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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2020 in all areas

  1. Was able to fix my Bluetooth issues by using the aml file provided by @iGPU, and changing the removed HS0x to the one that was associated with my Asrock Creator, which was HS06. Did a nvram clean and booted into MacOS and no more AX200. Now the only thing that's left is figuring out why MacOS won't shut down/reboot properly. I feel like it has something to do with RTC settings/flags, but haven't validated that yet. Figuring out that last step, this is a full fledged bare metal TRXintosh! Everyone here is awesome for being so helpful and responsive, and major kudos and credits to everyone involved. Edit: Adding my IORE for a Asrock Creator data point TS-iMacPro-AsrockCreator.zip
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Buon Ferragosto a tutti voi. Riposatevi e divertitevi
    1 point
  4. PS: e quando hai montato la EFI, svuota il cestino... magari è solo questo, se elimini kexts, prima o poi lo spazio in EFI finisce se non svuoti il cestino @odinotux
    1 point
  5. magari eliminare tutti i temi superflui, anzi, imposta text mode ed eliminali tutti, poi elimina la cartella apple di fianco alla EFI che files system hai? se HFS o APFS libera 100Mb poi avvii con la live di GParted, o PartedMagic, o anche la livePE strelec ed aumenti dimensione EFI sino ad includere tutto lo spazio liberato. Le EFI non funzionano per il nome che hanno o per le dimensioni, ma per i flag boot/esp
    1 point
  6. assolutamente NO @homer4ever così non va bene stai usando i seriali di un vero mac, puoi procurare problemi al proprietario, ma anche poi a te... deve dare errore, allora sei OK
    1 point
  7. It works - thanks! I see that all controllers now have unique names in HT.
    1 point
  8. I'd given you other re-names, but they overlapped with the AX200 eliminator SSDT. So I re-did the batch for you. I think you can safely use all of them. Note that there is a v2 of the EC-USBX SSDT file.
    1 point
  9. I happy this worked! This is technique I'd used on the X570 build. Basically, the SSDT simply re-defines all of the USB ports as is done in DSDT file, but leaving out PRT5. PRT5 then disappears. I also re-named the 2 USB devices XHC and XHCI, but did not try to re-name PRTx or HS0x. If you study the SSDT you'll understand how it works. If you ever wanted to re-activate PRT5, just enter it into the list, being careful of the port numbers.
    1 point
  10. @iGPU Your latest SSDT worked to disable the AX200! You got this!! I have BT now working and enabled. I also finished the Catalina 10.15.6 suppl. update without an issue. I was able to track down my delayed boots to one of my AIC NMVE's failing to initialize. I use the in the VM zfs pool - 4 NVMEs in the Aorus PCI riser. Not sure if this is MacOS's fault. I haven't applied your NVME SSDT yet. As switching off PSU power switch recovers it, it's not a faulty NVME but rather some power mismanagement. Attached is latest IOReg explorer file and screenshot of Hackintool confirming disappearance of AX200. iMac Pro 2.zip
    1 point
  11. hai postato in guide.. se ritieni che quello scritto sia una guida, io no, sposto
    0 points
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