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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2020 in all areas

  1. Salve a tutti 😀 Ho fatto una piccola status bar app che ha diverse funzioni, le quali vi elenco: ESP mounter Possibilità di montare le rispettive EFI dei dischi Aggiunge anche info inerenti Preferenze Sistema (utility) Cambiare apparenza di sistema (light, dark) Nascondere icone desktop Mostrare file nascosti Convertitore: hex decimal base64 string Funzione Downloader: possibilità di controllare l'ultima release disponibile per vari kext e possibilità di scaricarli. 2. Possibilità di controllare ultima versione dei bootloader e possibilità di scaricarli. Clover: iso pkg dmg Clover.app OpenCore ovviamente qualsiasi file sarà scaricato e quindi sempre aggiornato... non come alcune app che hanno kext in bundle 😉 Fix: Ethernet qualora non fosse en0 iMessage (ricordate di uscire dai servizi Apple prima di eseguirlo) Bluetooth Installer: Possbilità di creare un installer su usb o disco. NOTA: In caso di consigli, possibile aggiunte etc.. sono ben accette ma da subito vi dico che non ho molto tempo libero nel momento quindi in caso abbiate pazienza e nei momenti liberi cercherò di lavorarci. Questo anche in caso di possibili bug. Scusatemi in anticipo ma attualmente ho un periodo molto indaffarato per varie cose che passano avanti a questa passione... hackintosh!!! 🙂 L'applicazione la trovate in download: Video dimostrativo sotto spoiler: Credits: Apple per macOS @fabiosun per le icone dell'applicazione. Buon divertimento e buon hack !!! **GENG** NOTA-2: anche se può funzionare su BugSur ... di fatto non è supportato dall'app. attendo la release finale come anche per Xcode
    3 points
  2. a bit off topic here Would like to advice this pretty app I have using during its beta test period. Useful for number conversion, mounting EFI, installer creation and much more.. Take a look: a mini guide here:
    3 points
  3. Release 0.6.1 rilasciata Improved recognition of early pressed hotkeys, thx @varahash Made DMG loading support configurable via DmgLoading Added iMac20,1 and iMac20,2 model codes Fixed display name for older Xeon CPUs like Xeon E5450 Added Comet Lake-LP HDA device code Fixed OS boot selection on SATA controllers with legacy OPROMs Fixed RSDP ACPI table checksum recalculation Added immutablekernel loading support for 10.13+ Fixed solving some symbols to zero in 11.0 kext inject Reduced OpenCanopy size by restricting boot management access Added BuiltinText variant for TextRenderer for older laptops Fixed SyncRuntimePermissions creating invalid MAT table Added EFI FAT image loading support (macOS 10.8 and earlier) Added 64-bit cacheless kext injection and patching support (macOS 10.9 and earlier) Added 64-bit mkext kext injection and patching support (macOS 10.6 and earlier) Fixed XNU hook matching non-kernel files Updated builtin firmware versions for SMBIOS and the rest Fixed patching of ACPI tables in low memory Fixed macOS 11.0 DMG recovery loading without hotplug Fixed XhciPortLimit quirk on 10.12.6 and possibly other versions Fixed IncreasePciBarSize quirk on 10.11.5 and possibly other versions Fixed LapicKernelPanic quirk on 10.8.5 and possibly other versions Fixed hard-lock caused by EHCI SMI in OpenDuetPkg Added preview UEFI Secure Boot compatibility Added FuzzyMatch option to support fuzzy kernelcache matching on 10.6 and earlier Added KernelArch option to specify architecture preference on older kernels Added KernelCache option to specify kernel caching preference for older kernels Added Force section to provide support for injecting drivers in older macOS Changed kernel driver injection to happen prior to kernel driver patching Added Arch filtering option to Add, Block, Force, and Patch sections Added DisableLinkeditJettison quirk to workaround 11.0b5 kernel panics Added debugging of missing fields in the configuration
    2 points
  4. Just wanted to give everyone an update on the GPU performance fix, it is 100% the last kernel patch, Fix PAT. Disable it and see if you can still boot and if you can, your GPU performance will be like it should be. Currently trying to get the AMD devs to re-work the patch so all AMD systems can benefit from it using the PAT fix without hindering the GPU performance.
    2 points
  5. Version 1.5.4


    PowerTools e' una nuova app creata per gli utenti di macOS86.it E' una toolbar app che con pochi click apre diverse possibilità! Montare una EFI, creare un installer, convertire stringhe, esadecimali, scaricare kexts ed i bootloaders... e molto altro! Insomma una piccola app ma con molte cose e in continua evoluzione. English: PowerTools is a new app created for macOS86.it users It is a toolbar app that opens up different possibilities with a few clicks! Mount an EFI, create an installer, convert strings, hexadecimal, download kexts and bootloaders ... and much more! In short, a small jewel in further and continuous evolution. Topic di riferimento: Credits: Apple per macOS @fabiosun per le icone e video dimostrativo. mcmatrix per l'origine di gfxutil e Acidanthera per relativi update PHPdev32 per dspci Video sotto lo spoiler.
    1 point
  6. No its all good. Methinks I don't need any Device Properties I guess. Thanks so much for letting me try. Of course on Air, I don't wanna damage these babies! But I think you gave me a rather safe power table. I get the drift, we're all good in Metal and that's what matters.
    1 point
  7. Ploddles post above shows overall C15 scores about like mine and even with a single RX580 (but the RX580 won't compare as well if tested in LuxMark or using in DaVinci).
    1 point
  8. Just out of interest, here is my score for a single lowly RX580. Before disabling the PAT patch it was 100.73, so that is quite a big performance boost.
    1 point
  9. I've always added DevProper which some here don't like so I don't promote. But I've used before and after the custom DSDT file. I'll attach below as a plist file. To use, open in editor and copy/paste into your DevProp OC section. It is for dual Radeon VII in slots 1 & 3, which is what I recall you're using. These do inject some speed properties. I think they'll be okay with air-cooled. If it throttles or crashes during a stress test, let me know and I'll provide a less-energetic version. There are two sections for each GPU: one is for the display, the other for audio. The audio portion is simply descriptive. If anyone wishes to use for 1 Radeon VII, only use the slot-1. As far as OC, I have not. XMP is off. And none of these should much influence GPU performance. Until we trimmed the Kernel Patch list and I added the custom DSDT, my FPS were in the 60s. Now MarkLux has always been good and your values are the same as mine. So I have the feeling that your set up is just fine. (In my opinion, the tests are somewhat strange in and of themselves.) DevProp-Dual-RadeonVII.plist.zip
    1 point
  10. Metti le info nuove o le tue per l'SMBIOS prima di accedere...
    1 point
  11. Sono anni ormai, salvo qualche tentativo curioso che non installo da USB ma da VM, certo se la VM l'hai "trovata" allora è farina del tutto sacco e non si sa di che panni ci si veste, altrimenti il metodo di installazione VMware è nativo e certificato Apple :)... Vedo che hai la stessa scheda prova questa EFI fatta per la tua avec l'HD630... Oppure se hai voglia di percorrere la virtualizzazione come metodo preferito vedi nelle mie Guide...
    1 point
  12. code to 30 after a rewake from sleep could be fine With Asus I have had always code 30 also in windows Bad news is with gigabyte I never had a working sleep/wake cycle in my experience with x299 board
    1 point
  13. Aggiornato a OC 6.1 tutto OK! Su Mojave mi non si avvia e mi torna alla gui dando un messaggio tipo "security violation" . BigSur avvia, Mi ricordo che iCanaro aveva messo un alert in un post che non riesco più a trovare. E' in questo thread .....ma non lo trovo... TROVATO : iCanaro aveva indicato di settare SecurebootModel come Disabled. Adesso avvio anche Mojave. Grazie
    1 point
  14. 😜 bellissima veramente, grazie per il lavoro 😇😇 grande Giacomo e Team
    1 point
  15. I did not because I do not used custom DSDTs, if you can provide the exact modifications you did I can replicate them with a SSDT. I also created a ACPI delete entry to remove the ACPI error that we were getting see below in the pic. This removes the ShakTooth table that is trying to overwrite the WMI1 device that already exist in the DSDT and causes the ACPI error.
    1 point
  16. Usato stamani su BS, perfetto :)...
    1 point
  17. Grazie ancora per le icone e il tuo tempo. 🙂
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. @iGPU, You were right. USB does indeed work on TB, just didn't find it quite where I expected it (not on the DSB subtree). Also, the NVM33 ROM works in Linux, but you need a newer kernel - 5.4 doesn't like it, but 5.8 is perfectly fine with it. Initially I ran into issues that needed like 30-40 reboots to debug. Both my USB 2.0 headers were taken so I used an adapter cable to extend to one of my USB 2.0 ports in the back. Apparently Gigabyte BIOS did not like this at all and this was the reason for getting '61' fail boot codes. It took me a while until I realized it, then I disconnected my front USB 2.0 ports and plugged the TB USB cable in the free header. The other header is taken by Bluetooth. I think I just need to get a USB 2.0 9 pin to 3.2 20 pin adapter and use my free USB 3.2 header instead of the cable. Here is my iPhone connected to the TB USB-C port and bridged to USB 2.0 hub. Attaching the ROM I use. DISCLAIMER: I don't know if this ROM or the motherboard DSDT is what fixes USB. I should have done more testing with NVM23 1st. But didn't do much testing so possible NMV23 is OK too. DESIGNARE-Z390-NVM33-Elias64Fr.bin.zip
    1 point
  20. This is the DSDT of Gigabyte Designare TRX40 DSDT BIOS f4h (not publicly available but fixes f4c inability to have TB working in Slot 4 in various configurations). I extracted it by booting via Ubuntu USB and redirecting the output of: sudo cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT It might be largely similar or identical to the one before, I just wanted to get it outside of the Hackintosh itself. @Driftwood - I am not as experienced as @iGPU in DSDT/SSDT understanding. I want to remove some obvious errors (AE_ALREADY_EXISTS are particularly annoying when booting in Linux) and wouldn't mind looking at the diff, but would feel less confident patching it until I do more reading on the matter. DSIGNARE-TRX40-f4h-DSDT.aml.zip
    1 point
  21. You can extract with OC using Debug version: set DisplayDelay to 64, Target to 65 and SysReport to "Yes". This will create a SysReport folder on the EFI partition. Inside this will be a DSDT file. I should mention that the derived DSDT file will change not only with mobo, but BIOS. So if BIOS is updated, the DSDT file manipulation must be re-done. *** Send me a DSDT file based on instructions in above post. Maybe I can quickly get rid of the same compilation errors and Windows stuff.
    1 point
  22. il config hai fatto bene a semplificarlo, ma alcune mancanze ti attivano alcune opzioni che puoi vedere dalla GUI, tipo C&P state e C6, hai ancora informazioni sulla RAM, @playmo Prova questa configurazione per OpenCore, dovrebbe andarti, se non fosse non ci dovrebbero volere troppe correzioni per renderla tale, almeno hai una verifica su un bootloader diverso, che se non hai mai usato prima o poi dovrai usare... https://mega.nz/file/ggYzzITB#xlqBHqaJ-L468K8eOnKypdR90FCPCXbCs5XjqAaLwWs Fai un reset nvram prima di avviarla...
    1 point
  23. @tersite Se hai il Sistema backuppato dalla VM che ti funziona non vedo dove sia il problema, "l'installazione" di BS è ancora in una fase di test quindi problematiche di quel tipo possono essere normali. Ora non conosco il metodo che hai usato per la VM, ma se ben usato è una delle soluzioni migliori...
    1 point
  24. Here is my Cinebench 15 on Asrock TRX40 Creator, Vega 64.
    1 point
  25. sostituisci ssdt-ec con ssdt-basic che trovi in download e nel config acpi definiscilo in sortedorder, cioè scrivi nome esatto con estensione togli flag ad AppleIntelCPUPM in graphics inserisci platform-id per la HD530, scorri lista che lo trovi
    1 point
  26. Salve a tutti...con mio grande piacere vi presento un nuovo bootloader usate un plist editor per modificare OC_config.plist Trovate sempre in allegato il relativo manuale... quindi studiatevelo bene OC_BOOT_video-dimostrativo.mp4.zip
    0 points
  27. Mine doesn't have above 4G, even with TB I don't need it as I don't have dual GPUs. CSM and above 4g are off.
    0 points
  28. per aiutare il risveglio dallo stop, in ordine sparso: boot-arg igfxonln=1 EDID monitor sul percorso PCI della integrata kext
    0 points
  29. l'incognita maggiore, è la vega 8 non segue molto i notebook in generale e ancor meno quelli AMD, per cui una risposta certa non ho aspetta sentire altre campane PS: da quel che ho visto dopo breve ricerca, con VEGA 8 su desktop pare vada... ma mobile, io non mi azzarderei di sicuro
    0 points
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