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3 minutes ago, fabiosun said:

3950x default TDP 105 W

3950x default TDP 280 W


should be enough to understand...


since you almost never answer the questions I ask useful to help you .. I guess it's because of my bad English 🙂

so it makes me wonder ..

in your opinion why your system is so bad?


Actually not, my system is not bad at all, in fact is the best system I ever had at home.


I figure out why it chrashes - because after some time it enters in sleep state, and I think it doesn't deal with sleep function....

The temperature is now ok after I change the fan curve graphic in BIOS...


So it remains only two important aspects: sleep and shutdown doesn't work.

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1 hour ago, Cosmin Batica said:


And concerning restarts (in fact they are crashes, followed by a restart) it is very annoying and completely unproductive.... I work on something and suddenly OS crashes without a visible reason. It's not ok to work in such conditions....


15 minutes ago, Cosmin Batica said:

Actually not, my system is not bad at all, in fact is the best system I ever had at home.


I figure out why it chrashes - because after some time it enters in sleep state, and I think it doesn't deal with sleep function....

The temperature is now ok after I change the fan curve graphic in BIOS...


So it remains only two important aspects: sleep and shutdown doesn't work.


things change quickly at least the forum inspires change for the better 🙂

as for your remaining problems you have to work on your MMIOs as you have been told several times ..

with the right ones for your setup, shutdown and sleep should also go shutdown for sure

For sleep, other unforeseeable things could also affect such as usb and your graphics card

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I have never been able to get sleep to work. As far a shutdown goes, with the correct MMIO whitelist, my shutdown works great. Make sure Energy Saver is set to "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically..."

My main problem now is that I get a code 99 on my Asrock Creator when I power on my machine, even when I use windows.

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5 minutes ago, Rocket88 said:

I have never been able to get sleep to work. As far a shutdown goes, with the correct MMIO whitelist, my shutdown works great. Make sure Energy Saver is set to "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically..."

I already do this, it's not a problem for me if the computer doesn't sleep - it's not human anyway to need sleep!


Anyway, it's quite strange that even Apple hasn't well implemented the Sleep function on their own macbooks, for me, every macbook I have has a strange issue: when I open the lid it doesn't open the OS so I have to close the lid and open again to get rid of the Sleep state...


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2 hours ago, Ploddles said:

@Cosmin Batica For your shutdown/restart, in BIOS try disabling wake from LAN in your network card section.

It works!!



Now, another issue. At boot, only Catalina and ClearNVRAM appears. I don't have Windows and Repair mode....


Update: a real BIG problem. In Cinebench, CPU temperature aprox. 92 !!!! Something it's not OK, in Windows it hasn't his issue!

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trying to solve my problem with HighSierra I made some interesting (I think) discoveries.

In practice, with the same EFI I can start all the systems I have, but with HighSierra I have kp or instant reboot

Using for example photoshop.

In Big Sur it's perfect no problem

Therefore, it is reasonable to think that the patches for HighSierra are not as good as those for Big Sur (for trx40 I mean)

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2 hours ago, Cosmin Batica said:

It works!!



Now, another issue. At boot, only Catalina and ClearNVRAM appears. I don't have Windows and Repair mode....


Update: a real BIG problem. In Cinebench, CPU temperature aprox. 92 !!!! Something it's not OK, in Windows it hasn't his issue!


In Windows my machine always runs about 10-15 degree cooler.


This has been the case with all the Hackintoshes I have even run, they always run hotter.


For Windows and Repair to appear, try changing Scanpolicy to 0 in your config.plist file.

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39 minutes ago, Ploddles said:


In Windows my machine always runs about 10-15 degree cooler.


This has been the case with all the Hackintoshes I have even run, they always run hotter.


For Windows and Repair to appear, try changing Scanpolicy to 0 in your config.plist file.


Doesn't work with scanpolicy...

It's strange beceause I haven't the option to boot to second NVME in BIOS until I enable CSM, but in this case Catalina won't work, and so on...


Really I never have so many problems with a hackintosh like with threadripper....

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First off, huge thanks to the Senior Members and Supporters here for all the work you do.  The spirit here is really encouraging.


I have a 3960x Designare setup similar to @meina222.  I grabbed the most recent OC debug package and @meina222's EFI (from 8/31?) and compared my MMIO output and it was the same. Up and running in 10.15.6. Sleep seems to be working. Haven't tried a shutdown yet but restart is working.  I also removed the 5700X stuff and the Radeon VII is showing and Davinci was playing back nicely (haven't dug in too much).  Need to update my adobe apps and start testing those.


First things i notice are an error after boot up is a message that I have installed too much ram.  I think it is confused which slots i am using.  About this mac, memory tab is wrong although the system report shows them in the correct spots. I'm sure i need to get my ports all figured out, i'll do that later.


Need to test Thunderbolt and SPF+ Solar Flare card also.  they are not visible anywhere but nothing is plugged in.


Audio is distorted and showing as Realtek USB2.0.  I might try some different things there.


also on Logitek MX Keys my Opt and Command keys are backward.


I'll be able to start messing with some of this later.


Thanks again for all the hard work, this is exciting

Screen Shot 2020-09-13 at 12.14.55 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-09-13 at 12.25.51 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-09-13 at 12.26.48 PM.png

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18 minutes ago, fabiosun said:

@thebwack welcome here and thak for your report

you can avoid memory error or using an Imacpro1.1 SMbios or if you stay in 7.1 you have to use a kext or a patch (I am not using it because I do not see any advantage to do this)


Ok thanks I’ll try imacpro1,1

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4 hours ago, Cosmin Batica said:


Doesn't work with scanpolicy...

It's strange beceause I haven't the option to boot to second NVME in BIOS until I enable CSM, but in this case Catalina won't work, and so on...


Really I never have so many problems with a hackintosh like with threadripper....


I'm running designare. catalina and have CSM disabled and I'm also not seeing my Windows or Repair options.  If i come up with something i'll let you know.

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10 hours ago, Rocket88 said:

I have never been able to get sleep to work. As far a shutdown goes, with the correct MMIO whitelist, my shutdown works great. Make sure Energy Saver is set to "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically..."

My main problem now is that I get a code 99 on my Asrock Creator when I power on my machine, even when I use windows.

@Rocket88 I have this exact problem also in my VM proxmox OSX. Switch off your power supply (mains switch) for 10 seconds and then try to boot again. I was not able to solve this but I think it is somehow related to the onboard RGB lighting on the asrock motherboard.

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You can add Windows etc manually to the config.plist.


THIS LINK will explain how to do it. Ignore the first bits about the installation, you are only interested in the Openshell bits and what to look for to enter in the Misc part of config.plist. There are probably clearer instructions on the internet but if you follow it carefully you will find the bits you need.

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5 hours ago, Cosmin Batica said:


Doesn't work with scanpolicy...

It's strange beceause I haven't the option to boot to second NVME in BIOS until I enable CSM, but in this case Catalina won't work, and so on...


Really I never have so many problems with a hackintosh like with threadripper....


14 minutes ago, Ploddles said:



You can add Windows etc manually to the config.plist.


THIS LINK will explain how to do it. Ignore the first bits about the installation, you are only interested in the Openshell bits and what to look for to enter in the Misc part of config.plist. There are probably clearer instructions on the internet but if you follow it carefully you will find the bits you need.


scan policy = 0 seems to have made windows visible but i don't see my repair volume.  Thanks @Ploddles I'll look thru that link.




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I don't know if anyone else has had this problem, but since switching to the Big Sur betas, the desktop organization does not stay in place between boots. That is, if I place things in a certain order, they return to a disorganized pattern after re-boot.


A bit of searching came up with a solution. The problem is due to a corrupted ".DS_Store" file on the Desktop; the fix is to delete this invisible file (a good copy will auto regenerate on re-boot). Organize the Desktop as you like, delete this file, re-boot, and items will remain in the locations on the Desktop where you specified.


To remove the ".DS_Store" file, use Terminal, typing the following:


1. cd Desktop

2. sudo ls

3. enter your pw

4. (verify the presence of ".DS_Store" and that you're seeing Desktop items)

5. rm -f .DS_Store


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25 minutes ago, thebwack said:



scan policy = 0 seems to have made windows visible but i don't see my repair volume.  Thanks @Ploddles I'll look thru that link.





You need to press the Spacebar while the OC menu items are on screen to reveal your Recovery disks as well as Auxillary items.


I routinely flag items in the Tool section as  Auxillary = Yes, so that they're only visible when pressing the Spacebar. But you first must enable HideAuxillary to keep these items hidden unless you want them always visible during a boot. I don't like seeing them unless I need them.


A few iterations ago, OC needed "0" for the Scan Policy to be able to boot into BS Recovery; this is no longer required. I think the ScanPolicy I've shown below is preferable to 0 so as not to see EFI folders and other garbage.



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12 hours ago, Rocket88 said:

I have never been able to get sleep to work. As far a shutdown goes, with the correct MMIO whitelist, my shutdown works great. Make sure Energy Saver is set to "Prevent computer from sleeping automatically..."

My main problem now is that I get a code 99 on my Asrock Creator when I power on my machine, even when I use windows.

99 error? Check BIOS for correct boot up devices... if all fails refresh the 99? Or could be a problem related to PCI-E devices.

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2 hours ago, iGPU said:


You need to press the Spacebar while the OC menu items are on screen to reveal your Recovery disks as well as Auxillary items.


I routinely flag items in the Tool section as  Auxillary = Yes, so that they're only visible when pressing the Spacebar. But you first must enable HideAuxillary to keep these items hidden unless you want them always visible during a boot. I don't like seeing them unless I need them.


A few iterations ago, OC needed "0" for the Scan Policy to be able to boot into BS Recovery; this is no longer required. I think the ScanPolicy I've shown below is preferable to 0 so as not to see EFI folders and other garbage.



thanks! that makes a lot of sense.  I'm switching a lot Windows/Mac so this is great, I can hide recovery but have my two OS's visible.  appreciate it.

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17 minutes ago, thebwack said:

thanks! that makes a lot of sense.  I'm switching a lot Windows/Mac so this is great, I can hide recovery but have my two OS's visible.  appreciate it.


When I want to boot into Windows (or Linux), I simply hold down the F11 (or F12, depending on mobo) key, to directly boot from BIOS into Windows (or Linux). Not very difficult. If you boot from OC, you're potentially running into problems with OC settings fouling up Windows (or Linux). I just don't see the advantage of using OC for booting into anything but macOS.


The other thing that is commonly done, which also makes no sense to me, is setting the SMBIOS to MacPro7,1. The latter has no current advantage with respect to performance (I've tested several times over the past year both in VM and bare metal, in both Catalina and BS, and on Intel and AMD platforms) and only leads to various errors in memory and PCIe lanes issues that some add-on kexts don't fully fix. Why bother?


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@Jaidy, I haven't tried sleep/wake recently. I tend to use the computer and then just shut down when I am finished. Old habit from Windows a long time ago that had problems after waking from sleep and I'd end up rebooting anyway. It has probably been fixed in Windows but old habits die hard.

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Problems with sleep and shutdown are now (auto)solved, don't ask me how, just they work now.


The issue with the big temperature I temporary solved with a proper CPU cooler with airflow. I ordered one of the best AIO liquid cooler, but I'll have to wait a couple of days until arrive.

In the mean time, the result is NOT ok for long term, but temperatures don't rise more than 89 until high load. I know this must be no more than 70, so all my hope is now in the water cooliong system.


WhatsApp Image 2020-09-14 at 17.08.27.jpg

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