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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2020 in all areas

  1. Yay, just updated to the latest 'release' version of OC, 0.6.1, and it appears to have solved my sleep problem. I need to do more testing but looking good so far.
    2 points
  2. Version 1.5.1


    Tools che crea la struttura della EFI per OpenCore compreso kext e driver. Permette varie tipologie Creazione EFI con OpenCore, kext e driver Release Creazione EFI con OpenCore Beta (viene compilato), kext e driver Release Creazione EFI con OpenCore, kext e driver Beta (viene tutto compilato) Possibilità di compilare OpenCore sia come Release sia come Debug
    1 point
  3. The linked instruction is about as lucid as you'll find on such an esoteric build. But this makes me wonder did you actually create the debug file to generate your own hex values? Do you understand that OC comes in RELEASE and DEBUG versions, and you need to use the latter? (The link within the link, here, again, tells you how to make this file in steps A1 a + b.) Look at the pop-up that has green/red numbers (4th spoiler) in first link (here again). Those are hex. The hex values are given in your debug text file. The white numbers in the right column are decimal. You calculate the decimals equivalent, from the hex values, derived from your debug file. (Even the built-in Mac calculator can convert; Google for other on-line calculators if you don't like that one.) The left green/red values should be similar to those in your debug file. Look for a pattern. Your list created in the debug file should match up (as described). Building a Hackintosh, and esp a TRX40, means having to sit and think about things on your own. Problem solving is part of building one, and will be for the life of the computer. Develop those problem solving skills now.
    1 point
  4. Either. The methodology is exactly the same. If you set Above 4G on in BIOS, it may (or may not ) have different MMIO values found in your debug file. I think most of us with lots of devices inside our computers have it Enabled (and csm disabled in BIOS) See the blue highlighted bits here highlighted from the OC debut? The hex values are;- e.g.See straight after the text 'MMIO devirt' you'll see the first one - 0xCB100000 So enter this in Hackintools calc (or any hex to dec calculator) and it will give you the decimal value like in the example below (e.g. Hex to decimal value in mine = 3406823424) , then enter that Decimal value into a child under 'mmiowhitelist' in 'Booter' section of Config.plist. Do it for each hex to decimal value on each line (theres 19) from your OpenCore debug .txt and put each decimal equivalent into a new numbered child going up from 0 all the way to 18. You dont need to do 15-18 though as theyre not used. If you leave 15-18 in , make sure their boolean values are set to NO. Here's where the 'Childs' go see 0 the first one and so on... Download a config.plist of ours to see how we did it. But dont copy our values as yours might be different. Just make sure all 0 to 14 are Boolean = YES. For example in this graphic - I'm sure @iGPU exampled all this a few pages back in this thread if you want a clear and concise methodology!
    1 point
  5. Create a correct MmioWhitelist following these directions. Once working, Shutdown should work. (There are some hardware/USB issues that could prevent Shutdown from consistently working even with a proper MmioWhitelist.) The list is specific for your setup, so you need to do it yourself (copying other's list will rarely work unless everything is identical).
    1 point
  6. la nuova voce è settata su si, per default, e serve per BS ma non è che interferisce se uno usa versioni precedenti di macOS
    1 point
  7. It's Apple who keep dropping the hardware support. The last great bastion is encoding HEVC PQ Rec2020 420 10-bit for HDR TV/Netflix style delivery. I haven't seen any NLE that can beat x265 CPU encoding. And that's the way I do it and using Handbrake GUI. Threadripper with 32 cores64 threads beats them all at software CPU encodes. Ridiculously fast! At 8-bit HEVC or h264 Media Encoder and fcpx etc... work well. It's 10-bit and now 12-bit HEVC that is the problem as it is so mathematically challenging. Davinci resolve gives me around 8fps in 10 bit. They're all slow outside x265. True 10-bit HEVC hardware support will need to be sorted out in Mac. And Apple are directly responsible for stopping AMD and Nvidia in their tracks - certainly for 'prosumer' level cards. We need encode, not just decode! We wait with baited breath to see support returned.
    1 point
  8. Gigabyte finally released their AGESA BIOS-es. @Ploddles - if you upgrade your BIOS, you need to redo the MMIO list procedure highlighted by @iGPU and also reconfigure your VMs as the memory map has changed significantly.
    1 point
  9. prima o poi tu e il boss verrete dalle mie parti... altro che like 🙂
    1 point
  10. Prova a sostituire e poi rifai ioreg SSDT_AMD-DisableUSB.aml.zip
    1 point
  11. I did not because I do not used custom DSDTs, if you can provide the exact modifications you did I can replicate them with a SSDT. I also created a ACPI delete entry to remove the ACPI error that we were getting see below in the pic. This removes the ShakTooth table that is trying to overwrite the WMI1 device that already exist in the DSDT and causes the ACPI error.
    1 point
  12. vedi se ti funziona, in caso positivo, basta che prendi un convertitore da USB 3.1 --> type c https://www.amazon.it/aceyoon-Adattatore-Connettore-Convetitore-compatibile/dp/B078HRTQG7/
    1 point
  13. tipo questo? https://www.amazon.it/dp/B07VT199W4/
    1 point
  14. no perche' preferisco essere io l'unico problema 🙂
    0 points
  15. devi eliminare le voci nel config "vuoto" e copiarci le tue il config è un sample con una configurazione generica da adattare poi hack per hack, il fatto è che ha del codice all'interno, atto poi a lavorare con i nuovi gestori di memoria ocquirks e opencanopy, in caso uno li voglia poi adottare
    0 points
  16. visto che hai fatto.... sei mitiKo 😉
    0 points
  17. Appena terminato. Ti riepilogo qui: 0900A53E lampeggia 0900923E lampeggia 09009B3E lampeggia 09009B3E lampeggia 0000A53E lampeggia 0000923E lampeggia 0000003E lampeggia 00009B3E lampeggia 0400A53E schermo nero 0500A53E schermo nero 0500A63e schermo nero 06009B3E schermo nero 08009B3E lampeggia 07009B3E schermo nero
    0 points
  18. i config di Clover e OC non sono interscambiabili per favore.. già che non sei un'asso con Clover, non ti cimentare con OC, tanto alla fine non è che faccia chissà che di più, e non è semplice per un newbie
    0 points
  19. @DSM2 What do you think about this? will we say it to teresa? 🙂 iMacPro1,1 - Geekbench Browser.zip No overclock here only PBO enabled..and this is the fastest AMD hack ever 🙂
    0 points
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