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Everything posted by iGPU

  1. I'd given you other re-names, but they overlapped with the AX200 eliminator SSDT. So I re-did the batch for you. I think you can safely use all of them. Note that there is a v2 of the EC-USBX SSDT file.
  2. I happy this worked! This is technique I'd used on the X570 build. Basically, the SSDT simply re-defines all of the USB ports as is done in DSDT file, but leaving out PRT5. PRT5 then disappears. I also re-named the 2 USB devices XHC and XHCI, but did not try to re-name PRTx or HS0x. If you study the SSDT you'll understand how it works. If you ever wanted to re-activate PRT5, just enter it into the list, being careful of the port numbers.
  3. FYI, I tend to compile the latest OC commits. Currently, it is v061 12 Aug. However, this version and the commit from 11 Aug do not boot into Catalina on the TRX40. I have not taken the time to investigate as I'm working Shutdown and TB issues. However, to get the computer to boot, I use v061 9 Aug, which seems very stable, and must perform a reset NVRAM from OC menu before booting. Otherwise, the computer only enters into Recovery. I've even tried this with Debug version. Perhaps some other settings in Quirks are necessary. Anyhow, just a heads up. BTW, what the EFI that I'd uploaded earlier in this thread is v061 9 Aug, so this is good to go.
  4. I'm seeing the exact same behavior. I think it briefly improved after re-setting NVRAM. I have another set of SSDT and ACPI patches that work on the Intel side to see if they work here. One specifically addresses USB.
  5. I found 10.15.5 beta was stable under Proxmox, but I had crashes once I upgraded to 10.15.6. There were reports that 10.15.6 was unstable under VMware, so now an apparent fix:
  6. Some worked; ETH0 didn't. DevProp injects info for PCI section. The SSDT simply renames devices; nothing spectacular.
  7. OK, based on this, here is a different approach to remove the AX200 by removing PRT5. Use this SSDT (attached below) instead of the NoAX200 SSDT: do not use NoAX200 nor the XHCx-Rename SSDTs. Let me know how this gets on for you. *** I don't think this type of kext shows up. Just like RadeonBoost nor AGPMInjector show up. I think if kext only contains an info.plist they do not show up. Simply look for TB USB function.
  8. fabiosun, another round for you to test USB-C activity. now there is new SSDT and a kext file to help inject USB properties. The kext file only injects USB for the TB card, no other devices. (I used a similar type of kext file to increase USB speed on an ASRock Z390 ITX build.)
  9. A And I'm seeing same thing with shutdown. I saw before started working on SSDTs. What I've uploaded will have no effect on this problem. It happens with some Hackintoshes. Some settings needs adjustment. Once I figure out (or someone else), I'll post solution. Oh, so does that disappear when unplugged? If so, then don't use that SSDT; otherwise it will cancel that connector. (But not a big deal; once any SSDT is disabled and computer rebooted, all goes back to stock.)
  10. Bottom line: did it work? Educated guess: that device is a USB device and the AX200 needs power and I saw following:
  11. fabiosun, Maybe try these steps for inactivating protection and getting your NVIDIA drivers to work on Catalina (?) :
  12. The Designare flagged SSDTs are specific to your mobo (and adaptable to others). The ones you listed, are generic and should work on all TRX40 mobos. The Designare ones mostly rename devices in IORE and inject n properties (we can later modify and I'll show you after to get them working), except for the AX200 one, which cancels the device, making it disappear from IORE. If you want to test the waters, start with the ETHO and AX200 ones, then add the XHCx and the ANSI ones later.
  13. Just keep what you are using. Later, you can examine inside to see if any changes. *** I'm not so concerned about appearance as function. Does USB-C work? (And remember, USB-2 does not work on TB port.)
  14. When you try the SSDT files, I would create an EFI on a USB card, placing your bootable EFI folder on it. Then add the new SSDT's and boot from it. That way, if there is a problem, you can more easily isolate and have an alternative way of getting into Catalina bare metal. *** fabiosun, please try this TB-SSDT to see if it helps USB functionality.
  15. I should be able to make an SSDT to cancel the AX200. But I don't know what I'm seeing in your IORegistryExplorer (IORE): is there only the AX200, or do you also have a BT/Wifi AIC? If you also have a BT AIC, please remove it (and again add the TB AIC) and re-run IORE and upload that, as I don't want to cancel the BT/Wifi AIC. UPDATE: My guess is you do have the BT AIC. Ok to leave it. I think I finished the SSDT (no TB yet; I need updated IORE; this could influence some other SSDTs). This includes a preliminary AX200 SSDT. Let me know how it works. I've included several SSDTs. The titles suggest their actions. Pick and choose as you wish.
  16. Attached is my IORegistryExplorer file. You'll see more XHCx substitutions that I've created as macOS is creating all XHC0 for most entries and I wanted to dissociate them from one another. I'll upload that SSDT later. I'll work on the USB. I may have to transfer one of my GB TR from another build, so I can make certain to get USB working. This is not un-common. It takes tweaking of the DSB2 section to sometimes get USB working. Don't despair, it will work!
  17. I'll prepare a set for you. Give me a day or so. It should be easy as the TRX40 chips have much in common. As for TB AIC, place in slot 4, farthest from CPU. You can connect the TB header to mobo and do not need to do the jumper routine that those of us without a TB header must do. Even if you simply place it in slot 4 with header and upload another copy of IORegistryExporer for me.
  18. Using Catalina 10.15.6 on Bare Metal, I'm able to see the Big Sur drive and copy items to and from it. When I had Catalina inside the VM, I could only see the "Update" drive.
  19. I re-ran 'csrutil disable' in Catalina Recovery. Once back in Catalina, I had same results when running 'csrutil status'. However, I then ran in Terminal "sudo mount -uw /" and this then allowed me to copy images into "Desktop Pictures" folder inside System/Library (I basically copied the Big Sur desktop images as I like those photos better than Catalina). I was also able to run "CPU-Name.command" and re-label the processor as "32-Core AMD 3970X Threadripper". So run "sudo mount -uw /" and I think you might be able to get around SIP. (Note that "sudo mount -uw /" is turned off on re-start.)
  20. The new TB SSDT I uploaded should give you this ideal response. We both have similar TB cards (GB Alpine Ridge and GB Titan Ridge) in slot 4. This means both appear in same location for each of us with same address for our IORegistryExplorer files. So using this TB SSDT should work really well (certainly mine did and the SSDT files are almost identical). If you remove the TB-DevProp section (or comment it out), and you use the new TB-SSDT, then you should see TB section inside SystemInfo/PCI. Can you show me this section after doing this step, such as seen in my setup? Thanks.
  21. I can provide SSDT with only re-naming (except for TB). This is all that I use, since I inject PCI data via DevProperties in OC. Attached are files that are what I use; no re-name for ETHx, Aquantia and NVMe. These cause no KP on my machine.
  22. My EFI upload yesterday is v061 and will work as is. Nothing fancy inside. BTW, I do have these boot arg: "brcmfx-driver=2 alcid=1 npci=0x2000" (I left "Above 4G encoding" enabled in BIOS). I've had no time to boot without it. (I must leave for work now, so tonight I test.) And yes, you need a firmware flashed TB card, either Alpine Ridge, which is what I have laying around, or Titan Ridge. *** Results (I have SIP disabled inside OpenCore). I tried disabling in Recovery, but it does not stick): System Integrity Protection status: unknown (Custom Configuration). Configuration: Apple Internal: disabled Kext Signing: disabled Filesystem Protections: disabled Debugging Restrictions: disabled DTrace Restrictions: disabled NVRAM Protections: disabled BaseSystem Verification: disabled This is an unsupported configuration, likely to break in the future and leave your machine in an unknown state
  23. Here are updated SSDTs (all of them). Please delete all previous SSDT uploads from me. I added some injections so you'll see entries in the SystemInfo/PCI section now. Let me know how it's working (or not). One more thing: remove the TB related DevProp from OpenCore. This information is inside the SSDT and would be redundant.
  24. fabiosun, I got all SSDT working! I'll update all SSDT shortly. Here is result of proper TB, Alpine Ridge: After hot-plugging an external TB drive: Hackintool:
  25. Here are the Cinebench 15 results. I think this version only tests 1 GPU unlike LuxMark that can test both.
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