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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2021 in all areas

  1. la breme che si credeva una carpa questa quando inlamata è partita a razzo per una decina di metri e poi tirava come una dannata! infatti credevo di avere preso una carpa 😛
    2 points
  2. Come abilitare la GUI con OpenCore Misc >> Boot >> PickerMode --> External Misc >> Boot >> HideAuxiliary --> YES (facoltativo, serve per nascondere o visualizzare i volumi di Recovery , se impostato su YES dalla GUI premere la barra spaziatrice) NVRAM >> Add >> 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14 >> UIScale --> 01 UEFI >> Drivers --> OpenCanopy (#OpenCanopy se presente con il cancelletto davanti, è disabilitato) UEFI >> Output >> ConsoleMode --> Blank UEFI >> Output >> Resolution --> Max UEFI >> Output >> TextRenderer -->External (se si usano GUI alternative tipo queste) UEFI >> Output >> TextRenderer --> BuiltinGraphics (se si usa la GUI predefinita di Acidanthera) Per chi vuole provare il tema creato da Carlo_67, ora è a disposizione di tutti. Basta sostituire la cartella image con quella messa in download qui nel thread Potete godere tema screenshot
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. ho provato a togliere openhfsplus non parte più la gui cosa volete che vi dica...😅 disinstallato driver e riscaricate versioni aggiornate.. adesso con solo hfs è partita🤪
    1 point
  5. Hi @Arrakisi have error only if i click here: no problem during booting or while using OSX This week i will receive from AMD a shiny and new RX 6900 Xt... And i Will back more actively in OSX scene I hope it has resolved also some problems it has with Davinci in windows Environment OS If so i will sell my 3090 FE Otherwise i will sell 6900 xt
    1 point
  6. Si da' il caso che @T19 ha sostituito la caretella image come indicato , in quanto prima era incompleta perche' dalla 0.6.8 in poi per abilitare la GUI al boot e’ necessario avere in aggiunta queste icone all interno della cartella Resouces/image : Restart, Shutdown, BtnFocus, Dot, Entry, Lock, Password e SetDefault senza , la gui non sarebbe partita , rivedendo le EFI aveva tutt e due i drver sia openhfsplus che hfsplus abilitati , adesso che la gui e' attiva , giusto per fare la prova del 9 proverei a togliere openhfsplus e mettere hfsplus per vedere se e' il driver che non caricava la gui (strano) o perche' la cartella Resouces/image era incompleta , nel mio caso sia con uno o con l altro driver la Gui parte
    1 point
  7. adesso ci siamo:✌️
    1 point
  8. Release v0.6.9 Fixed out-of-sync cursor movement rectangle when loading e.g. CrScreenshotDxe Updated underlying EDK II package to edk2-stable202102 Applied consistent enforcement of required minimum Apple OEM Apple Event protocol version Changed CustomDelays to less surprising boolean setting with failsafe of false Changed key repeat failsafes and sample values to Apple OEM values Changed PointerSpeedMul failsafe to Apple OEM value Updated docs to include configuration of key repeat settings with and without KeySupport Prevented 'set default' UI when action not permitted by security config Added ForgeUefiSupport quirk to workaround legacy EFI 1.x firmwares compatibility Added ReloadOptionRoms quirk to force-load Option ROMs on PCI devices Added OC_ATTR_USE_MINIMAL_UI to allow running pickers with no Shutdown and Restart buttons Added display of OpenCore version number to OpenCanopy as well as builtin picker, depending on existing ExposeSensitiveData bit Added support for case-insensitive argument handling in the UEFI tools Added vector acceleration of SHA-512 and SHA-384 hashing algorithms, thx @MikhailKrichanov Fixed wraparound when using arrow keys in OpenCanopy Updated builtin firmware versions for SMBIOS and the rest Added bundled Linux versions for userspace utilities Fixed fallback SMBIOS Manufacturer value to NO DIMM for empty slots Fixed assertions when running OpenCanopy with low resolution, will fallbacks to builtin now
    1 point
  9. @fabiosun My card did not arrive this week. I think I got scammed off eBay; the seller supposedly sold 6 pieces but has no reviews themselves. The seller has not responded to my messaging and never supplied a tracking number. I'll have to open a file with eBay. Meanwhile, I ordered another 6900XT on Thursday and it should arrive middle of next week (TN was supplied).
    0 points
  10. ciao sono entrambe possibili e tieniti stretta la 580 che ha almeno raddoppiato il suo valore 🙂
    0 points
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