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  1. Spotted su applelife.ru MacBookPro17,1.ioreg.zip
    2 points
  2. Chuwi CoreBox - Big Sur Probabilmente il miglior hackintosh extreme-budget! Hardware: CPU: Intel Core i5-5257U GPU: Iris 6100 RAM: 8GB DDR3 SSD M2: 256GB (+ porta SATA per ssd/hdd secondario) Wifi: 2.4GHz/5GHz Dual WiFi Altro: 4 USB, 2 HDMI, Ethernet, jack audio e microfono Prezzo consigliato: 240€ (su Amazon) Problemi noti: - Non è possibile selezionare la risoluzione 4K. Non so ancora il motivo. Il flag -igfxmpc potrebbe aiutare, ma è richiesta una verifica approfondita. Cosa funziona: - Tutto dovrebbe funzionare (bluetooth, gpu, hdmi, eth, wifi, usb, sleep , audio hdmi, jack uscita audio e jack microfono ecc). Installazione: 1) Procuratevi i file di installazione di Big Sur (usate la guida di dortania se non sapete come fare) 2) Estraete l'EFI in una chiavetta usb (ragionevolmente spaziosa) ed aggiungete la cartella con l'installazione di Big Sur 3) IMPORTANTISSIMO: usando propertree (o simile) aprire il config.plist (contenuto in /EFI/OC/) e modificate (in PlatformInfo->Generic) le seguenti entry: MLB, ROM, SystemSerialNumber e SystemUUID. Potete ottenere dei valori validi usando GenSMBIOS usando Macmini7,1 come modello. Questo passaggio è fondamentale. 4) Procede con boot, installazione ed utilizzo Tutti i kext e OC contenuti in questo EFI sono aggiornati all'ultima versione disponibile ad oggi: 06/04/2021. OC versione 0.6.8. Testato su macOS Big Sur (11.2.3). EFI_Chuwi_CoreBox_20210406.zip
    1 point
  3. Buonasera a tutti, approfittando dei recenti sconti, ho deciso di comprare un Chuwi CoreBox ad una cifra veramente conveniente. Con mia somma sorpresa sono riuscito ad installare Big Sur senza problemi (ovviamente dopo aver fatto un config.plist ad hoc). Cosa attualmente NON funziona: - Audio/Microfono (jack verde/rosso, audio HDMI funzionante) - Wifi (funziona solo con alcuni router, driver EXPERIMENTAL) Cosa funziona: tutto il resto, compreso bluetooth, gpu, hdmi, usb, sleep , audio HDMI, ecc. (usando i kext giusti). Ora ho bisogno del vostro aiuto: AUDIO (UPDATED) -> dopo aver perso fin troppo tempo con VoodooHDA, ho deciso di tornare a provare con AppleALC. Ho trovato un layout che permette in funzionamento del microfono ed un latro layout che permette il funzionamento dell'uscita audio jack. Nessun layout permette entrambe le funzionalità simultaneamente. Proverò a creare un layout custom in questi giorni. WIFI (UPDATED) -> con l'aggiornamento del kext di oggi riesco a collegarmi a 2 dei 4 router che ho vicino casa! Un buon progresso 🙂 Grazie mille per l'aiuto!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. era già abilitato...procedo con la mappatura
    1 point
  6. lo abiliti, fai la mappatura e ovviamente dopo lo disabiliti
    1 point
  7. Csr-Active 67000000 però se metto default sul securebootmodel, non avvia più, compare la mela e riavvia
    1 point
  8. Oggi l'ho provato anche io, così per curiosità, oh si avvia ancora, si certo Preboot ma basta fare la Entries, non ho più verificato se ora la Recovery la avvia regolarmente, con la Entries intendo... Sul config non ho fatto modifiche quindi presumo che non ci sono variazioni da quel lato, almeno nel mio caso con un config semplificato al massimo... Il percorso Entries dovrebbe essere sempre quello che mi sono appuntato all'inizio: - <key>Entries</key> <array> <dict> <key>Disabled</key> <false/> <key>FullTitle</key> <string>BIG SUR</string> <key>Ignore</key> <false/> <key>InjectKexts</key> <true/> <key>NoCaches</key> <false/> <key>Path</key> <string>\8ACD8038-893E-48BF-BCC9-7C6CBA2C68B6\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi</string> <key>Type</key> <string>OSX</string> <key>Volume</key> <string>3D3B25F4EF16DF4D84A2503E8C6D33C3</string> <key>VolumeType</key> <string>Internal</string> </dict>
    1 point
  9. il perchè te lo spiega questo video:
    1 point
  10. GPU reset now works on 5700XT (tested with mine) and possibly Vega 64/56 (unable to test) by using a non-kernel module install generously offered by https://github.com/gnif/vendor-reset/ @dtek, and others using Proxmox - worth trying! I can now reboot my single GPU VM in MacOS to upgrade it and regain it back via pass-thru. It works pretty reliably in Windows 10 VMs too. You can checkout the repo and install the module to try it.
    1 point
  11. I thought in the past, there was a mention here that toggling UpdateDataHub from its default was not recommended because it was messing up with the hardware clock(s). I don't have any knowledge on the topic, but did anything really change? I'd try compiling a large project using clang, and time with UpdateDataHub on and off, to see if there is any real difference.
    1 point
  12. Hi, even if you don't quote me directly in this message, I'm glad to reply I start from the part relating to Dortania. Personally I would prefer that everything develop here with us .. on macos86.it This is for several reasons: 1) it all started from here, initially on our discord channel in private only for the staff, then through a heavy debug together with the developers of opencore, who, despite not supporting the AMD platform, for a period have to understand what the problem was . Eventually they concluded that the problem we had was related to "borked" patches 2) I therefore started this journey to understand how to have my system working, regardless of the "borked" said by the developers of opencore. Thus was born the article on ProxMox which initially aroused different interest even in AMD users who did not have the same problem that we all had but who, to quote a user in the hackintosh community ( @Pavo), also for x570 users yes they obtained equal performance, and in some cases better by virtualizing the system with ProxMox. I don't forget the help @tomnic gave me in this period to overcome the points, for me obscure of Linux 🙂 From that moment, a brilliant and reactive community began to form here that slowly, even under the radar, helped the developers to understand better, indirectly, what was the problem for our systems with our logs (maybe also @Apple see us? 🙂).. and in May 2020 it was finally possible start installing vanilla. So, to answer your question about Dortania, I would prefer we continue to support this site that welcomed us, and through its admin ( @Gengik84 )it has also supported us with different scripts and apps that often helped me to move forward I also proposed to everyone to create a database with the EFI of each working system, but at the moment only @Ploddles has accepted this idea I have also created a thread with useful links, where I would like to add everything that has been found useful here ... see for example the story of MMIOs put out in fair copy by @iGPU, after we understand (thanks also to our work) that with that we could solve many other negative situations for our systems (NVram, shutdown, reboot) That's why I'd like to see you still continue here ... by the way .. on Dortania They talk about us? I do not think so. You know that in the beginning, it was me and @DSM2 (another user who happens to occasionally on our forum and who had problems with his CPU initially, but had begun to understand why our problems) Apologizing to the other users I have not mentioned, I would also like to thank long-time users such as @Driftwood and @meina222 who have actively contributed to the success of our mission with their tests and indications. Many users, actually many more than those who then actively participated in our BrainStorming, followed us, even silently ... and passed on to others what we have understood and developed here 😉 Thanks to you too The work is now done, with a little patience you can make everything go as for other less problematic AMD systems The last big challenge I think has remained to have a fully functional thunderbolt. But, our problems with it are similar to those of other AMD platform. That said, any ideas to improve us are useful and I thank all of you for that. I also thank a famous youtubers (Hi hackintosh friends) who stimulated me to produce a free and public guide with her serial videos (such as soapopera) without any info about how to 🙂. Of course with many limits probably .. but, I repeat myself FREE and FREE a warm thanks to all of us ... PS many thanks also to our forum admins and staff Their great support is not evaluable
    1 point
  13. How do you recognize what must be 1 and what can be zero?
    0 points
  14. Con clover che ho usato fino a Catalina non avevo questo problema. Copiavo la patch nella cartella Displays/Overrides Mi sa che qui sei il più sveglio di tutti!!! E non scherzo!
    0 points
  15. Non ho fatto niente altro.... Pe.s. se vai dentro la cartella di efi...dopo l'installazione troverai oltre le due classiche cartelle di oc..... una terza (window) . Non ho voluto approfondire la cosa e non so a cosa serve....
    0 points
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