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[WIP] Photoshop, After Effects CC 2021, Premiere Pro CC 2021 15.4 AMD hackintosh fix


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  On 6/20/2021 at 3:42 AM, muifaha said:

I found a little problem, even with "launchctl setenv DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE 1" Display Preference still crash, need launchctl unsetenv DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES





See the update in my first post in this thread, we don't need that environment variable anymore! It causes more problems to other apps than real solutions 😉

Edited by tomnic
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  On 7/12/2021 at 6:49 AM, ennoclao said:

How can I disable SIP ?? ( big sur) I tried with opencore configurator but no luck, can you explain it?? Thanks in advance.


hi and welcome here

with latest opencore you have a boot menu option to do it

otherwise you can do by hand on nvram section of your config.plist



I use for my other needs 67000000

you can use others value to achieve this


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I've gone through this thread several times, followed everything to the letter, but I still cannot even get Photoshop's object selection tool to work without crashing Ps, let alone warp stabilizer in Ae.
Is there some step I'm missing or misunderstanding? FYI, it took me a while to figure out what filepath you meant in regards to Contents>Framework. And now that I'm looking again, I also replaced the Photoshop with the libiomp5.dylib file. You probably only meant to have the user replace AE? That might be better stated... I am going to attempt to uninstall Ps and reinstall now to get the original libiomp5.dylib back.

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Start from a clean Photoshop install, don't use zii or you'll break Photoshop. Disable SIP and put libfakeintel.dylib in your Application folder, don't replace anything. Then put environment.plist in your Library/LaunchAgents folder starting from your user's home, reboot.


You are now ready to fully work with Photoshop without problems with your Ryzentosh. If you want even AE CC 2021 fully working you need to enter After Effects.app/Contents/Frameworks and REPLACE libiomp5.dylib there.


Let me know if now the procedure is clearer.

Edited by tomnic
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Hey @tomnic, just wanted to thank you for this!

I was so frustrated of not being able to use abobe products on my Ryzentosh, which always forced me to move back to windows.

Right now, I'm using the last versions of Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator and Acrobat without any issues 🙂

Edited by lesnico
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  On 6/2/2021 at 9:46 PM, tomnic said:

To revert everything back just reboot!


Also, does this mean that I need to go through the whole process of adding (replacing?) libfakeintel.dylib to Applications folder, etc. EACH TIME I reboot and want to use Adobe? 
If not, then what does "everything" mean in your statement "to revert everything back..." ?

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  On 7/15/2021 at 12:34 AM, hoeveler said:

What is zii?


Adobe Zii Patcher is an activator for most of the Creative Clouds apps. It's basically a crack which allows you to enjoy those apps for free. One of the last version was bugged but it seems to have been resolved with the latest version though. However, it's advised to use an officially activated version for this.


  On 7/15/2021 at 1:00 AM, hoeveler said:

Also, does this mean that I need to go through the whole process of adding (replacing?) libfakeintel.dylib to Applications folder, etc. EACH TIME I reboot and want to use Adobe? 
If not, then what does "everything" mean in your statement "to revert everything back..." ?





  • Disable SIP (recovery > terminal > csrutil disable or with the opencore tool) and reboot into macOS
  • Download Adobe Creative Cloud: https://creativecloud.adobe.com/en/apps/download/creative-cloud
  • Download libfakeintel.dylib and environment.plist from the first post
  • Put the libfakeintel.dylib in your Application folder
  • Put environment.plist in your $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents (Home folder = the folder of your macOS installation)
  • Reboot
  • On Adobe Creative Cloud, download the programs you want and wait for them to finish installing
  • Here you go!

Basically, the environment.plist will load the libfakeintel.dylib at launch automatically.

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some interesting  news in Adobe Premiere pro 15.4.0 (build 47):

lipo -info /Applications/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\ 2021/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\ 2021.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe\ Premiere\ Pro\ 2021 
Adobe Premiere Pro 2021 are: x86_64 arm64


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Some updates for After Effects CC 2021 18.4.0 and up:


Camera tracking works as usual with my method but Stabilization stopped working because of a missing symbol in the replaced libiomp5.dylib:


Dyld Error Message:
  Symbol not found: ___kmpc_critical_with_hint
  Referenced from: /Applications/Adobe After Effects 2021/Adobe After Effects 2021.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/libmkl_intel_thread.1.dylib


So I replaced libmkl_intel_thread.1.dylib with libmkl_intel_thread.dylib (obviously renamed) taken from Adobe Media Encoder 15.2 and Stabilization started working again. I'll attach the file here, just overwrite it in Frameworks folder inside AE app just like libiomp5.dylib.


Premiere still need fixes, working on it!

libmkl_intel_thread.1.dylib.zipFetching info...

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These specific fixes apply only to Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2021 15.4


In this program all the effects / transitions are actually macOS bundles. In macOS bundles my dylib injection doesn't work so we need to manually patch the problematic bundles one by one.


Let's start with AEFilterStabilizer.bundle: we open it in Hopper Disassembler and search for the same function we need to make always return TRUE as in libfakeintel.dylib, which is mkl_serv_intel_cpu_true.


Once found (very easy with hopper as it retrieves the most of original symbols and function names), we just replace its very beginning with a RET (return), which in x86_64 machine language is C3. Simple as ABC! And IT WORKS!


Fun fact: Adobe embedded all its dynamic library mkl code DIRECTLY into every bundle routine... that's a TERRIBLE programming habit! The same libraries are present again and again in the same Premiere application and we can find a different mkl lib version in each application too... shame on you Adobe!!!


Then we need to patch the other crashing bundle with AMD cpus: AEFilterMorphCut.bundle.


Because of the "fun fact" I explained earlier, the code for the same function mkl_serv_intel_cpu_true in this bundle is DIFFERENT than the one in AEFilterStabilizer and just replacing the whole function with a trivial C3 doesn't work. We need to decompile libfakeintel.dylib with hopper and we find out that our simple program:


int mkl_serv_intel_cpu_true() {
  return 1;


...equals to this assembly code:


0000000000003fa0         push       rbp
0000000000003fa1         mov        rbp, rsp
0000000000003fa4         mov        eax, 0x1
0000000000003fa9         pop        rbp
0000000000003faa         ret
                        ; endp


...which is, translated in ML code thanks (again) to Hopper:



55 48 89 E5 B8 01 00 00 00 5D C3



...so putting this sequence in AEFilterMorphCut's binary replacing the bytes in the offset where its actual function mkl_serv_intel_cpu_true begins makes everything working like a charm.


For simplicity I'll attach both the patched bundles in the top post.


I'll try to generate as soon as possible a perl script to automate this procedure for all the future and past releases post 14.3.1, help is appreciated. Right now, enjoy Premiere pro cc 2021 15.4 on AMD bare metal 😉

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  • tomnic changed the title to Photoshop, After Effects CC 2021, Premiere Pro CC 2021 15.4 AMD hackintosh fix
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