4a8b1-fb7a-4570-b4f7-fc33bfce2803 <1641966> <AnalyzerServer> <5> Delete Temp Project: /var/folders/qw/wdfjy1tx0z3569g9v0gygxw80000gn/T/tmpAEProject-569fa6b4-c9fb-43f2-a2a4-5ea9f85fde5b.aep <1642537> <StateBinaryConverter> <5> solveCompleteB = 0 [19817:1642194:20210530,203115.482236:WARNING process_memory_mac.cc:93] mach_vm_read(0x7ffeefbff000, 0x2000): (os/kern) invalid address (1) [19817:1642194:20210530,203115.593841:WARNING mach_o_image_segment_reader.cc:173] section.segname incorrect in segment __TEXT, section ??? ??? ??? ???, ??? ??? ??? ??? 0/11, load command 0x19 0/22, module /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2021/Adobe After Effects 2021.app/Contents/Frameworks/LogSession.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libConfigurer64.dylib, address 0x12f534000 LaunchHeadlightsCrashProcessor result: -11 [19817:1642194:20210530,203119.056962:WARNING crash_report_exception_handler.cc:346] UniversalExceptionRaise: (os/kern) failure (5) [1] + illegal hardware instruction DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/Users/tomnic/Desktop/libfakeintel.dylib ...help me finding out why ๐Ÿ˜‰ Instead in Adobe Photoshop everything seems to work happily, since the name of this thread (by now). To revert everything back just reboot! 1.mov libfakeintel.dylib.zip environment.plist.zip libiomp5.dylib.zip libmkl_intel_thread.1.dylib.zip AEFilterMorphCut.bundle.zip AEFilterStabilizer.bundle.zip
    1 point
  7. Z77 e Z370 entrambe aggiornate, niente da segnalare , OC069.
    1 point
  8. https://www.amazon.it/NANOCABLE-10-19-1201-Alimentazione-Grafica-PCI/dp/B00CI2WIG2/ Devi avere due molex liberi di quelli per i vecchi dischi pata
    1 point
  9. Servono entrambi, magari ti si accende il tutto con solo 8 pin ma poi durante i carichi pesanti accuseresti il colpo: esistono adattatori da molex a pciex 6-8 pin perรฒ! Prendine uno e sarai a posto se l'alimentatore รจ valido
    1 point
  10. @Allubz audio is a well known trx40 problem if you read we talk about it and there is no a definitive solution
    1 point
  11. On the Rev. 1.1 I recommend FBd, since gave a KP 3/4 into booting, without a clear sign on what it was. On the Rev. 1.0 the same goes, I tested the BIOS same KP, so I'm at F4i. Attached you'll find my EFI. It works 99%, but assumes you have replaced the WiFi+BT card with a Broadcom (DW1820A in my case) alternative to the Intel WiFi+BT combo. It works with both revisions of the motherboard; there's no serious difference between them as far as I can tell. I have trouble with onboard audio, though. On a boot (cold / warm) the Realtek USB2.0 Audio is detected, and when I plug my headphones in the appropriate slot it detects another instance of Realtek USB2.0 Audio and it works. After a restart, both USB2.0 "devices" are gone. Maybe someone knows what to do here? Update: If I restart macOS the devices disappear, but if I start the system with the jack plugged in, the devices also won't appear on a fresh boot; this only happens properly on a boot (cold/warm) without the jack plugged in. So, that's weird! Also, sleep doesn't work properly. The system turns off for a short second, and then restarts to a black screen / login screen when you touch the mouse or keyboard. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this, and honestly I don't give much about sleep. Having sleep work would be nice, but I'd rather have stable onboard audio. Funnily enough the board boots for me even after a BIOS reset / up/downgrade. Still, I have some manual settings: Tweaker: XMP - Enabled Infinity Fabric linked to DDR4-3600 speed (so 1800) Settings: /Platform Power/Wake on Lan - Disabled /IO Ports set all the Bifurcation options to their optimal lane speeds (16/8/16/8) Above 4G Decoding - Disabled (Enabled works fine too, I see no difference) /USB Configuration/Port 60/64 Emulation - Enabled (That's default, it has no influence on the audio issues as far as I can tell) Boot: CSM - Disabled Secure Boot - Disabled The part in "Settings" is mostly taken from Arrakis, but I'm not sure if it really influences anything. Having memory speed and IF linked is a no-brainer, make sure you do this if you can for optimal performance. Disabling CSM and Secure Boot doesn't seem to influence much, but it's good practice. @fabiosunI noticed I'm on my other account again, not AllubzV (if you remember what happened there, a year or two ago), but it's fine like this I assume. Perhaps you can shed some light on the audio / sleep issues, or how to troubleshoot them? PS: With this EFI you'll get a non-critical error from OpenCore related to the Picker type; they changed it in 0.7.0 and I use OCC so it's not yet up to speed with 0.7.0 changes. It can be changed with PlistEditor Pro EFI Allubz TRX40 Designare 0.7.0 11.4.zip
    1 point
  12. @Jaidy I am using version Agesa and Wakeup on LAN disabled. Maybe the restart is due to a bad value in Mmio White list.
    1 point
  13. probabilmente erano alcune prove che ho fatto ieri (anche se il vecchio 11.4 andava bene ugualmente) stamattina tutto ok anche qui
    1 point
  14. giร  fatto grazie ๐Ÿ™ ti ringrazio del tuo aiuto ๐Ÿ˜‰
    1 point
  15. Just installed with no issue, also running MacPro7.1 but do not use WEG anymore. I miss display in 2nd boot stage but after drivers load all is well.
    1 point
  16. Intanto con Photoshop 22.3.1 (CC 2021) grazie solamente a: launchctl setenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES /Users/tomnic/Desktop/libfakeintel.dylib funziona di default: - Apertura di file JPG senza sovrascrivere cameraraw (io ho l'ultima installata, la 13.2); - Filtro fluidifica; - Strumento seleziona oggetto. Allego video che illustra tali funzioni! Registrazione schermo 2021-06-02 alle 22.31.15 low.mov Questo รจ @fabiosun che รจ commosso dai progressi!!!
    1 point
  17. grazie a @Gengik84 per la dritta ๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. In primis scrivi minuscolo. Ti consiglio di leggere la guida perchรฉ se ci sono riuscito io, lo possono fare tutti. ADRIANAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
    0 points
  20. anche a me il layout-id rimane sempre 7 pero' cambia Alc-layout quello dichiarato in boot-args come nei 2 esempi 13 e 15 layout-id impostato su 00000000 , anche eliminando da DeviceProperties la periferica audio solo alcid=xx in boot-args va uguale non credo si devono impostare tutt e due o uno l altro
    0 points
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