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  1. After the countless tests done in this period, which still continue, I got to enjoy a little beta 3 with the programs I use Adobe suite works perfectly with the apps I use (Photoshop, After Effects, Media encoder and Premiere Pro) Blackmagic Davinci Resolve also seems to have no obvious problems Another positive note is also that the sleep / wake continues to work perfectly well!
    3 points
  2. Stavo appunto per editare per dirti che ero riuscito tramite windows. Tutto ok. Per la grafica direi che va bene cosi 🙂 ho letto che invece le wifi qualcomm non ci sono molte speranze. Vediamo se il file pcilist può far comodo. grazie ancora
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Ciao Carlo above 4g i can use also off on 4g try by now 🙂 edit: no differences here
    1 point
  5. Benchmarking Monterey B3 and new PR EFI: in Cinebench 23 84° (4* more than Big Sur ) and a bit less of multicore benchmark
    1 point
  6. Ok I would have liked to prepare an Efi for you i respect your decision👍
    1 point
  7. @Arrakiswould you like to try a different approach? clover bootloader I mean let me know if you like
    1 point
  8. It seems many people have some problems to update to beta 3 from Big sur I have had no problem in update from beta 1 and from 11.5 rc also all is fine from a clean installation from usb pen
    1 point
  9. could you see if you do a step more with this? config-3-Arrakis.plist.zip
    1 point
  10. Grosse novità per gli utenti AMD. A breve sarà rilasciata una versione di Opencore che consentirà attraverso un quirk di avere un numero molto ridotto di patches, per Clover per il momento non e' possibile usufruire di questa riduzione, fino al completamento della "clonazione" del sistema kernel patches e quirks Ho avuto la fortuna di provare una versione in anteprima di Opencore 072 DBG e con poco piu' di 1x patches (x >1 ,x <7 ) 😛 e' possibile far partire ed usare proficuamente i sistemi che ho in questo momento! macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Big Sur 11.4 Big Sur 11.5 beta 5 Big Sur 11.5. (20G701) Monterey 12 beta 1 Monterey 12 Beta 2 Monterey 12 Beta 3 Ho fornito i log dei seguenti sistemi e speriamo che venga pubblicato il tutto al piu' presto! Grazie ai devs! 😉 ------ Big news for AMD users. Soon a version of Opencore will be released that will allow through a quirk to have a very small number of patches, for Clover for the moment it is not possible to take advantage of this reduction, until the completion of the "cloning" of the system kernel patches and quirks I was lucky enough to try a preview version of Opencore 072 DBG and with little more than 1x patches (x> 1, x <7) 😛 it is possible to successfully start and use the systems I have right now! macOS High Sierra 10.13.6 Big Sur 11.4 Big Sur 11.5 beta 5 Big Sur 11.5. (20G701) Monterey 12 beta 1 Monterey 12 Beta 2 Monterey 12 Beta 3 I have provided the logs of the following systems and we hope that everything will be published soon! Thanks to the devs! 😉
    1 point
  11. I managed to install the Monterey B1 version from an EFI OpenCore 0.7.1. Then I tried to boot with Shanne's PR EFI OpenCore 0.7.2 without success. Even try all eGPU suggestions once again. Here I spent my day trying multiple studies of combinations to no avail. I am stopping there for the moment. I'm not even talking about attempts to upgrade Monterey B3 which each time breaks the installation of beta B1 and back to square one.😒
    0 points
  12. Adobe Zii Patcher is an activator for most of the Creative Clouds apps. It's basically a crack which allows you to enjoy those apps for free. One of the last version was bugged but it seems to have been resolved with the latest version though. However, it's advised to use an officially activated version for this. Nope. Disable SIP (recovery > terminal > csrutil disable or with the opencore tool) and reboot into macOS Download Adobe Creative Cloud: https://creativecloud.adobe.com/en/apps/download/creative-cloud Download libfakeintel.dylib and environment.plist from the first post Put the libfakeintel.dylib in your Application folder Put environment.plist in your $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents (Home folder = the folder of your macOS installation) Reboot On Adobe Creative Cloud, download the programs you want and wait for them to finish installing Here you go! Basically, the environment.plist will load the libfakeintel.dylib at launch automatically.
    0 points
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