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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2021 in all areas

  1. Using official OC 0.7.1 and this config with reduced patches thanks to @fabiosun I successfully booted Monterey beta 3 in my AMD Ryzen 9 rig. Wonderful! config.plist.zip
    3 points
  2. hey guys....maybe you have missed something... 😛 b2/b3 patch has been published.... only read me is old.... secret was revealed by Shaneee a day ago or more 🙂 🙂 the secret is gone 🙂 🙂 🙂
    2 points
  3. I forget if your board has an Aquantia port. If not, you can delete or disable the last 2 patches which are for Aquantia.
    1 point
  4. I've changed your patches (commenting out your old ones), and re-adjusted all of your Quirks. Try this one as is (except obviously for PlatformInfo/Generic stuff). The first 3 patches are the new algrey ones written out for the 3970X with one each for Monterey, Catalina-BS, and the third for HS-Mojave. config-ploddles-2.plist.zip
    1 point
  5. new patch algrey - Force cpuid_cores_per_package: Below I hope an useful schema taken from Shaneee Opencore PR COMMENT: algrey - Force cpuid_cores_per_package FIND: c1 e8 1a 00 00 00 MASK : FF FD FF 00 00 00 BASE: _cpuid_set_info COUNT: 1 REPLACE high sierra to mojave: b8 XX 00 00 00 00 REPLACE from catalina to big sur : ba XX 00 00 00 00 REPLACE MASK high sierra to big sur : FF FF FF FF FF 00 REPLACE monterey : ba XX 00 00 00 90 REPLACE MASK monterey : FF FF FF FF FF FF 3970x --->32 cores XX=20 3960x--->24 cores XX=18 3950x--->18 cores XX=10 and so on 🙂 so for all system from high Sierra you have three different patches (common find and mask) different replace and replace mask minKernel and maxKernel do the jobs to enable proper ones for OS you use I am using an old patch posted on @jsl2000config.plist which works in BIG SUR and all Monterey Beta But latest PR uses above patching 😉
    1 point
  6. @Ploddles it's all happening now and I've personally tried to get all the information I could I've also been working from the start to get clover going so I'm sorry if I haven't been clear Now you have everything available the only patch you need to calculate after you add the new ones or update the old ones is the one posted above That allows you to delete several other patches if you want as I did for jsl2000 if you send me your config working with big sur I try to fix it But I don't have any experience with wifi and blurtooth that I don't use 🙂
    1 point
  7. I am getting totally confused, and am running round in circles trying to work out what is what, by the number of different patch lists being posted now and what needs to be changed in the various different versions / variants. Is there a definitive list of what is 'the better / best' set of patches we should be using for our Threadripper hacks to be able to run Big Sur 11.5 and the latest beta (3) of Monterey? I am not interested in running earlier versions of macOS prior to Big Sur, nor Clover.
    1 point
  8. Thank you very much. This brief version can update Monterey beta2 to beta3 without any issue. The only issue is RestrictEvents.kext can not show Ryzen CPU name correctly with this brief version. I'll try to boot by Clover tomorrow and let you know the result. Great news: My FX-6300 also worked at Monterey beta3 now by OC 0.7.1 and it shows correct AMD CPU name !
    1 point
  9. Thanks again ! You are my hero ! This brief version can boot Monterey beta2 now ! I'll try to boot beta3 after update it.
    1 point
  10. @jsl2000if you want try this config-4.plist.zip
    1 point
  11. jsl2000 sorry only one of this are the same patch only a different revision and both wrong
    1 point
  12. Ciao, nessun problema. acquistato su ebay https://www.ebay.it/itm/203049906420?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160727114228%26meid%3D96b7e5d0833e461c958c550bc1fd429b%26pid%3D100290%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D3%26sd%3D402900965927%26itm%3D203049906420%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2506613%26brand%3DUnbranded&_trksid=p2506613.c100290.m3507 per completezza, L'ho staccata e riattaccata ( anche se era attaccata correttamente.) e da qualche giorno sembra funzionare
    1 point
  13. and this is my patches list now to boot from Big Sur to Monterey beta 3: Patches_BS_MR_1_2_3.plist.zip You have to add (in initial position this): Force cpuid_cores_per_package from @Shaneee PR or with old one published on insanelyMac by Algrey (with cores number -1) now without -1 for your cores number (not tested by me because i am using a different way) so core count with above patch is: 32 cores - 3970x =2 0 24 cores - 3960x = 18 16 cores - 3950x = 10 10 cores = 0A 8 cores = 08 6 cores = 06 Update: I prefer to use old patch for "Force Cupid_cores_per_package" but for someone could be fine to use it also Update:2 Patches in PR works also in clover bootloader , it was a error of mine (missing Procedure on it)
    1 point
  14. Giusto per conoscenza, chi fosse interessato all'installazione in dual boot (su disco separato) di Windows 11, con la efi presente in guida, è possibile avviare MacOS tranquillamente con il TPM (richiesto per l'installazione di Windows 11 - insider dev). Per abilitare l'opzione, nel bios, accedete alla tab "Settings" ... sottosezione "Miscellaneous"... entrate nell'opzione "Trusted Computing"...impostate il security device support su "Enable"... salvate, riavviate, avviate l'installazione/aggiornamento (consigliato) di Windows 11.
    1 point
  15. Grazie @Sundrawda una versione di Big Sur in poi va nativamente
    1 point
  16. A sto giro nessun problema... 😄
    1 point
  17. Con un po' più' di Patches...ma funziona pure qui
    1 point
  18. Per ora con la macchinozza Intel secondaria 😉 Aggiornamento a beta3 lanciato dal treno tramite Anydesk, liscio come l'olioooooo 😛 Ti piace vincere facileeeee, bom xi bom xi bombombommmm, pappapparaaaah
    1 point
  19. Tutto bene come ai vecchi tempi con OC 0.7.1 sara' per via del secureboot o TPM disabilitato ? boo...😅 !!! Done !!!
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Link installer completo beta 3: http://swcdn.apple.com/content/downloads/02/08/071-63739-A_G5RYVW5JHT/dfz5gp3s0jm9vl7m30oewq141zkpv8edr8/InstallAssistant.pkg
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Visto il video del boot? xD ahahahhah mi son data da fare anche con il flash del bios LoL xD
    1 point
  24. Non chiedete come 🙂 ringrazio @algrey che mi ha fatto provare in anteprima la patch per beta 2
    1 point
  25. I deleted my Catalina drive a few weeks ago and now only have Big Sur 11.5 and Monterey Beta 1. I will be trying the new patches & quirks over the weekend. I will disable / delete patches 2 & 3, and the last 2, as they are not applicable for me. If all goes well then I will try updating to Beta 3. Thanks to both of you. 👍
    0 points
  26. Check the test from the issue linked before, and try the different SetApfsTimeout Unfortunately it's not specific to a single NVMe, but all Samsung are broken with IONVMeFamily - hence not recommended (since you can have issues with TRIM if it's kept enabled) The issue with Samsung drives is documented here: https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg/blob/c5285973bcfd45908c62487cf2e318aa0328af3b/Docs/Configuration.tex#L2616 and also the additional wear on the drive that is the result of this incompatibility
    0 points
  27. Sto aggiornando con la 0.7.1 vediamo se il problema si ripresenta....stay tuned 😄😄
    0 points
  28. sto giro provo con tpm e secure boot model disabilitato .............se non va a primo colpo mi gioco il jolly "Clover" 😆
    0 points
  29. vediamo se reggono le Patches 🙂
    0 points
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