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  • Gigabyte TRX40 Designare | 64GB | Vega 56 | 2TB Sabrent Gold


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  1. Thank you for your response! As you can see in pics attached, I am using opencore.efi debug version, and 67 on Target. But I am getting this Access Denied! so I never get to the Opencore boot menu to build a txt file that includes MMIO.
  2. Hello fabiosun, Trying to get my MMIO Whitelist info for my X870 MSI. When I use the Opencore Release OC 1.0.3 I get to the Opencore boot menu with no issue. Starts to boot but then boot loop as there is no MMIO Whitelist included in the config. So when I use OC 1.0.3 Opencore.efi debug I get the boot menu as in the attached pic, but then a boot loop. I never get to the Opencore boot menu. Any idea?
  3. I found the problem. My mistake. Wrong ethernet kext. Thanks!
  4. Did you have a boot loop error with this board? Please see my video. Thanks! OC IOUSB error.mp4.zip
  5. OC 0.6.2 initial boot error loop - IOUSB Host Device Please see the video showing the boot error. OC 0.6.2 i7-10700K 32GB DDR4 3200 Sabrent 256GB NVME OC IOUSB error.mp4.zip
  6. Tried to boot and get: [EB|#LOG:EXITBS:START] Maybe your never bios helps. My bios is f4i.
  7. Thank you meina222! I did disable wake on lan and with the graphics card in slot 1,3,4 it hangs on the desktop. But with the graphics in slot 2 it turns off for 2 seconds, then back on. I am not quite sure which MMIO's to enable, currently all 14 out of 18 are enabled. The last 4 I removed (skip 0).
  8. Something interesting: With the Vega 56 in Slot 1,3,4 it will hang on desktop image. In Slot 2 it shutdowns and restarts.
  9. Here is the log. I also added the ioreg. opencore-2020-10-13-084205.txt.zip Gigabyte TRX40 Designare ioreg.zip
  10. Here is my EFI. I tried the ethernet setting on both controllers and still no complete shutdown, only reboot. Thank you! config.plist.zip
  11. Thanks to iGPU I was able to get shutdown to work using MMIO whitelist, but now when you shutdown it restarts.
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