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Everything posted by fabiosun

  1. C'e' sempre di meglio.....e a meno! 😛 🙂
  2. @valmeida USB Ethernet works fine without the need of any driver/kext Same problem of yours (not seen as built in)
  3. scusa avevo perso il messaggio perche' anche con Clover non vedi mackintosh hd dopo la prima fase? dovrebbe essere la stessa cosa
  4. @Driftwoodit doesn’t work tested yesterday all things available system freezes if cable is connected
  5. Valmeida, I did the same today I have reinserted my aquantia card in my rig No way to have it working again with latest Monterey
  6. ei jude 🙂 Proxmox AMD 3970x with Opencore and clover bootloader - YouTube we did it some time ago
  7. Your assumption is correct Best is to use only cores but OS X limit is always @64
  8. forse anche Monterey..ma Carlo67 ti puo' dire d piu'
  9. Maybe they have been hidden in your config.plist Search for Hide Auxiliary in it or while you see open core boot menu press space bar button to unhide all partitions
  10. @Kennyhackif you don't have a thunderbolt header on your motherboard as mine, you can use it the same doing a connecttion on thunderbolt ridge header port in two pin with a cable to connect them the only difference from people which has a thunderbolt header is the you can't see in your bios nothing about thunderbolt and, Thunderbolt USB is not shown as device in our ioreg With our thunderbolt ports I can only charge my Apple Watch or similar To use Titan Ridge properly you need to patch its firmware and the to have a chance for hot swap TB devices connected , you have to build a proper SSDT for it As Arrakis said, when you patch your thunderbolt card, it wouldn't work anymore with other systems To have again it working you must re flash a original firmware
  11. Auguri a tutti voi ed ai vostri cari
  12. @iGPUcould you post an IOREG of Z690 system? Thank you
  13. please use HackCheck and post file achieved clicking on question mark Also post a pitcure like mine here
  14. spesso le persone hanno mille temi nella cartella themes che producono EFi da 40 Mb diciamo che e' una piccola cortesia per il forum e per gli utenti che la scaricano
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