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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2021 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Sul Dell Latitude 7280 KBL è andata bene. Ed anche nel Dell Vostro 5401 IceLake
    2 points
  3. Inizialmente non mi compariva, ma giocando con SWUSwitcher, è spuntato. Avviata l'installazione e soliti 2 riavvi e sembra tutto ok! Clover r5139
    1 point
  4. Ma le app predefinite più comuni sono state eliminate, che genialata 😄. -
    1 point
  5. I211 is now working with the old SmallTree kext file on Monterey ß7. (The same file works with Catalina-BigSur-Monterey.) The entire time is was a macOS problem, not a SmallTree kext problem. And most likely, the I210 ports will be working again too.
    1 point
  6. All good here. OC 7.04, j160 in SecureBoot just in case, see the download, then change back to Secureboot=Disabled, save config, and wait for download to finish, so it will reboot safely. If you don't see it first time round, Log Out quickly, then Log Back in and it should show up. Yeh GM shouldn't be far off.
    0 points
  7. Eccaallà 😆 speriamo bene sto giro 🤞
    0 points
  8. non ho ben capito come personalizzare i Widget. Me li mette a capocchia come vuole lui.....
    0 points
  9. lo hanno tenuto snello 😂
    0 points
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