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Audio Codec Info


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hack 5 mi pare OK




+ Codec: ALC892


+ AppleALC Supported layouts: 1, 2, 3, (4 for laptop), 5, 7, 12, 28, 31, 92, 98, 99










Checking GPUs and Audio...




Matched Device: IGPU


IGPU is already named correctly


IGPU has property hda-gfx =


IGPU address is PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: GFX0


GFX0 is already named correctly


GFX0 has property hda-gfx =


GFX0 address is PciRoot(0x1)/Pci(0x0,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties








è voluto che occorre cliccare 2 volte su info per ottenere la lista completa? Con la prima dà il codec e layout, con la seconda la lista completa

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@foskvs[/mention] da me su tutti gli hack dove ho provato fa così... mi stà venendo il dubbio che sia io il caso umano :D anvedi un po' qui hack 2 Z370



+ Codec: ALCS1220A


+ AppleALC Supported layouts: 1, 2, 5, 7










Checking GPUs and Audio...




Matched Device: display


Consider renaming the Device


Suggested patch:


Find: 646973706C6179


Find: 47465830


Comment: Rename display to GFX0


display has property hda-gfx =


display address is PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: HDEF


HDEF is already named correctly


HDEF address is PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1f,3)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: HDAU


HDAU has property hda-gfx =


HDAU address is PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,1)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties







in questo hak sto naturamente usando SSD coffylake

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"foskvs" post_id="23683" time="1547998006" user_id="58">
  foskvs post_id=23683 time=1547998006 user_id=58 said:

Hai un ioreg dell'hack 32?



grazie per l'augurio.. se arrivo a 32 hack con la media di 1 all'anno raggiungo Perdu e divento centenario :D




PS: questo ioreg è precedente all'SSDT postato... ora lo testo e invio ioreg




Ha scritto dopo 18 minuti 50 secondi:




@foskvs[/mention] ok ecco il risultato di codec info



+ Codec: ALCS1220A


+ AppleALC Supported layouts: 1, 2, 5, 7










Checking GPUs and Audio...




Matched Device: GFX0


GFX0 is already named correctly


GFX0 has property hda-gfx =


GFX0 address is PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: HDEF


HDEF is already named correctly


HDEF address is PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1f,3)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: HDAU


HDAU has property hda-gfx =


HDAU address is PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,1)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties







con qusto SSDT poi se serve per smanettamenti vari posso o NON posso usare la iGPU?

iMacSTRIX_20_01_1635.ioreg.zipFetching info...

iMacSTRIX_20_01_1654.ioreg.zipFetching info...

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+ Codec: ALC1150


+ AppleALC Supported layouts: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11










Checking GPUs and Audio...




Matched Device: IGPU


IGPU is already named correctly


IGPU has property hda-gfx =


IGPU address is PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: GFX0


GFX0 is already named correctly


GFX0 has property hda-gfx =


GFX0 address is PciRoot(0x1)/Pci(0x0,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties





Hack 4 Z170: qui pare che sia tutto a posto... da non credere :D vedi spoiler sopra

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hack 5 Z68: anche qui pare a posto



+ Codec: ALC892


+ AppleALC Supported layouts: 1, 2, 3, (4 for laptop), 5, 7, 12, 28, 31, 92, 98, 99










Checking GPUs and Audio...




Matched Device: IGPU


IGPU is already named correctly


IGPU has property hda-gfx =


IGPU address is PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: GFX0


GFX0 is already named correctly


GFX0 has property hda-gfx =


GFX0 address is PciRoot(0x1)/Pci(0x0,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: HDEF


HDEF is already named correctly


HDEF address is PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1b,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: HDEF


HDEF has property hda-gfx =


HDEF address is PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1b,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: HDAU


HDAU has property hda-gfx =


HDAU address is PciRoot(0x1)/Pci(0x0,1)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties






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hi scusami, qui saltare da un'hack all'altro, la roba stesa etc... è come se non l'avessi visto... ora lo testo e invio ioreg... sorry :D




Ha scritto dopo 9 minuti 44 secondi:

"Gengik84" post_id="23698" time="1548000565" user_id="2">
  Gengik84 post_id=23698 time=1548000565 user_id=2 said:



mi fai una prova?


è solo a scopo informativo Vega con smbios iMac 18


fai ioreg e ovviamente poi ritorna al precedente ssdt



report da codec info



+ Codec: ALCS1220A


+ AppleALC Supported layouts: 1, 2, 5, 7










Checking GPUs and Audio...




Matched Device: AMD0


Consider renaming the Device


Suggested patch:


Find: 414D4430


Find: 47465830


Comment: Rename AMD0 to GFX0


AMD0 has property hda-gfx =


AMD0 address is PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: HDEF


HDEF is already named correctly


HDEF address is PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1f,3)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties




Matched Device: HDAU


HDAU has property hda-gfx =


HDAU address is PciRoot(0x3)/Pci(0x0,1)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties








iMacSTRIX_20_01_1804.ioreg.zipFetching info...

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  • 7 months later...

Ciao a Tutti, Wow fantastico, forse risolvo i problemi che ho :D


ho questo risultato










+ Codec: (Unknown)


+ AppleALC










Checking GPUs and Audio...




Matched Device: GFX0


GFX0 is already named correctly


GFX0 has property hda-gfx =


GFX0 address is PciRoot(0x1)/Pci(0x0,0)


for more information, read the wiki


use it if you need to inject properties



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"iCanaro" post_id="42699" time="1568542954" user_id="57">
  iCanaro post_id=42699 time=1568542954 user_id=57 said:

@iconoclash esegui Nota 3 che trovi in FAQ e supporto cliccando in firma da me





Nota 3 - dump chip audio : opzione non ancora documentata per rilevare il modello del chip/codec audio presente, occorre avere in drivers >> UEFI il driver Audiodxe.efi dopodiché sempre dalla GUI di Clover si preme il tasto F8 si aspetta 30/40 secondi e si avvia, poi si monta la EFI e in


EFI --> CLOVER --> misc saranno presenti i file necessari per analisi.






è giusto qui il file ?







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@iconoclash[/mention] metti tuo hardware in firma, in modo compatto




elimina la cartella Drivers64UEFI


come da nota 3 va messo in UEFI dove comunque hai troppa roba che non serve


se la EFI e l'hack sono sulla falsariga di quel che vedo, ci stà parecchio lavoro da fare... hai un tuo thread dedicato al tuo hack sul forum? si! no! se no crealo e posta hack_info ed EFI

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