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Posts posted by Ploddles

  1. I've just reattached 2 SATA disks, a 3TB spinner that I used as a backup of my files and also as a CCC of the system, and a 256GB SSD that I want to try BigSur on.


    In Windows they show up fine and the CCC backup on the spinner appears in the OpenCore picker, so OpenCore can see the disks at that stage.


    When I boot into Catalina, both SATA drives completely disappear. Disk Utility can't see them and in Terminal diskutil list does not show them either. I'm assuming this is either a SSDT problem, or I'm missing a rename somewhere in my config.plist.


    To check it wasn't something just in Catalina, I started the BigSur installation but couldn't see the SATA drives in there to choose as an installation point.


    Time to do some checking to see where the problem is 🙂 and then give a BigSur  installation a try.


  2. 11 hours ago, Jaidy said:

    It hangs for me at both restart and shutdown. I simply pasted your EFI to my EFI partition. Did I miss something, like did I need to edit some settings?

    I am on Catalina..


    Have you changed the config.plist to include your MMIO Whitelist?


    The same was happening to mine until I went through the process. Now it Restarts without any issue and NVRAM is working fine. On Shutdown though I still get reboot.


    I also had to change the Debug bits in the config file, leaving it as enabled etc it would take up to 5 minutes before it would fully boot into Catalina after selecting that from the picker. One other change I made was to the ScanPolicy, changing it back to 0, the reason being leaving it at 19596035 resulted in me not seeing the Windows NVMe - as I dual boot Windows it was the quickest way to get that back into the picker rather than hitting F12 to be able to choose that to boot from.

  3. On 8/25/2020 at 7:37 PM, meina222 said:

    @Ploddles - I ended up in a similar situation (don't know how) where I could no longer boot in any EFI. I haven't retried yet after refreshing BIOS - I want to build it from scratch this time around but not sure it's worth it if shutdown and restart not working. I don't see any benefit except more ports and maybe the TB card.


    Clearing and Refreshing the CMOS/BIOS did not solve anything for me. What I found was that I could boot into the Recovery Mode with any EFI. So I booted that and then opened Terminal from the Utilities menu. I then "touched" the /System/Library/Extensions folder and rebooted. This forces a rebuild of the prelinkedkernal on next boot and boom, back into Catalina.


    For anyone who doesn't know, the command to do this is:-


    touch -c "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Extensions"


    Just replace 'Macintosh HD' with your own hard disk name. You only need the quotes "" if there is a space in your hard disk name. So, for example, if your disk is called Catalina then the command can be written as touch -c /Volumes/Catalina/System/Library/Extensions

  4. I erased and repartitioned the USB sticks I used so there is nothing on them.


    On 1 stick I copied the EFI you posted, on the other stick I copied the Archivio EFI you sent. 


    Maybe I misunderstood what you said but now nothing will boot.


    No matter, I will clear CMOS later and try again.


    Is there anything interesting in the MMIO values I sent compared to other MBs?

  5. @fabiosun


    Thank you for sending the EFIs.


    I booted my system with my original EFI and it boots OK.


    I then tried with your Debug version. It got stuck on the "Watchdog status is 1" screen for about 2 minutes then the screen goes blank for about 5 minutes and then the system booted.


    I have attached the MMIO details from the created text file on the EFI.


    I then booted with the new EFI you sent. It displayed a few error messages about No Schema but it did continue and booted. I then did a "Restart" to test if it still hangs but it didn't and it restarted. 


    I again booted from your EFI but this time it would not load. It halted on critical errors.


    I tried restarting with my normal EFI that worked first but again I get the same error about critical errors.


    I can no longer boot with any of the EFIs, my original or the 2 that you sent. I clear NVRAM 3 times but still could not start Catalina. Tried loading optimised defaults and disabled CSM, Above 4G Decoding etc. I still cannot boot into Catalina, always critical err



    I will try clearing my CMOS later and try again. Grrrrrrr.




  6. @fabiosun, There is my original and @iGPUmodified (but some USB ports don’t work with modified) on the previous page, Page 13. Either of those should do. I am at work at the moment so can’t upload right now. I will try what you send back tonight and post the MMIO details requested.


    @Jaidy, I have the same problem. If I select Restart it just hangs and if Shutdown then it reboots. The reboot doesn’t really bother me as I just power off when it gets back to the OpenCore picker.

  7. That is what I did, with 3 different config files modified for the relevant versions. They always halt at the same place, so there must be something in my config that the debug version doesn't like. @iGPUeven re did my whole EFI (which boots but stops my mouse working - probably a misconfigured/blocked USB port(s). Even with the mouse not working I was hoping a debug version would at least boot and I could get the files off the stick. No such luck. It always halts with the same error.

  8. @Jaidy It looks like one of the new ssdt's is probably disabling 1, or more, of our USB ports. The port my mouse is in is probably the one your keyboard is in. I haven't had time to check any of the ports yet but hope to get a chance later today. 


    I hope @iGPU is ok, he doesn't appear to have been on line for over a day now (not that he has to be online all the time 🙂 ) and both of his Github repositories have been deleted - https://github.com/iGPU


    Re your sound issue, have you tried alcid=16 rather than alcid=11?

  9. 2 minutes ago, Rocket88 said:


    I am currently in the process of doing the same thing with Big Sur.


    As far as I am aware, nobody has managed to do a Big Sur install on TRX40 bare metal yet.


    The first stage goes OK but after the first reboot to continue the install it crashes. Wiser minds than mine are working on it so hopefully they will suss out where the problem is. If you already have it installed on a disk then it runs fine I hear, just the install that won't work. I have an old (about 10 years) 128GB SSD somewhere so I will try that in an enclosure and install BS onto that from my MacBook and then transplant that into the hack. That won't be for a while though until I can get round to it.

  10. Hi @iGPU,


    I've just had a chance to boot with the EFI you kindly sorted out for me. However, as soon as it starts to boot into Catalina the (wired) mouse turns off (the light in the base goes off) and it continues to boot. The keyboard is fine. About 15 seconds after the OS boots I get a message that no mouse or trackpad can be found and it begins searching for a bluetooth one. I don't have a bluetooth mouse or keyboard to try.

  11. @iGPU, that is most appreciated, thank you. My original was based on one from @meina222. If I remember right @meina222 you are having/had a few problems as well so it may be worth your while to take a look at what @iGPU has done, although your MB is a Designare rather than the Xtreme most of it should be good for you as well.


    I always keep a spare USB stick with the latest fully working EFI as a fall back, still got those for my old Z370 and Z390 motherboards somewhere in the office. If I make changes I always do so on a USB stick first, better to be safe than sorry.

  12. 5 minutes ago, rressl said:

    I created it like this:


    sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Catalina.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/MyVolume


    and then mount it with MountEFI.command


    That should work fine if your USB stick was called MyVolume. After it ran did its name change to Install Catalina or something similar? Did it complete without any errors? There is an App you can use as well which will halt on any errors. Try THIS

  13. 3 minutes ago, rressl said:



    Thanks for uploading your configuration.


    Unfortunately it doesn't work for me and when I boot from the USB stick I only get the selection "CleanNvram.efi" and "ResetSystem.efi".


    What could be the problem? (CSM and Above 4G decoding is disabled)


    It sounds like you haven't created a Catalina USB install stick. If you have, how did you create it?

  14. @rressl


    As requested attached is my latest EFI. You will need to enter your own details for serial number etc in config.plist - where I have put "Your Info Here".

    It is best to just write in the thread rather than PM, others may be able to help with your questions/comments.


    This is by no means complete and is just a work in progress but hopefully it will get you going.


    @Jaidy there are a few updates from the last one here, including a couple of Gigabyte Xtreme specific SSDTs, thanks to @iGPU for these.


  15. 10 minutes ago, fabiosun said:

    I have updated to latest oc debug

    latest drivers and kext (061)

    I have a reboot after OS X choice


    i put back my working EFI

    now everytime i choose OS X it boots in recovery mode

    i obviously select OS X to boot and not recovery mode

    luckily proxmox OS X starts fine

    i have tried t clean nvram but always the same



    I had this a year or so ago on a Z390 Designare. Clearing the BIOS and redoing the settings was the only way I recovered from it without having to reinstall. A few times I have had to clear NVRAM 3 times in a row without trying to boot an OS inbetween to get it fully back to normal.

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  16. 1 hour ago, iGPU said:


    The schema errors appear when your using a mis-configured config.plist file for the particular version of OC. (In other words, you've probably kept the same config.plist file yet swapped out different OpenCore.efi files that now have different entries.)


    Another common OC mistake is to update parts of the OC folder and forget to also update the BOOT folder. All parts of OC's EFI folder need to be of same commit (well, not ACPI or Kexts folders).


    I don't include HiiDatabase.efi in GitHub site, so declaring this is config.plist and not having in Driver's folder will give a critical halt. Most of the driver's are not necessary, and I've excluded them from the Driver's folder on purpose.


    Attached is the config file I used with 0.6.1 Debug version built on 12 August. Pretty much my current config with bits disabled. Various bits still need to be added/removed etc, I'm slowly going through it to clean it up for my MB.


    Thanks for having a look.


  17. On 8/16/2020 at 5:57 PM, iGPU said:


    I'll lay out the steps I went through to derive the MmioWhitelist. But first I want to say that aside from the slide value of 128, I'd tried various OC combinations to obtain native NVRAM including using the new SSDT-NVRAM. None worked. Only when combining the Quirks reported above and MmioWhitelist and using the SSDT-TRX40-NVRAM did native NVRAM work on bare metal.


    Steps for deriving MmioWhitelist (make certain that you have an alternative bootable EFI, as you'll see below):



    A. MmioWhitelist Determination


    1. Run OC debug version (≥ v059; even if you can't fully boot into macOS, you'll have sufficient data written out on the next boot with a non-debug, working version).


     a. debug OC settings (spoiler):

      Hide contents




    I'm not having much luck with this.


    It halts on a critical error and the saved file does not have the MMIO info in it. I've tried with 0.5.9, 0.6.0 and 0.6.1 debug versions. Tried with and without the SSDTs and with and without the kexts.


    Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?








  18. 6 minutes ago, Jaidy said:

    that worked! Thanks a lot. Would you be following up on @iGPU's suggestions to create an updated EFI? If so, would you please post it here?


    Which bit worked, sound or keyboard?


    I will be updating my EFI (on a separate USB drive for testing first) but it will probably take me a while. Once I have it done I'll let you know. 🙂


    Firstly, I've installed Big Sur on an old MacBook, 13" mid 2014 - so not the fastest machine out there, with only 8GB ram!!, and will next create a CCC image on a USB HD to then CCC to another NVMe on the TRX. I can then validate the new EFI for both Catalina and BS on the Xtreme. At some point I'll also have another look at liquidctl to see if it will play nicely with the RGB. It has just been updated to better work with the latest Gigabyte MBs that support Fusion 2 (Windows). I'm not that fussed about RGB but if it is there then there is another challenge and I like the odd challenge. Having been retired for some time I must keep the old brain cells working - I do voluntary work with the Ambulance Service now to keep me busy during the day but need more than that, hence moving onto the TRX from the 3 Intel Hacks I have built so far.


  19. @iGPU please find attached requested IOReg file for the Gigabyte Xtreme motherboard. We also need a different network kext as we have dual intel 10GB chipset. The (modified)  kext is attached.


    @Jaidy, sound for me is working. I have not tested the onboard headphone jacks etc as I use a Dell AC511 USB Soundbar (it matches my Dell monitors and is designed to clip onto one of them. You could try changing from alcid=1 to alcid=11 or alcid=16 in the boot-args of your config.plist file. My previous Gigabyte boards (Z370 Gaming Ultra, Z390 Designare and Z390 Master all worked with either 11 or 16.


    As for your keyboard, have you tried going to System Preferences - Keyboard and clicking "Change Keyboard Type..." It should then get you to press a key or two to verify it. I don't use a trackpad so can suggest anything for that.

    Gigabyte-Xtreme.zip SmallTreeIntel8259x.kext.zip

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