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  1. @Arrakis wifi and Bluetooth aren’t still working for me. How did you get them to work? I have arranged the order of kexts as you (they were disabled in your config.plist, I enabled them)
  2. Previously I needed to disable BTPatcher kext in config.plist and add revpatch=sbvmm in boot arguments to make the upgrade appear in the Software Updates section of System Settings. After applying changes to my config.plist using your EFI, the update is appearing without these two changes. Can you please confirm you don’t need to to do these either and you can upgrade your system from within Software Updates section section of System Settings?
  3. Is there anyone who updated their bios with the latest one that patches the security vulnerability? If so, did you experience any reboots? My system now immediately reboots at the first screen after the opencore boot selector…
  4. unfortunately my expertise is zero. I guess the best thing to do would be to swap the motherboard with the Gigabyte one which has been successfully hackintoshed by @backinblackx86
  5. 14.5 @fabiosun is right, there is no pcie 5 port on my system, a trx40. Also I must mention I have a Samsung 990 pro SSD which I previously used for macOS. The T705 isn’t any faster in day to day usage as it’s random I/O performance is a tiny bit less than 990 pro. So if your use case isn’t moving lots of big files around, you should skip it
  6. I have been running a T705 for ten days now without any hiccups other than one during the installation. You might wanna try it if you want.
  7. thanks @Ploddles @Arrakis. I had to change SecureBootModel to Disabled to get it to work!
  8. I’m stuck at a reboot loop updating to 14.4 myself. I just checked and secure boot is disabled on my end. Does the config.plist has some settings @fabiosun?
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