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Ploddles last won the day on June 19 2023

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About Ploddles

  • Birthday 02/03/1952


  • Southend, UK


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  1. That updated kext solves the issue, thank you. Are there any advantages using that rather than AppleIntelI210Ethernet.kext?
  2. Thank you my genius friend. I now have it working as it should. The kext you use for the ethernet card (AppleIGC.kext) does not work for me. If I enable that kext and disable AppleIntelI210Ethernet.kext my system just hangs at a black screen. If I disable both of those kexts the same thing happens, I just get a black screen. Enabling AppleIntelI210Ethernet.kext (with the e1000=0 boot arg) and it works again, but ethernet speed is only 10% of what it should be - but that is better than nothing. The AppleIGC.kext I have is V1.5 dated 14 June 2024. I will experiment with a few things over the weekend.
  3. Here is the config.plist. As far as I am aware I have all the patches. config.plist.zip
  4. No change for me in Beta 4. It is still totally unusable because of the graphics glitches, e.g totally red screen in web browser windows, the same for mail messages and often the whole screen becomes unreadable or lags when you click anything..
  5. Yes it is Corsair but it doesn't happen in Windows and didn't happen before updating to OC 1.0.0 and the new patches & Sequoia. I do have another power supply I could try but that won't be for a few days as I am busy.
  6. Just adding the extra patches resulted in a very unstable/unusable system. So I deleted all existing patches and installed the ones from above along with the latest versions of the kexts. (I removed patches that were only for earlier versions of macOS - those before Sonoma) The system is generally OK in both Sonoma & Sequoia BUT it randomly just turns off - I hear a click and the whole system is off. This results in the power buttons on the case not working. The only way to get the system up again is to remove the power cable from the power supply and leave it for 10 seconds or so and then it will turn on again when I reconnect the power cable. Very, very strange. This happens in both Sonoma & Sequoia but a lot more often in Sequoia.
  7. Mine is now installed. The main problem was I had accidentally not increased one of the max settings in the patch list. However it is very unstable even after updating Lilu. I couldn’t find updated versions of WEG or Virtualsmc.
  8. Still no joy for me on my 7950X. Where do we get the updated versions of those kexts? I only have the latest release version from the acidanthera GitHub page, e.g the Lilu one is version 1.6.7 dated Aug 7, 2023.
  9. Thanks, I must have missed that somewhere along the line. I'll give it a go at the weekend.
  10. No joy for me at the moment, I'll have to go on the hunt for the latest kexts as I thought I had the latest release versions of them all, but obviously not. Using the latest release of Opencore 1.0.0 😞
  11. Try locking your memory speed at 5200 if you haven't done that already. Mine randomly reboots if it is set any higher.
  12. If you are using the Intel wifi kext make sure you use the "AirportItlwm-Sonoma14.4-v2.3.0-DEBUG-alpha-e886ebb" one (or newer) - it has to be the one comparable with Sonoma 14.4. Before you run the update disable your wifi and Bluetooth kexts and then re-enable after the update.
  13. Go back to your original config and disable the Bluetooth and Wireless kexts. The update should then run fine. After it has finished you can re-enable the Bluetooth and Wireless kexts. If you are using the Intel wifi kext make sure you use the "AirportItlwm-Sonoma14.4-v2.3.0-DEBUG-alpha-ef2e076" or newer version - it has to be the one comparable with Sonoma 14.4.
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