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Posts posted by fabiosun

  1. no no io intendevo se c'e' anche una ISO Pro 64 bit fatta da microsoft come la Enterprise


    io che ho 2 licenze pro a 64 bit posso scaricare per sostituire queste aggiornate ieri (che vanno bene tra l'altro)


    Solitamente disattivo a mano tutto quello che posso fare


    ma se si parte da nan versione pulita..meglio :)

  2. When I have had your same system I have optimized it using only 3 mandatory patches or KernelXCPM flag (I preferred 3 patches state)






    2)Brumbaer IOCPIfamily kext patch


    3) Pikeralpha reboot fix kernel patches




    And this should be valid also for you




    Obviously with my I9 7980Xe now I have eliminated all of this and system starts pretty vanilla


    So it is up to you the choice :)


    Remember all it is possible also to use your actual DDR4 ECC in new X299 (official specific is not true for Asus X299 Sage (not latest bios) and for Gigabyte Designare EX (bios F2 and F3)


    I have talked with gigabyte technical service and they say with latest bios is not possible to use anymore Rdimm etc DDR4


    In these days DDR4 is a pain to buy..and there are no advantages in performance if you use ddr4 @2133 or @4000...


    Due High TDP you will need of a liquid cooling system to have a nice OC if you want

    • Like 1
  3. si rimaneva appena lanciata sulla schermata della app


    ho provato tutto quello che ho trovato in rete ma niente


    l'aggiornamento l'ha sistemata


    avevo anche provato a disinstallarla e ricaricarla dallo store..



  4. misembra 1803 e non 1809 ed ora e' fermo al 93% da un po'..no si e' mosso al 94% :)




    Ha scritto dopo 7 minuti 2 secondi:


    comunque ha finito tra un po' spero


    sapremo :)




    Ha scritto dopo 3 minuti 10 secondi:


    Tra parentesi con questo redstone 5 su x79 di mia moglie mi ha risolto un problema con POSTA di windows 10 che non andava più' e ne avevo provati tanti di fix

  5. a me e' andata bene anche con la x79 della moglie




    ora sto aggiornando il portatile della mamma..e ' un COMPAQ Presario CQ61 Celeron T3000


    speriamo bene :)


    lo sto aggiornando tramite mediacreation tool :)




    Ha scritto dopo 34 secondi:


    vediamo dove me lo porta..mi sembra di aver letto 1803...

  6. Ciao KK89




    take a look here



    comment = "_cpuid_set_info_rdmsr";


    // PMheart: attempt to add 10.14 compatibility


    if (os_version >= AsciiOSVersionToUint64("10.12") && os_version


    - // 10.12 - 10.13


    + // 10.12 - 10.14


    STATIC UINT8 find[] = { 0xB9, 0xA0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x32 };


    STATIC UINT8 repl[] = { 0xB9, 0xA0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0xC0 };


    applyKernPatch(kern, find, sizeof(find), repl, comment);


    @@ -1065,9 +1066,10 @@




    return TRUE;








    DBG("Searching _xcpm_pkg_scope_msr ...\n");


    if (os_version >= AsciiOSVersionToUint64("10.12")) {


    + // 10.12+


    patchLocation = 0; // clean out the value just in case


    for (i = 0; i


    if (kern[i+0] == 0xBE && kern[i+1] == 0x07 && kern[i+2] == 0x00 && kern[i+3] == 0x00 &&


    @@ -1096,14 +1098,14 @@


    STATIC UINT8 find[] = { 0x83, 0xC3, 0xC4, 0x83, 0xFB, 0x22 };


    STATIC UINT8 repl[] = { 0x83, 0xC3, 0xC6, 0x83, 0xFB, 0x22 };


    applyKernPatch(kern, find, sizeof(find), repl, comment);


    - } else if (os_version >= AsciiOSVersionToUint64("10.12.6") && os_version


    - // 10.12.6 - 10.12.x


    + } else if (os_version


    + // 10.12.6


    STATIC UINT8 find[] = { 0x8D, 0x43, 0xC4, 0x83, 0xF8, 0x22 };


    STATIC UINT8 repl[] = { 0x8D, 0x43, 0xC6, 0x83, 0xF8, 0x22 };


    applyKernPatch(kern, find, sizeof(find), repl, comment);


    + // PMheart: attempt to add 10.14 compatibility


    } else if (os_version


    - // PMheart: attempt to add 10.14 compatibility


    - // 10.13.x/10.14.x


    + // 10.13/10.14


    STATIC UINT8 find[] = { 0x89, 0xD8, 0x04, 0xC4, 0x3C, 0x22 };


    STATIC UINT8 repl[] = { 0x89, 0xD8, 0x04, 0xC6, 0x3C, 0x22 };


    applyKernPatch(kern, find, sizeof(find), repl, comment);


    and focalize this line :


    comment = "_cpuid_set_info_rdmsr";


    // PMheart: attempt to add 10.14 compatibility


    if (os_version >= AsciiOSVersionToUint64("10.12") && os_version


    - // 10.12 - 10.13


    + // 10.12 - 10.14


    STATIC UINT8 find[] = { 0xB9, 0xA0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0F, 0x32 };


    STATIC UINT8 repl[] = { 0xB9, 0xA0, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0xC0 };


    applyKernPatch(kern, find, sizeof(find), repl, comment);




    this code is from /rEFIt_UEFI/Platform/kernel_patcher.c inside clover


    so if you check KERNELXCPM flag it uses all patches it thinks useful for detected cpu




    Cupid_set_info_rdmsr will be :














    I hope this can help to understand ;)




    Ha scritto dopo 19 minuti 24 secondi:


    attached c files where you can locate all patches used for Broadwell and other cpu

    • Like 1
  7. "kingkong89" post_id="15707" time="1538607337" user_id="612">

    kernelXCPM must be checked in my config.plist to run Mojave..




    My Bios is patched with MSR 0xE2 register unlock, the xcpm is working without patches in kernel patch, only need the performance patch. I'm happy with the system. Only thing is it does not perform as well in mojave as in HS. about 10% slow, check using geekbench.


    Yes till you will find exact patches for you


    XCPM kernel patches is an automatic way to patch kernel for unsupported Cpu as your XEON


    If you remember till High Sierra I have had an identical system to yours


    For our system was mandatory to have


    1) fakecpuid


    2) Brumbaer IOCPIFamily kext patch


    3) only reboot fix (piker alpha) (also with/without patched bios


    then if you have EIST enabled in bios to have performance you have to use oarksit performance fix




    Said this


    KernleXCPM allow to boot without fakecpuid and reboot fix (brumbaer instead should be mandatory)


    if you have time, searching on clover code in clover repo, you will find exact patch with KernelXCPM flag uses for your cpu and you can decide to use it without that flag in usual way




    About 10% is too much maybe you have to refine better your settings cleaning unuseful things but only you can know :)




    or ... :)


    update @ x299 system


    your old Xeon is today a great value and in same case you can also use your ECC unsupported DIMM as I do (they are working well with designare EX and with X299 Sage (not latest bios)

    • Like 1
  8. ciao


    e' uno script


    in teoria se hai scaricato tutto dalla repo dovrebbe fare da se


    se non ricordo male c'era pure una app che faceva tutto


    comunque a grandi linee lo script produce i dati corretti per il PM della tua cpu (sicuramente supportata dallo script)


    pero' prima dovresti avere la pazienza di ripulire tutto










    mi eri antipatico dopo le prime risposte :)


    stai migliorando..pero' almeno le basi :P




    scherzo eh...

  9. If you want you can delete all ssdt for nvme and study to create a ssdt for usb


    it is pretty simple


    now I have activated automatic kernel XCPM in clover but you can achieve it also in other ways. with right kernel patches




    I have no more your kind of cpu so I am limited in helping (no chance to test) :9


    Have a nice Hack :)




    Ha scritto dopo 3 minuti 21 secondi:


    for vectorfrequency


    try to use ImacPro 1.1 smbios


    It is working well and it has FV injected by default


    Very usefull also for Nvidia Policy problem we have with MacPro 6.1 smbios

    • Like 1
  10. No :)


    parti dalla configurazione base che ti funzionava che mi pare ti abbia fornito Icanaro


    poi da li provi gli aggiustamenti


    sempre se vuoi


    considera pewr la tua cpu puoi usare anche il vecchio script di pikeralpha




    che lanciandolo ti crea un ssdt valido per la tua cpu


    oppure da clover puoi fare la stessa cosa


    Generate states o simile e' la voce che devi cercare


    ora con il NULL che stai usando la tua cpu ha tre stati


    1.2 Ghz


    3.0 ghz (forse non conosco bene le tu specifiche


    4.x Ghz (il massimo clock che puo' raggiungere




    quindi se sei contento cosi' ben, altrimenti parti da una efi e soprattutto un sistema pulito (il pkg ti ha messo cose in posti dove non hai bisogno che ci sia nulla del genere :P

  11. @jimiz grazie per la notizia (cuda)


    ma utilizzo di NullCPU power management al giorno d'oggi e' un po' sconsigliato e superato


    hai provato ad utilizzare con un nuovo clover esclusivamente le KernelXCPM? e magari se non usi un ssdt apposito per la cpu a generare gli stati sempre da clover?

  12. http://www.amazon.it/SAPPHIRE-Nitro-Radeon-4GD5-GDDR5/dp/B0797XLR9Z/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1538482700&sr=1-2&keywords=rx+580">www.amazon.it/SAPPHIRE-Nitro-Radeon-4GD ... rds=rx+580">www.amazon.it/SAPPHIRE-Nitro-Radeon-4GD5-GDDR5/dp/B0797XLR9Z/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1538482700&sr=1-2&keywords=rx+580




    Ha scritto dopo 45 secondi:


    qui a Roma arriva domani..


    poi se te la regala Icanaro per Natale magari e' meglio :P

  13. Have you used also kext in others and driver64uefi I insert in it?


    could you post only clover folder (working one in your system with High Sierra)?


    also you should post where system hangs in verbose (take a photo of it)






    Ha scritto dopo 11 minuti 14 secondi:


    I see also now you have in signature a Vega 64 (Nitro+), I think is not there your hang ;)

    • Like 1
  14. Ciao Kingkong89




    your efi is using too many kernel patches and in kext you are using many old kext


    I will try to give you a simple config.plist for it but you should also use latest kext and maybe also new drivers64 uefi I think




    Ha scritto dopo 8 minuti 30 secondi:


    I see also many unusefull ssdt for Nvme and old method to map correctly USB ports


    If I don't mind you have an Asus x99 deluxe 2


    You can use this guide to map it in new and fast way








    if you can put in your signature your hardware :)


    Thank you


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