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Guide to configuring Apple services (iCloud, AppStore, FaceTime, iMessage)


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- iCloud and AppStore do not depend strictly on a correct SMBIOS configuration, just a correct network configuration (Ethernet en0) and a "valid" Apple account, this because these two services are also provided on Windows PC.


FaceTime and iMessage instead are Apple owners and for various issues are subject to more stringent rules; the following is a procedure to configure your hardware at the best, one that gives good chances of success, even if not certainty.


In addition, one thing that helps a lot is having an iPhone, because the verification of this also passes through the sending of a text message. In this case our account has a "superior" validity that also affects our Hackintosh.


- Better if this configuration is done before installing it; if it is not possible, do not connect to the Internet and / or try to log in to any service before completing it.





- choose one that reflects your hardware, in most cases just choose the one that provides a processor similar to the one you have. If there are any doubts, it is better to ask in the forum; a correct initial choice avoids having to change the parameters later with the risk of complicating things.



"Serial Number":


- do not accept what is proposed automatically by Clover, but click several times on "Generate New" and, when you feel satisfied, check that it is valid. To do this, go to this link first:




insert your serial and make sure it is recognized and refer to the model of Mac that you are emulating.


If the result is positive, let's go to this link:




The result of the search must be as in the image, if by chance the verification shows us that the serial belongs to a real Mac repeat the procedure from the beginning until you reach the desired result.






"Board Serial Number":


- this parameter, which is generated at the same time as the "Serial Number", also corresponds to "MLB" which we find in "Rt Variables" and which is often automatically generated by Clover without ever corresponding to the "Board Serial Number", so it is better to reset " MLB "or paste the same value as" Board Serial Number ".





- is a 128 Bit unique identifier and is a value that is usually unjustly underestimated. How MLB, Clover can take this value from two different fields, Custom UUID and SmUUID; I prefer to use the first one, because Clover is "trained" to use the last 12 numbers of SmUUID to generate the ROM value in case the relative field is not compiled and also, if compiled, to have 2 different values ​​for the same function "could" be deleterious .


It is a parameter that is passed from the motherboard and that intervenes in the creation of the "Platform UUID". Now less, but until recently it was not uncommon for motherboards that provided erroneous and erratic value (AKA Sid-Bug) with all the consequences of the case. Create one with Clover by clicking the "Generate New" option several times in the "System parameters" section, to prevent the issue.


It has another advantage; in case we had to replace our motherboard for some reason (with one that foresees the same smbios of course) Apple would not even notice it. If we had allowed the value provided by the system to be injected, we would have received a request to log in again to the various services with all the risks involved.





- Also for this value (which we find in "Rt Variables") the considerations made for the "Custom UUID" are valid. Let's create one and save ourselves some headaches.



Before continuing, two considerations;


-it is a prerequisite that the NVRAM works, because all this data is there that are stored to be supplied to Apple services. To determine if it is native or we should use emuvariable + RC Script, follow this guide:





- All this data must also be "persistent" after a restart. To verify this use "iMessage_debug" (attached);


launch the script, save the result, restart, repeat the operation and check that the result exactly matches the previous one.




- When we have conscientiously completed the procedure we can move on to log into the services, starting with iCloud and AppStore; iCloud is a prerequisite for FaceTime and iMessage, if not working or not correctly configured do not even try to access the latter.




- If FaceTime and iMessages do not work in spite of everything, bringing patience is the best thing. Wait a few days checking occasionally if the situation is unblocked; if it were not so, let's try changing all the parameters. In this case we must also do the following:




1 - Disconnect from iCloud and AppStore:




2 - Delete all the files/folders from ~/Library/Caches starting with:














3 - Delete all the files/folders from ~/Library/Preferences starting with:


















Empty the trash and restart.




If we still have problems, we will repeat the steps previously illustrated and than in:








we also delete what starts with:












- It is likely that you will be unable to delete some of these files because they are in use in the associated process; in this case, open Activity Monitor and try to close the following services:














and try to delete the files (it may also be that you have to try several times before you can), empty the recycle bin and reboot the system.


There have been cases in which the operation could be done only by starting in Single User Mode, deleting the files and emptying the bin from the terminal.


(Delete everything previously described is a prerequisite for a possible success of the procedure)



Edited by iCanaro
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