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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2021 in all areas

  1. Release v0.7.6 Fixed stack canary support when compiling with GCC Added automatic scaling factor detection Explicitly restricted ResizeAppleGpuBars to 0 and -1 Fixed OpenCanopy long labels fade-out over graphics background Fixed ProvideConsoleGop not disabling blit-only modes (e.g. on Z690) Fixed Alder Lake SMBIOS CPU model information Added XCPM CPU power management ACPI table for Intel Alder Lake Updated draw order to avoid graphics tearing in OpenCanopy Fixed handling PCI device paths with logical units in ScanPolicy Added ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect option for enabling alternative UEFI graphics drivers Added BiosVideo.efi driver to use with ReconnectGraphicsOnConnect Changed FadtEnableReset to avoid unreliable keyboard controller reset Added EnableVmx quirk to allow virtualization in other OS on some Macs Upgraded ProtectUefiServices to prevent GRUB shim overwriting service pointers when chainloading with Secure Boot enabled Removed deprecated SSDT-PNLFCFL Fixed handling of zero-sized Memory Attributes Table L'annuncio ufficiale di @vit9696 per questa Release https://dortania.github.io/hackintosh/updates/2021/12/07/acidanthera-december.html
    3 points
  2. In questa sezione si potranno affrontare eventuali discussioni e consigli per l'utilizzo della app OCAT. Guida disponibile qui: app scaricabile dal sito dell'autore: https://github.com/ic005k/QtOpenCoreConfig/releases
    2 points
  3. Aggiornato con OCAT in un click praticamente. Fantastico. Mi è venuto anche a me quel messagigo in alto. Ho salvato . Al primo riavvio si e riavviato il sistema. Poi è andato tutto ok. Ma devo modificare qualcosa?
    2 points
  4. SI 😆 Infatti l ho notato anch io ... verificando ho notato che la build attuale era gia' pronta ieri con OCAT
    2 points
  5. thank you so much. It turns out that the only problem was having a local license file that required entering an activation key to move to installation. I used my credentials from the Mathworks website and they worked perfectly. Thanks a lot. I now have Matlab running on my machine 🙂
    2 points
  6. Warp Stabilizer works, Rolling Shutter works, Morph Cut works, Pugetbench works... patching only the needed original libraries/plugins to make Premiere think that it works on a genuine Intel CPU... no libfakeintel, no environmental variables involved. Just replace AEFilterMorphCut into: /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro 2021/Adobe Premiere Pro 2021.app/Contents/Plug-Ins/Common/AEFilterMorphCut.bundle/Contents/MacOS AEFilterStabilizer in: /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro 2021/Adobe Premiere Pro 2021.app/Contents/Plug-Ins/Common/AEFilterStabilizer.bundle/Contents/MacOS AEFilterRollingShutter in: /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro 2021/Adobe Premiere Pro 2021.app/Contents/Plug-Ins/Common/AEFilterRollingShutter.bundle/Contents/MacOS AEFilterMorphCut.zip AEFilterStabilizer.zip AEFilterRollingShutter.zip
    1 point
  7. Io sono già alla 0.7.7 di OC Aggiornamenti eseguiti tutte le volte rigorosamente a mano senza l'ausilio di alcun programma.
    1 point
  8. piccoli cambiamenti se si usava una delle ultime beta (076 - 2021-28-11)
    1 point
  9. Warp Stabilizer works, 3D Camera Tracking works, Pugetbench old and new version both work... patching only the needed original libraries/plugins to make After Effects think that it works on a genuine Intel CPU... no libfakeintel, no environmental variables involved. Just replace libiomp5.dylib into: /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2021/Adobe After Effects 2021.app/Contents/Frameworks libmkl_avx512.1.dylib in: /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2021/Adobe After Effects 2021.app/Contents/Frameworks libmkl_core.1.dylib in: /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2021/Adobe After Effects 2021.app/Contents/Frameworks libmkl_core.1.dylib.zip libmkl_avx512.1.dylib.zip libiomp5.dylib.zip
    1 point
  10. The fix is divided in two parts, as a prerequisite disable SIP for now: 1. Fix the installer A. Download pacifist https://www.charlessoft.com/cgi-bin/pacifist_download.cgi?vers=3.6.2&type=zip install it and after mounting the matlab_R2021a_maci64.dmg go inside the icon InstallForMacOSX.app -> Show package contents -> Contents -> MacOS, open InstallForMacOSX with Pacifist; B. Drag the InstallForMacOSX root folder to your desktop and rename it to InstallForMacOSX; C. Overwrite the two files libtbb.dylib and libtbbmalloc.dylib inside Desktop -> InstallForMacOSX -> bin -> maci64 with my two patched revisions attached here; D. Launch InstallForMacOSX.app inside your extracted desktop InstallForMacOSX folder and install whatever component you want; E. Append .app extension to the folder where you've installed Matlab. 2. Fix the actual installed app A. Go inside your Applications folder -> MATLAB_R2021a.app -> sys -> os -> maci64 and replace the libiomp5.dylib with my patched revision attached here; B. Again go inside the Application folder -> MATLAB_R2021a.app -> bin -> maci64 and replace libtbb.dylib, libtbbmalloc.dylib, mkl.dylib, blas.spec and lapack.spec too. Enjoy! blas.spec.zip lapack.spec.zip libtbb.dylib.zip libtbbmalloc.dylib.zip mkl.dylib.zip libiomp5.dylib.zip
    1 point
  11. Addirittura noooo 😳 posso metterlo su default ... un casino perche' ho sbloccato il cfg lock bios via shell ...ho comunque salvato il profilo ... provo spero di non impostare dinuovo tutto 🙃
    0 points
  12. non capisco adesso il warn.... il pc e' stato spento a causa di un problema , i quirks sono sempre quelli nn ho cambiato nulla , resettato nvram 🤔
    0 points
  13. Aggiornato a mano e dice oggi come data, e cosi' deve essere 🙂
    0 points
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