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  1. FYI. I have worked for hours trying to sort out why I could not get Shutdown to properly work. I won't even list all of the things I investigated (but they involved BIOS, ACPI, kexts, DevProp, MMIO and other OC settings). Shutdown would work perhaps 1/10 times; just enough to tease and lead me in one direction and then another. I finally found the source of the problem. It was my keyboard (here). It was triggering the panic reboots. Once the keyboard was removed, Shutdown began working well (Sleep is also working). Bottom line: remember to check hardware issues when things aren't working as expected.
    4 points
  2. MSI Customized DSDT File While working on the USB problem for Thunderbolt, which is now fully working on meina222's GB mobo, I did a comparison of the GB DSDT and the MSI Creator DSDT to see if there are power injection differences. There were, plus some other differences. The basic differences were: a large section seemingly devoted to Windows (towards the end of the file; shown in Spoiler below) not at all present on GB, 10 fewer GPRW references on the MSI file, and some errors in 8 sections that would not compile (but were okay on GB). After removing the Windows section and applying the other fixes, I came up with a customized DSDT file. It booted easily with no apparent issues. (Note: if you're not booting into Windows via OC, this customized DSDT file won't matter. Boot into Windows from BIOS and this DSDT modified file will have zeros influence.) I believe this customized DSDT file will work on all MSI (and maybe even most TRX40, but I don't know as I cannot test; note: no GB user should use as it is a derivative). The customized DSDT file is attached below. When derived for my MSI, I did have Above 4G enabled; I don't know if this matters. Customized DSDT first in OC/ACPI: While this customized DSDT so far does not enable USB on TB on the MSI (I'm still working on it), it did surprisingly, raise test results as shown below. The FPS increased from 97 to 142 (previous results here). This is rather significant. Also, the CPU scores increased from 7700 to 8000. All results are bare metal in Big Sur ß6. One more comment. When going thru the DSDT file, there are many areas where the exact address of the MMIO sections we're using in MmioWhitelist are defined (as shown in Spoiler below for 0xFED00000). 2nd Run:
    3 points
  3. @fabiosun and anyone else who wants to see or use my working EFI folders together with config.plists. If you try, simply edit the Platforminfo UUIDs as usual. Also please check if you receive relinked errors either way (ie your Library/Extensions folder has matching kexts or older kexts in these EFIs match L/E - as you may have to update your kextcache kernel cache properly to get these working. For Proxmox you will need to sort out your MMIO, vm.conf, vfio.conf and bl'cklists. Here's the EFI folders:- Proxmox Catalina Driftwood Proxmox - Catalina EFI FOlder.zip Proxmox Big Sur (last used on beta 2) Driftwood Proxmox - Big Sur EFI Folder.zip Bare Metal Catalina Driftwood Catalina Bare Metal EFI Folder.zip Bare Metal Big Sur (works on beta 6) Driftwood Big Sur Bare Metal EFI Folder.zip
    3 points
  4. The story is from me, I decided to try and reduce the amount of kernel patches applied for AMD system and simply did a test of disabling one patch at a time and seeing if I could boot and checking my WoW game performance. Once I got to the point of my WoW game performance was like it should have been from the beginning I stopped reducing the patches. The reason they are not recommended is because it is not consistent across all AMD systems on what patches can be removed and provide the GPU gaming performance increase.
    2 points
  5. @fabiosun, Here's my OpenGL CB 15 on BS bare metal + stock reference 5700XT
    2 points
  6. Version 063_18_10_0135


    Versione beta di OC aggiornata agli ultimi commit https://github.com/acidanthera/OpenCorePkg
    1 point
  7. You hardly need to buy anything to test. Just looking at Hackintool will tell you if the USB ports are active. Marking up meina222's image above (low res so not much detail) as compared to our MSI. When TB-USB is working, the top section, which shows the available USB devices is same for both mobos. The bottom section, which are the active ports, is populated on the GB mobo by TB USB (XHC5), but is empty on our MSI mobos. The GB mobo properly shows the ports as TypeC+Sw, which are the high speed USB3/C ports. So the SSDT is properly injecting both TB and USB properties on the GB mobo. The 33 firmware is just fine; don't change it. We need to study the meina222's GB DDST file to determine what is different from our MSI DDST file with respect to power for USB. GB mobo: MSI mobo:
    1 point
  8. I often make this mistake and have the habit of double checking while typing, but not this time. IOReg w fix attached. It's now structured as coded. Thanks! On to testing some functionality. MyMacPro.zip System Report: Thunderbolt Bus 3: Vendor Name: GIGABYTE Device Name: Mac Pro UID: 0xA082E226C821B763 Route String: 0 Firmware Version: 33.0 Domain UUID: 3AC728ED-EC64-447D-9971-23EAADD8D456 Port: Status: No device connected Link Status: 0x7 Speed: Up to 40 Gb/s x0 Current Link Width: 0x1 Receptacle: 1 Link Controller Firmware Version: 1.99.0 Port: Status: No device connected Link Status: 0x7 Speed: Up to 40 Gb/s x0 Current Link Width: 0x1 Receptacle: 1 Link Controller Firmware Version: 1.99.0 Port: Status: No device connected Link Status: 0x7 Speed: Up to 40 Gb/s x0 Current Link Width: 0x1 Receptacle: 2 Link Controller Firmware Version: 1.99.0 Port: Status: No device connected Link Status: 0x7 Speed: Up to 40 Gb/s x0 Current Link Width: 0x1 Receptacle: 2 Link Controller Firmware Version: 1.99.0
    1 point
  9. Really? I thought the range is contiguous, so that min 17.00 and max 20.99 would be as fabiosun said (HS, Mojave, Catalina and Big Sur). The only way to isolate a patch is to duplicate. Example, this will exclude Catalina, and only be active for HS, Mojave and Big Sur (if both enabled): one patch set to: : min 17.00, max 18.99 duplicate patch set: min 20.00, max 20.99.
    1 point
  10. I see the error and didn't notice first time when reviewing your SSDT: you have typos. Replace the "O" (ohs) with "0" (zeros). Notice how D0CA is correct: zeros have a slash through the symbol; the capital letter "O" does not. So SOD2 --> S0D2. (This seems to be an American problem: people here say for 405: "four-oh-five", instead of saying "four-zero-five". I believe that this leads to such typos.)
    1 point
  11. Try this one and let me know what happens. As I've said, USB does not presently work on this build. I'm in contact with people (such as CaseySJ) and it will take time. In the meantime, the TB functionality is excellent and this is the main point of the TB card. (After all, we do have many USB ports on the main mobo, so we're not exactly suffering from USB shortages.) SSDT-TBOLT3-v3.aml.zip
    1 point
  12. aspetta la prima uscita stable di big fart prima di valutare idem come sopra
    1 point
  13. I will try VM in a few hours as I'm about to sign off. Here's the reduced set of Kernel patches in BS metal (matching @Driftwood's config). For some reason, I see big jump.
    1 point
  14. @iGPU - could you please help me with the TB SSDT. I tried to attach UPSB to _SB.SOD2.D2A2, but after I reboot nothing seem to change in my IOReg. I posted both SSDT I tried (with customized ROM) and IOReg in @fabiosun's TB thread. I tried to look back yours for reference to this post, but I no longer see the file. Thank you!
    1 point
  15. Version 1.1.2


    ✅Emulatore Apple SMC avanzato nel kernel. Richiede Lilu per il pieno funzionamento.
    1 point
  16. Sorry I have tested only if my card was good x299 has a flashed card bought on eBay and it uses nv23 Elias firmware with a Casey’s ssdt I think i have to leave away some doubts I had in my testing
    0 points
  17. @iGPU I am saying from the first ioreg he posted after flashing and I am crying like a poppy :))))
    0 points
  18. che io ricordi, dovrebbe averne solo 2 di SSDT in opera SSDT-PTXH-SHC1 l'ho fatto provare io per vedere se aiutava per le USB
    0 points
  19. un prossimo step, secondo me, è prendere dei cavi DP di alta qualità... un esempio https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B00XDRV3A8/ che male non fanno, e andranno bene anche in futuro
    0 points
  20. io userei un'altro termine che inizia sempre per c 😂
    0 points
  21. @nick0k sostituisci e prova 🤞 non garantisco niente e pendrive o config di emergenza per avviare in caso problemi altra prova eventualmente da fare, togliere il flag a inject ATI e flaggare invece radeon deinit config.plist EDID.zip
    0 points
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