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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2020 in all areas

  1. Fasi di BOOT di BIG SUR: - BS_Boot.mp4
    5 points
  2. Si infatti.. negli ultimi due anni ho fatto un paio di installazioni.. l'unica cosa che non ho mai fatto è la mappatura delle porte.. non mi sono mai messo. Ma in questo nuovo PC la farò...
    1 point
  3. I know, sono stato molto tempo fuori dalla scena ma ho dato un occhiata in giro, ce' chi lavora e non dice nulla... poi ci sono le rockstar... 😕
    1 point
  4. non è mica colpa tua.. 😉 purtroppo hack da anni gira sempre peggio... i vecchi principi, vecchi valori... quello veri come vi erano al tempo (che tu ben sai) ...stanno sparendo... {censored} c'è chi lavora... e chi si gongola spesso su spalle altrui... va behhhhh anzi mi scuso anche..dimenticato di Toleda https://github.com/toleda/wireless_half-mini/blob/master/Patches/arpt2-bcm4331-bcm943225.txt#L30 comunque si .. se mi sono dimenticato io...figuriamoci... 😄
    1 point
  5. sorry credit a chi se li merita 😛
    1 point
  6. Ciao oltre a codesto e anche la disabilitazione da recovery, relativo comando etc funziona anche mettendo su csr-active-config = 77080000 Riavvio, reset nvram e poi nuovamente boot e desktop
    1 point
  7. prova a mettere DevirtualiseMmio NO in caso aggiungi RebuildAppleMemoryMap e/o ProtectUefiServices
    1 point
  8. I have the 3990x/GB Designare TRX40 running a very similar setup to what's in this thread (Proxmox hosted VM + OpenCore), but I am still on Catalina 10.15.5. I used different resources to get it running (Nick Sherlock's excellent guide and self-tutoring myself on Proxmox and pass-through). I registered recently as this thread has some good info, so my 1st post is in response to your question. To your question: I still haven't tried Big Sur as I have a pretty stable and working build now, but I see beta 2 is available, and resources are becoming more available on how to get it up, so I will try it in the next few days and inform you on the max CPU/core limit. I boot 64 cores in Catalina, but never tried 128. For multi-core loads, MacOS will definitely benefit from more physical vs logical cores even at the lower clock of the 3990x, but you will see very sub-linear scaling beyond that for most real-life loads. I don't have many benchmark data points beyond compiling Proxmox's pve-kernel (under Linux) and geek-benching under Linux and MacOS alike. For reference, multi-core geekbench 5 of the 3990x at stock is in the 27200-27500 range in MacOS vs 37000 in latest stable linux kernel (5.7.x) and maybe around 35000 on earlier LTS kernels. You can already see the decreasing benefit. The 3970x is a pretty sweet deal for its price.
    1 point
  9. ASRock TRX40 Creator official 1.70 firmware - looks like it includes the 1.68 beta test we had a few weeks before this release. https://www.asrock.com/mb/AMD/TRX40 Creator/#BIOS
    1 point
  10. Thunderbolt 4 was announced by Intel a few days ago. It seems this will be in parallel with USB4. USB4 was to include Thunderbolt, but it's not clear from their table that it does.
    1 point
  11. Today while testing kext loading, I seemed to have found an anomaly. Kext files that only contain Info.plist in their contents are not being loaded. I posted on the active OpenCore forum here, so I'll not repeat the details in this post.
    1 point
  12. This web site has interesting, and well-thought out, commentary on Mac related issues (and also interesting essays on art). In this post, the writer discusses Apple Silicon matters as well as better describes the problem with kexts in Big Sur. On at least 2 other forums, I've read how many people have been trying to install kexts into Big Sur using Recovery Mode. In turns out, the Recovery Mode method is only for 3rd-party kexts to be used by Apple Silicon Macs. For our Hackintoshes and real (Intel) Macs, kexts intended for Intel-based machines are simply to use essentially the same installation methods as with Catalina, which OpenCore is handling for us with its updates.
    1 point
  13. scarica efi mounter, monti la efi del disco e la sostituisci con quella della usb
    1 point
  14. si ottima build e altamente compatibile va bene tutto, ma come hai osservato anche tu, anche per me l'alimentatore potevi trovare di meglio... è un periodaccio per gli alimentatori, si trova poco e se li fanno pagare, ma qualcosa si scova sempre 😉 poi per la mobo, se non ha qualche difetto di fabbricazione, funzionerà benissimo 🙂 anche il case, non discuto i gusti, ma con design simile, quindi ottimo airflow, si trova di meglio sia spendendo meno, che poco dio più
    0 points
  15. Se rispetteranno il solito schema, la data di rilascio sarà lunedì 3 agosto (speriamo!) K.
    0 points
  16. Lo stop sul T-RyZo continua a non funzionare 4 frecce e clackson si 😂
    0 points
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