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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2022 in all areas

  1. andata sul latitude 7280 e anche nel vostro 5490 e vostro 5401 ice lake
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Primo tentativo fallito " impossibile scaricare l aggiornamento ... " mi proponeva di scaricare il full installer rimosso la cartella Apple ( avendo aggiornato Monterey )... e' andata Sara' stato per quello ?? boooo
    3 points
  4. Version 1.0.2


    Topic di riferimento: https://www.macos86.it/topic/4308-hack-check/ Grazie a @fabiosun per il video
    2 points
  5. I really wished I'd discovered this app sooner, it would have saved me a world of pain with my Gigabyte z590.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Updating OpenCore and Kexts with OCAT The purpose of this guide is to help especially novice or inexperienced users who have difficulty updating OpenCore with the classical methods Xcode,plisteditor...etc. Please note that the tool does not magically configure/set the config.plist settings based on your platform , for that please refer to the Dortania's guide Currently , the easiest method to keep your OpenCore files updated : config.plist , drivers and kext , without the aid of additional tools is to use OpenCore Auxiliary Tools (OCAT) OCAT integrates a feature set to make all necessary changes to the structure of the config.plist , thus updating it to the latest version , without losing the settings. This saves time and effort compared to traditional methods , where you have to do everything manually Tools and prerequisites: 1. Working Internet connection 2. Download and install OCAT 3. Update OCAT Opencore Database to latest version (see pictures below) If you do not see latter Opencore version as you see in the above picture, select latest version in popup menu (the words Latest Version I mean), then click on Get OpenCore and then Start Synch This procedure will help you to have an updated database with latest Opencore (release version). If you like to have the latest OpenCore (Dev version) you can do a pretty similar procedure selecting: and then again click on Get OpenCore and Start Synch buttons: ⚠️ Make a backup copy of the old EFI until you have tested the new one Update the config.plist: Run OCAT , Mount the EFI partition ( from the tool bar > Edit > MountESP ) or from the HDD icon Open your config.plist file. If it is outdated not in line with the latest vers. of OC you should see some OC Validate warnings (indicated by the red warning icon) Click the red warning icon to view the warnings to be corrected : Close the warning window Press the Save button (on the floppy disk icon) After saving , the warnings icon will no longer be red so it indicates that the Plist is ok if we click on it again it will show that there are no more errors : ” No issues found “ You have just finished updating your configuration. Let's move on to updating the files : kexts , drivers and Resource to view themes. Click on the icon that looks like a Recycle symbol In the above dialog box, you can see which files will be updated. Green = updated, Red = obsolete. On the left the current version of kexts and the one available online --- on the right the drivers currently in use also available are the md5 checksums that help determine whether it is the same file or a different one: Check the checkboxes for the kexts you wish to update (otherwise they will be ignored) and click on “Check Kexts updates online” and then" Update Kexts " In the "OpenCore" list. , select the current OC version ( from the drop down menu ) then select the drivers you want to update and click on "Start Sync". You will receive a notification upon completion that everything has been successfully synchronized: Close the open dialog boxes and click again on the Recycle icon to do a brief check ... et voila: Done ! Your EFI : the config.plist , Drivers , Kexts and Resource is now up to date. In case of obsolete EFI , OC vers. ≤ 0.6.5 or lower remove the Bootstrap folder if present , reset the nvram on first boot ⚠️ Some important Settings to be defined in UEFI > APFS for those trying to boot / install Osx versions prior to Big Sur OCAT always uses the latest OpenCore build available on https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg/actions. Short-Video Credits Ic005k Tool developer @Antuneddu For this guide and for Italian Short-Video
    2 points
  8. Salve a tutti Siamo lieti di presentarvi Hack Check aka HC E' un applicazione sviluppata da me e @foskvs il quale ci tengo veramente a ringraziare pubblicamente per tutto il lavoro svolto. L'applicazione parte di base dal principio di fornire molte informazioni utili sia per utenti principianti in hack ma anche per utenti più avanzati Informazioni sono per: Svariate info di sistema Audio Dischi: integra la funzione per montare la EFI, doppio pannello sia in popover "staccabile", sia come singola finestra Grafica alcuni log di sistema Network PCI Device Device Properties USB Downloader Converter Install Maker Mac Enroller possibilità di cambiare apparenza di sistema da un tema scuro a quello chiaro e viceversa Ognuna di queste parti a sua volta mostra diverse informazioni che non sto ad elencarvi Ringraziamo @Ciro82 e @fabiosun per le icone Disponibile in Download: https://www.macos86.it/files/file/95-hack-check/
    1 point
  9. Aggiornato lenovo miix 720 ed L560 domani si aggiorna anche Z490
    1 point
  10. Ma dopo lo puoi disinstallare 😅 oppure devi farlo manualmente https://drive.google.com/file/d/16wWX6hZW50szRYrMI08D8jEUOIPY5wsh/view?usp=sharing editare il file di testo ... Sip deve essere disabilitata e attivare l opzione per i file nascosti
    1 point
  11. Esatto l icona x BigSUR e' giusta e' quella li Se ti piace piu' cosi ... ci si puo' sbizzarrire , fatte al volo ....sosttituiscila Apple11.zip
    1 point
  12. Il log e sysreport mi servono per verificare che la efi sia fatta per bene, una volta verificato questo vediamo il problema rtc.
    1 point
  13. Ciao @Lorys89, Grazie per l'offerta, purtroppo mia figlia ha di nuovo il portatile e non so esattamente quando riuscirò a farlo. Per quanto ne so, l'area RTC interessata deve essere esclusa e l'area deve essere ridotta al minimo semplicemente provandola. Il sysreport delle attuali versioni di OpenCore vi informa sull'intervallo? Hello Lorys86, thank you for the offer, unfortunately, just my daughter has the laptop again and I do not know exactly when I come to it. As far as I understand, you have to exclude the RTC area which is affected and minimize the area. Does the sysreport of the current OpenCore versions about the area information?
    1 point
  14. Hello @msart for the problem rtc send me a log Ioreg, and also log and sysreport Made with efi debug. (Misc/debug target 67 and sysreport) Thank you
    1 point
  15. Version 2.9.7


    Storico driver audio che spesso risolve situazioni problematiche per avere audio analogico e HDMI https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/314406-voodoohda-295/
    1 point
  16. meno male che non ho aggiornato alla 8 😏
    0 points
  17. 0 points
  18. Ok, se riesco a strappare il portatile dalle mani di mia figlia nel frattempo? Pubblicherò un registro. OK, if I can snatch the laptop from my daughter's hands in between ? I will post a log.
    0 points
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